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Extracts and notes from the Skin BIbles of Vinushka

Vinushka numbers among the Old Gods who formed the world, Vishuka is the yuongest among the Old Gods being the daughter birthed from Grogoroth and Sylvaneth.  This influenced her domain as the influences of the cycles of death and life from her lineage caused Visnushka to become to become the encarnate and surveyer of the cycles and processes of the natural world.  This domain causes her to be the patron of a number of magical arts stemming from her parentage but also hexes covering the manipulation and control of the surrounding world and the life there in. Being a child among the number of the Old Gods casued Vinuska to lack the skill to from soulbearing life at the creation of the world so instead many of the animals and beasts and other monsters that lack inteliigence stem from her creation, this means taht during the deconjunction of spheres many of her creations remained upon the earth. Due to this even into the current day there are still some creatures that act as agents and subjects of Vinushka as they are still present to adhear to their creator, whatever few traces remain at least like all the other Old Gods. Since Vinushka is an Old God in the modern day her power and vestage has in large part departed the world, however this is due to more factors than other Old Gods, as Vinushka holds domain over nature her domain stands in oppostion to the futherment and advancemnet of soulbearing life. this meant that as the march of civilistation ever went on the processes and functions in the world that gave Vinushka her power would be irreversibly damaged leading to what some scholars suppose too be the death of the God in majority and that Vinuska did not simply derpart the world as her parents did.

Divine Domains

Vinushka hold power over the cycles and process inherent in the natural order of the world

Holy Books & Codes

Vinuska is one of the least documented of the Old Gods but there are still entires upon her nature in the Skin Bibles

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The sigil of Visnushka shows a growth bed of horns, antlers and branches both withereing and growing showing the death and life within nature
Divine Classification
Old God

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