A Golden Prize Report in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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A Golden Prize

General Summary

The Masked Ball

  As the fireworks die down, everyone in the crowd puts on a mask and starts to mingle. Musicians put hand to harp and mouth to flute, and the warm night is filled with song and dancing. There are several sets of musicians, notably a band of thirteen Dwarves (including Bombur himself) who get into a sort of musical battle with a group of Elves. While the two sides have very different styles (dwarven bombast contrasted with elvish harmonies), they are equally enthusiastic, and end up joining together to produce the strangest music ever heard in the North - but at least you can dance to it!   During the evening, the fellowship meet with an eclectic mix of guests.  
  • Bombur the Fat
  • Elstan, First Captain of Dale
  • Gerold the Mercenary
  • Galia the Archer
  • Lockmand the Merchant
  • Harrod the Fool
  Towards the end of the evening, Lockmand the merchant clambers onto the stage to address the crowd.  
"People of Dale! Tomorrow, there will be a great contest of arms! Swords! Spears! Archery! Let us gather all the defenders of the North, and see which of them is the greatest! In honour of this fine Gathering of Five Armies I shall give a prize to the victor! Behold!"
  He gestures to two of his servants, who drag a huge iron-bound chest onto the stage. Lockmand throws the lid back. Gold and gems spill from the chest, which is crammed with treasure. "For Wilderland!" shouts Lockmand. "For the Free Folk of the North!"  

The Contests

  Lockmand's servants must have worked all night long, for Dale awakens to find that a field has been cleared outside the town, between Ravensgate and the river. The company spot posters nailed to walls, calling for warriors to sign up for the tournament, which begins at noon. The main contests leading up to the Grand Melee are Archery, Strength and Horse Riding. Sigmarr and Arahad enter the archery competition; Monin, the Strength contest, and Hathus the Horse Riding event. The incredible prizes on offer lead to fierce competition, however, despite some serious cross-winds, Siigmarr prevails in the Archery contest, beating Galia by a single shot in the final to earn the winner's prize.   The party fare less well in the melee, although Hathus and Arahad manage to fight through to the latter stages of the contest, cheered on by a battered Monin, and watched by a bruised Sigmarr. As the melee comes to an end, and Elstan prevails, Sigmarr is urged to try and better his feat in the punting competition of two years ago and limps over the the start line on the main canal, not optimistic about his chances. For the second time in the day, though, he surprises a few folk and the stamina built up from many seasons roaming Wilderland holds him in good stead and he crosses the line in first place - his second victory of the day.  

The Victory Feast

  The company - along with virtually every warrior in Dale - is welcome at Lockman's feast. The merchant has raised a party tent in the market square. This is a feast even by Hobbit-standards, where it snows food and rains drink, especially the latter.   By the time the companions arrive, some of their wounds from the melee tended to already, the sun has disappeared behind the stony arms of the Mountain and the barrels of wine and casks of ale have already been opened. After all, tourney fighting is thirsty work! King Bard is not present, nor is Dáin Ironfoot; Gandalf the Grey has already left the city. Bombur, of course, would never miss free food, so he is in a place of honour at the high table, next to Sigmarr and the other winners of the various contests.   In front of the high table is a plinth that bears the chest of gold promised to the winner of the melee and the three small bags of treasure for the best archer, wrestler and rider in Dale. Oddly, there is no sign of Lockmand, the merchant who organised the whole dinner.
Report Date
11 Oct 2020

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Cover image: Land of Skyrim by Jonas De Ro


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