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Extracts from the Skin Bibles of Rehr

Rehr is one of the grat and once mighty Old Gods who convened and at the creation of the world. Rehr is also known as the Moon God as the moon that is held in the sky is infact Rehr himself or at least his traces in present day or at least the moon becomes his avatar in the not so waking world as this means Rehr holds domain over the night itself allowing him to mask his schemes in darkness and shadow. In more conceptual domain he is known as the god of trickery and insanity. This domain causes the magical arts that proceed from Rehr to cover tricks that affect and access the mind of fellow man or beast alike and spells that in one way or another equate to the gaining of knowledge and information. Due to being the most macheavelian among the Old Gods he has possbily the largest involvement in the proceedings of the world beyond the deconjunction of the spheres, as Rehr has one defining trait. His hatred for humanity and his jealousy that they were chosen to continue under the whatch of the Gods. And so Rehr orchestrated many schemes to harm humanity and to futhur prevent their rise especially their ascension to divinity which he thought they were completley unworthy of. To this end he employs multiple agents of the moon such as the pocketcat and the lady of the moon who do his bidding and and played hands in many of his schemes such as attempting to prevent the ascension of Allmer and the young girl who would become the God of Fear and Hunger into true Godhood. Another way in which Rehr affects the physical world is through the application of moonscorch or what is sometimes known as the moonlight cancer which is a disease caused by prolonged exsposure to to the ethereal green moonlight of Rehr which shines in areas with either a stronger connection to the divine and at certain times of the year such as during the festival of Termina. Becoming afflicted with Moonsorch renders unto the patient one of the worst fates imagineable by stripping a being of its soul causing it to mutate into a vile monstre or such beast rooted deeply from the afflicted subconcious. Prior to the the deconjunction of the spheres Rehr was resposible for creating the soulbearing life known as the Aelfves who took after him in the regard that they had far increased mental aptitude for brilliance and intellectualism but also their minds were fragile and many fell into deep mental unrest. However in the modern day Rehr like many of the Old Gods has in large departed the earth leaving only vestages hidden within the moon this mainly comes down to many of his schemes to prevent the progress of humanity being unsuccessful as countless humans would falsley ascend into new Gods and a chosen few becoming true Ascended Gods eclipscing the power of Rehr himself so he most likley made the choice out of disgust.

Divine Domains

Rehr is lord of mental faculties, trickery and the insane

Holy Books & Codes

Due to Rehr's large amount of meddling in the affairs of humanity much can be found about him in entires in the Skin Bibles

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Rher's sigil depicts the cyckles of the moon and its coverage by it's darker side and the craters upon it


Unlike all the other Old Gods Rehr founded one single festival purley out of hate for humanity. The Termina Festival. Where an unlikely band of chosen contestants are all sheparded to the city of Prehevail which shall fall into anarchy under the green moonlight and are influenced by Rher's moonlight to face eachother to the death over a three day period with some becoming moonschorched, with the winner being awarded an audience with Rehr himself, or his traces if the festival were to take place in the modern day which almosdt cannot come to pass as the Moon God himself nore priests with sufficent aracane might exsist to initiate and manage the festival.
Divine Classification
Old God

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