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Extracts and notes from the Skin Bibles of the God of Fear and Hunger

The God of Fear and hunger is youngest divne being to come into exsistnence as her ascenion to to the pantheon of the Ascneded Gods was the most recent in history, but not to say that it is a modern event. The God of Fear and Hunger anscended from a seemingly insignificant girl who was in acutallity sill the child of a New God however this girl in here short time upon the earth would know nothing but darkness, death, pain and suffering and this would continue before she was eventually shperded to the heart of dakrness by some unkown hero or figure of legend that on his journey had also slain the sleeping God of the depths, which the hero would use to complete the girl's ascension then in the heart of darkness she would come to recognize these feelings, the feelings of pain, fear, suffering and hunger within herlsef but also throuhgout all of humanity. After her ascension she would use her powers to instill a change in the physche of humanity also making itslef aware of these feelnigs in a subconcious extent causing them to strive in advancement in an attempt to eradicate these feelings and achieve perfection in themsleves like their Lord the All-Mer however as of yet this has been unsuccessful. This drive in the mind of humanity is what has caused the current upturn in technological advancement in the world and yet still much of it is used to turn against ones fellow man, this may be because of the invlovement of the Sulfur God. Even though the God of Fear and Hunger has far less recognition than the All-Mer she is is still acknowledged by the mainline church and is placed at the All-Mers side.

Divine Domains

The God of Fear and Hunger holds domain over the feelings of suffering and pain of humanity and the recognition of it causing humanity to be more self aware

Holy Books & Codes

Due to being recognized by the Mainline Church knowledge of the God of Fear and HUnger can be found in more saturated texts for wider consumption but she still has mainly more truthful entires in the Skin Bibles.
Divine Classification
Ascended God

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