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Notes and Extracts from the Skin BIble of Grogoroth

Grogoroth is one of the primordial old gods that have existed beyond the grand span of time and the continuity of space.
He is god of death and destruction and commands the forces of all that destroys such as fire, lightining and other tumultuous forces and his domain over death gives him control over the cycles and arts of necromancy.
Grogoroth is married also to the Old God Sylvaneth goddess of love and creation whom he loved dearly but never in full recognition despite all he did for her as Sylvaneth only truly with all her being loved her creations and for their love only yearned.
He is also the father to his daughter by way of Sylvaneth that being the Old God of the cycles of the natural order Vinushkya.
Though he holds domain over death and destruction this does not mean he has any notion of evil within him as he is an old god he holds an elevated consciencse beyond the comprehencion of mortals and even New Gods and they exist only as a pure embodiement of these concepts.
In the Primeval era before the Old Gods departed the World Grogoroth created the race know as the Orruks who he amde the plea that should inhereit the earth as they emboidied his ideals longing for nothing else than rempant death and destruction however like many other Godspawn the Orruks where wiped away during the deconjuction of the spheres.
However like many of the Old Gods all but the traces of Grogoroth have left this world since the development of human emotion consciousness and individuality, with the greatest amount of Grogoroth's being and power being sacrificed during the ascendance of the Allmer.
Grogoroth although is still the most studied and worshipped of the Old Gods as it is thought that he is the Old God that still holds the most power in the world as his domains are very prevelant throughout the rounded globe.

Divine Domains

Gro Goroth as mentioned as have domain over the permanance and essentialness of death and destruction as an ongoing harsh reality that permeates throughout the world.

Holy Books & Codes

Being an Old God Grogoroth has no foramlised liturgy surrounding him as he is only worshipped and studdied by outlying cults and messianic orders however from these studies texts and treaties surrounding his myrthos have been created such as the Skin Bibles produced by Enki Enkarion the Enlightened one however prior this various smaller texts by unkown authors simply titled "The secrets of Grogoroth" have also been found.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The sigil of Grogoroth is one depicting the eclispe with the moon moving over the sun symbolising the doom of all things
Divine Classification
Old God

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