Ceawin The Generous Character in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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Ceawin The Generous

Ceawin is chieftain of a tribe of men who once lived the West Nether Vales of Anduin. When word reached them that the Dragon was dead, Ceawin's father led them east, around the southern edge of Mirkwood and through the Brown Lands to the East Bight. There, they have settled, and begun to farm. Ceawin is close friends with the Woodmen of Woodmen Town and Rhosgobel, and intends to unite his people with them. After the fashion of the Woodmen, he has built his hall under the shadow of the trees of the Narrows. In the Folkmoot of 2948, Ceawin's proposal for closer formal ties was rejected by the majority of Woodmen and he returned to East Bight in despair.
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Cover image: Land of Skyrim by Jonas De Ro


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