Byrgol Character in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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In the Gladden Fields, a brave Hobbit is usually a dead Hobbit. This is not the Shire, protected by Rangers and Wizards — this is the Wild. If a Hobbit is caught by an Orc or even a Man, his fate is likely to be a grim one. Therefore, wise wild Hobbits hide in the undergrowth when the Big Folk go by, and stay almost invisible in the shadows.   Byrgol is a brave Hobbit. He found a sword in a wrecked boat — it’s really more of a long knife — and stole it. He’s proved surprisingly successful in battle — a well-placed stab from below has emptied the guts of more than a few Orcs.

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Cover image: Land of Skyrim by Jonas De Ro


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