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Extracts and notes from the Skin Bibles of the All-Mer

The All-Mer is one of the few new Deities known as the Ascended Gods as prior to his ascension the All-Mer was a human like any other other than to meet the chriteria for ascension he was birthed from a union of a New God and a human. Allmer grew up in the sourthern march in the city of Jettiah where as hew grew older would begin to question the ruling order of New Gods and corrupy and evil kings, false emporers and viziers, to which he would begin to speak out against, preaching kindness and compassion, due to this hew ould begin to gather quite a large following including his twelve most trusted apostles. Eventually the ruling class sought to silence Allmer choosing to crucify hum upon a barbed iron cross upon which Allmer would indeed die, however this would not be his end as his soul would ascend to the divine as with the timly sacrifice of Grogoroth by Sylvaneth Allmer shed his imperfection banishing it to the sulfur pits and becoming the emobidement of the perfection of humanity. adn this is how he would return to the world. However upon re-entering the world as the All-Mer he would choose to undergo a campaign of conquest accompanied by his twelve now mourning apostles. He began by slaying all the corrupt rulers that had put him to death and surplanting them in west with himslef and then he marched east and in the beginning none could stand against the power of the true God that stood before them however after un-nameable gains the All-mer would eventually be fought to a stand still by the anscestors of the Gearmanium and Kealtic peoples. And to this end a peace was signed where the All-Mer would halt his advance and consolidate his conquests whereas all remaining peoples outside of their direct rule would still need to accept him as their true God. So be this accord the Worship of All-Mer would spread all acrossthe continet of Inamortia even to its farthest reaches in some way or another but with the newly founded Allmerant Empire at its heart that would last long into the future along with his worship as the All-Mer himslef while extremeley longlived did eventually ascned his sould to the divine cosmos with his perfect body being put to rest beneath Jettiah in the ancient city of the Gods Mah'vre. Anyway due to being in essence the lord and perfect embodiement of humanity the documented magical arts of the All-mer surround the enablement of the human form and its usage, with blood magic being the most studied aspect of his incantations but there are still other incantations replicating his miracles such as granting the ability to walk on water. Due to his gross envolvement and interaction with humanity the All-Mer is the most worshipped and idiolized out of any God past or present as his teachings directly correspond to the human condition and his church still holds major on the continent placing adviors on most courts of many rulers and aristocrats and having a huge sway over the common people. And since the All-Mer is an Ascended God with his esoteric domain being impossible to fracture as iti is almost one and the same with the human condition and due to being so widly worshipped the ability for the All-Mer to influence the world is till strong causing his Incantations to be quite potent and easily granted upon the faithful. Meaning even though physically in the world he may be dead and buried but he still watches over his subjects from the cosmos.

Divine Domains

The domain of the All-Mer is directly that of huamnity itself and its progress and condition

Holy Books & Codes

Like many other Gods the truthful stories and knowledge of All-Mer can be found in the Skin Bibles however the mainline Church also publishes more warming texts for the consumption of its followers and the regular folk

Divine Symbols & Sigils

THe sigil of the All-Mer is an upright cross marked in red to represent the connection and blood of humanity itslef
Divine Classification
Ascended God

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