Episode 4: Judgement at the Carrock Report in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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Episode 4: Judgement at the Carrock

General Summary

When Tales are Told

As the fellowship trudge slowly back to the coracle and Stonyford on their way to The Carrock, they continue probing Oderic for further tidbits about Valter the Bloody and his outlaw army. Unease grows as it emerges that Valter the Bloody has been making plans to invade Beorn lands and start building his Kingdom, aided in no small part by the intelligenmce provided by Oderic on the structure and geography of the Beornings settlements along The Anduin.   With this revelation, the fellowship resolve to up their pace and the trudge becomes a resolute forced-march, Oderic, Jeff Walker and his cronies keeping pace. Barely a day and a half after leaving The Wolfswood the group stagger exhausted into Stonyford, where they meet Helmgut who challenges their decision to being Oderic back to the scene of his crime. With far bigger worries on their mind the party dismiss him and find Ava at the village well. An hour of warmth and simple flavoursome food provides a welcome distraction from their grueling pace, as they provide a stark warning to Ava of the threat posed by the Outlaw band. She heeds their words and resolves to rally the Beornings of the surrounding vales to muster and warn neighbours along the river.   As the fellowship gather their faithful pony and head off towards Beorn's House they can be satisfied that they have done all they can in preventing a tragedy. Two nights later the party camp and agree to let Jeff Walker and his fellow outlaws depart for Dale with a letter for King Bard requesting 40 pieces of silver be provided to the men as a reward for their role in aiding the Beornings.   A scarcely credible five and a bit days after leaving The Wolfswood, the fellowship arrive at Beorn's House. Beorn furnishes the famished party with another wonderful show of hospitality and listens intently to their tale with an expression that turns more grim with each revelation revealed. Oderic has not been forgotten by the great leader, however, and Beorn hears the young man make a impassioned plea to join in the fight to defend his people. Beorn stares silently at the young man for many seconds before he nods and allows his request. His decision is resolute and his final words as he storms out into the night to muster his people make the heart race. A trusted lieutenant by the name of Berral attends to the preparations at Beorn's House while Beorn travels by fast destrier South to offer warning to fellow Beornings.  
“These outlaws are a danger to me and my folk, and will be driven from Wilderland. Tonight, you shall sleep in my hall, for we leave for battle at dawn!”

Battle at The Old Ford

  Amalfrida appears inspired by her leader and declares that she will be joining the warriors to defend the Beornings in the morning. Horn calls wake the fellowship at first light and they feel fully rested for the first time in many days. By late afternoon, they near The Old Ford, where the sounds of a great battle drift over the misty vales towards them. The party run to the edge of the great river, where they encounter eight grim-faced outlaws dragging a boat onto the bank. The great battle rages either side of them, but in this moment, their entire focus is on trying to drive these brigands back into The Anduin.   Sigmarr and Hathus scramble up two steep banks to take shelter behind rock formations where they fire arrows into the ranks of the invaders. Amalfrida leads a charge, closely followed by Monin and Oderic, to meet the invaders head on. The skirmish is bloody and brutal.   Oderic proves his mettle as a warrior, as he continues his reckless assault despite suffering many cuts and slashes to his torso and arms. It looks like death in battle may be what he is seeking as he stands in the midst of enemies on all sides, swinging his long sword two-handed.   Sigmarr maintains a steady stream of arrows into the press, while Amalfrida and Monin go about their bloody work in close quarters. Hathus, realising that Oderic is near death's door scrambles down the bank to administer first aid to the wounded man.   Most of the enemy archers do not have a stomach for a fight to the death, and three make an escape up river before the fellowship cut down the remaining attackers.   It seems that their valiant efforts are in vain, however, as they look south with sick hearts to see a large mob of outlaws press in from three sides on a smaller force of Beornings. As prospects turn bleak, a great roar of defiance cuts through the din of the battle, and suddenly a great bear crashes through the trees on the bank and tears into the flank of the enemy. Hathus spots a coracle containing Faron the Trapper and what must be Valter the Bloody push off into the stream and, despite his frantic warnings, it soon disappears into the mist, heading rapidly to the South.   The fight is soon over and soon silence descends over the survivors, interrupted by the occasional moan from the wounded. With immediate and severe justice, the mortally wounded attackers are put out of their misery, while those likely to survive on both sides of the conflict are tended to.   As the arms and detritus of war are piled up at the river bank, Hathus and Monin spot a bright cloak, out of place among the homespun yarns and leather. As Hathus inspects it, he spots a black iron brooch that radiates a fell sense of dread. The Black Brooch is icy cold to the touch and bears simple words in the black speech of The Enemy.   As the fellowship join Beorn and his victorious warriors in burying the enemy dead they encounter Williferd who offers to take word of the trial to Stonyford and ask Helmgut and Brunhild to give testament at the trial.   Many worrying thoughts take root in their minds as they march back North with the Beornings. Why did Valter the Bloody have such a rare and foul artifact? What does this mean for Wilderland?

The Trial of Oderic

Three days later, after the small contingent from Stonyford arrive, the trial of Oderic begins at The Carrock. Ava, Helmgut and Brunhild all agree to speak before Oderic makes a proud and honest statement. Sigmarr speaks up for his character, and Hathus stumbles over his wrapping up speech before Sigmarr's blunt honest words complete the summing up. The truth about that fateful night seems to have been unraveled. Oderic, sick of Rathfic's ill-treatment of Brunhild, went to his house to confront him and warn him never to lay a hand on her again. As the argument with a drunk Rathfic got heated, Rathfic threw a punch at the young man and, in his anger, Oderic stabbed him with his belt knife, killing the unfortunate man. All heads turn to Beorn as they await his judgement.  
“Kinslaying is the worst of crimes” he rumbles, “and this boy certainly murdered Rathfic. Your words have moved me. I think Oderic did not mean to kill Rathfic, and while he acted unwisely, he was not the only one to do so. We will be merciful.”
  Oderic bows his head stoically and departs with the great leader to his house, where his punishment will be decided. The fellowship take their rest in the great house and are warmly thanked for their service to the Beornings.   Thus, by 27th Astron, 2947, the sorry chapter of Kinslaying closes.
Report Date
08 Dec 2019

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