Orcs Species in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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Bred by the first Dark Power in the early years of the world to serve him in many wars, Orcs are an evil race of intelligent creatures. Their malicious spirit is full of hatred for all living things including their own kind, and when left to their own devices they often end up quarrelling fiercely over futile questions. They are usually strong and agile, quick and robust, and ready to learn or devise new methods or instruments of torment. Their appearance and size differs from tribe to tribe, but many prominent features are common to all Orcs, such as swarthy skin, short legs, and broad, slanted eyes, wide mouths and long fangs.

Basic Information


Orcs are generally squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, bow-legged, with wide mouths and slant eyes, long arms, dark skin, and fangs. They are roughly humanoid in shape with pointed ears, sharpened teeth and grimy skin.

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Cover image: orc by Geistig


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