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Episode 1: The Borders of the Forest

General Summary

While travelling, the companions meet a band of Elves, including Legolas, son of Thranduil and Galion. They are asked to escort Irimë to the High Pass, where she will be met by the sons of Elrond.

Missions/Quests Completed

A chance Meeting

While heading South from The Easterly Inn the fellowship spot worrying number of Orkish tracks and encounter a rare party of elves. One of the Elves steps forward to parley with the company. The party recognises Galion, Thranduil’s former cup-bearer.
“You trespass in the Woodland Realm, mortals. We thought you Orcs at first by your smell. Lucky for you we stayed our hands, or you would be dead now. Tell me, have you seen Orcs in your travels. A band of them is nearby. They are hunting us, and we are hunting them.”
  Another of Galion's party steps forward and introduces himself as Legolas, son of Thranduil.
“Greetings. I am Legolas, son of Thranduil. This is the lady Irimë, of the House of Finwë. The lady is journeying west, to the High Pass. It was our errand to take her there, but these Orcs must be driven from our land.” He pauses and glances at the veiled woman, then goes on. “The lady has requested that you bring her the rest of the way.”
  After some discussion and a smattering of diplomacy, the fellowship agree to escort Lady Irimë to the High Pass. Before the groups settle down around a shared camp fire, Irimë gracefully lowers her hood to reveal an ageless face of considerable beauty.  
“I am Irimë of the House of Gil-Galad. Elen sila lumenn’ omentielvo.”
In a clearing, the company find a table covered in a white cloth, lamps that glow with a silver light hanging from low boughs, and a supper fit for Hobbits. The Elves perform the most beautiully wistful songs during the evening, and the party spend time making small-talk with the graceful strangers. The next morning, the Elves are gone, except for Irimë, and she has changed her shimmering gown for more practical travelling clothes, including a heavy hooded cloak that hides her features. Even more curiously, the company find that they are close to the western border of Western Mirkwood, near the road to The Old Ford, than they previously suspected.

Weary of the World

During their journey West, the fellowship are humbled by the melancholy memories shared by Irimë. At The Old Ford, she describes how a great bridge built by the Dwarves once spanned the river, and how it was made even greater by the men of lost Arnor. Great armies rode across that bridge, and she remembers the ice-spear of her kinsman Gil-Galad glittering in the sunlight. He rode away into shadow.   Looking back at Western Mirkwood, she speaks of Eryn Galen, the Green Wood, for so the Elves used to call it before the Shadow came to Dol Guldur. The Wise may have driven the Necromancer from his fastness in Southern Mirkwood, but evil still lingers in its depths.   Near the river, she describes how The Anduin flows south past the Golden Wood of Laurelindórenan. There is a strange note in her voice when she speaks of that land, and cautions the company against travelling there, lest they fall into the enchantment of the Lady of the Forest. During the first night, she sings of Beleriand, which is drowned beneath the ocean, and the days of heroes.   The Men of Dale and Woodmen she refers to as ‘Middle-Men’ or ‘Men of Twilight’, to distinguish them from the Men of Númenor she knew of old, and the ‘Men of Shadow’ who dwell in the East. They once had great kingdoms, but now they are a scattered people who do not remember their own great works.

The Hill of Woe

After crossing The Old Ford Sigmarr realises that the fellowship is being tracked by a significant band of Orcs. A deadly game of cat and mouse begins as the group weaves it's way West parallel to the road. As the darkness draws in, the Orcs come closer. The noose closes upon the adventurers. They know there are many Orcs on their trail, but then Sigmarr and Amalfrida spot more Goblins coming down from the hills. There is no escape – all that is left to do is to choose a place to make a last stand. A rocky outcrop is the most defensible spot in the area. They may hold out for a short time, but there is little hope of escape.
“Good! Tonight we eat man-flesh! Kill them all except the elf!” roars the Orc-captain, and he charges up the hill towards the company.
  A black tide of Orcs surges after him. The adventurers are outnumbered twenty to one, and all they can see is a wave of fangs and jagged swords and blood-shot eyes. But before battle is joined, something unexpected happens.   Irimë raises her hand, and from the jewel of the ring she wears a bright light blooms, as if a star had uncloaked itself beside you. The blaze dismays the Orcs. Some turn and flee, and those in the lead must raise their shields to shade their eyes from the elf-light.   The advantage of the mystical light is great, but the size of the Orc horde is overwhelming and despite many Orcs falling to axe, sword and arrow, the merciless assault saps the strength from their limbs.   When it seems that all hope is lost and the company will soon be defeated, the defenders feel a wind rush by overhead, and they hear the beating of tremendous wings. The Orcs fall back in terror as a flight of gigantic birds swoops upon them from above! First Irimë, then the companions are picked up by the Great Eagles of the Misty Mountains. Other Eagles grab Orcs in their talons and fly off with them, then drop them from a great height to break on the rocks below.
The Orc captain roars to rally his troops:  
“Stand and fight, you maggots! They’re only feathery cows!”
  He grabs a huge black bow and looses an arrow at one of the departing Eagles. The arrow flights straight and true, piercing the Eagle’s breast. The bird does not fall, but its flight becomes more laboured.   The Eagles fly the company into the mountains. The flight would be terrifying if the company could see their surroundings, but in the darkness, all they can feel is the rush of the wind and the beating of the Eagles’ wings. The bird carrying the companion with the heaviest armour and other gear makes several cutting remarks about the adventurer’s weight and choice of armour, but all the Eagles manage to escape the hail of Orc-arrows and fly off into the night. After a short but exhilarating flight, the Eagles bring the company to their eyries.

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Report Date
09 Feb 2020

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Cover image: Land of Skyrim by Jonas De Ro


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