Radagast the Brown Character in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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Radagast the Brown

Radagast the Brown is a Wizard. He abides in a small wood of ancient oaks in Rhosgobel, close to the southwestern eaves of Mirkwood, where many Woodmen have come to stay near him.   He wears a tall, wide-brimmed hat and brown cloak over clothes of earthen colours, and sports a long, wild-looking reddish beard slowly turning grey, and long, unkempt hair of the same hue. He usually paces his stride with his long Oaken staff.   Radagast can be encountered in his house at Rhosgobel at any time. He seems to rarely leave his small cottage, apart from short walks into the forest to the east.

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Cover image: Land of Skyrim by Jonas De Ro
Character Portrait image: Radagast the Brown by rubengramos


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