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Extracts and notes from the Skin Bible of the God of the Depths

The God of the Depths counts among the primordial Old Gods that forged the world. AS his name may suggest he is God of all that cowers and hides away in the depths and crevices of the world and the sorrow and grief felt by those within, causing all magical arts that can be laernt from his study to revolve around spreading darkness and decay and having control over things that hide in the depths such as swarms of vermin and insects but possibly other more powerful creatures. Following on from this the God of the depths, since having domain of all that lies in the fringes has ahd very little influence oever the world and interaction with humanity preffering to either care and look over these fringes or lie great deep slumber for eons at a time. There however is one exception to this as in ancient his there a fables of a primevail human woman fell into love with the God nad sought to become his bride however even though their affair was untenable as a God and a mortal cannot intertwine or remain in contact for any large length of time, yet in a way the love was requited with the God transforming his would be bride into a great tree with roots that are said to reach fown into the dark and depths of the world so she would always be connected to her God. So in a way the God of the Depths deaprted the wolrd long before any of his Old God bretheren as due to his nautre even in the earlier times since the deconjunction of the spheres little was known of him and so he recieved little worship which can be seen in the general weakness of many of his even most ancient incantations.  Althouhg prior to the deconjunction the God still beared unto the wolrd soulbearing life creating the dwafves who were stout beings of stone and metal, ideal beings to inhabit the dakrness and sgroud of their creator. However the influence of the God of the Depths can still be seen if one were to travel and regrefully find themselves in the so called fringes and crevices of thje world where they may truly face the darkness that can await many a man. This is due to the God of the Depths emitting an affect that was at some point translated and reformed into Rher's transcient moonlight. This affect is the true darkness emitted by the interference of the God of the Depths, exposure to it causes exempifyed stress on a persons mental and physical state and eventually having the same affects as Rehr's moonlight where the sould of a being is in the end remvoed and a person falls to monstrous mutation, however the average exposure time for this to take effect as the darkness chips away slowly with the strength of the subject playing a much larger hand in the survivability of exposure than with the moonlight of Rher.

Divine Domains

The God of the Dpeths holds domain over the darkness and sorrow inherent in the crevies and shadows of the world and all those that exsist within it

Holy Books & Codes

Due to his enigmatic nature the God of the depths is one of the most hevaily studied Old Gods by arcane experts so much knowledge of him can be found in the Skin Bibles

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Sigil of the God of the Depths is a leftward facing runic R symbolising disorder and discomfort
Divine Classification
Old God

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