Foresight Trance Condition in Indarie | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Foresight Trance

I walk into the library, searching for Lalith. Last I heard he was in here. It only takes a few minutes before I find him, sitting on a window seat, red hair glowing softly in the fading light. He seems a bit out of it. I walk up to him carefully and tilt my head in front of his face. There's a somewhat empty look in his eyes. I start signing.   "Lalith, are you alright?"   His hands go limp, and he tilts off the seat. I catch him, barely managing to keep him from slicing my face open with his horns. I collaspe to the floor, unable to support his weight and mine. I look around desprately, but there's no one around. I look at him again, nervous. He's so still, blank faced, occasionally twitching. I give him a shake, but it does nothing. Then he gasps, sitting up sharply, eyes wide and panicked. I grab him so he doesn't slam in head into the windoseat. I tap his shoulder, sighning wildly. "Lalith, what's wrong?"    He's still a bit unresponsive, clearly still in a daze. His eyes finally meet mine.   "Sorry, were you talking to me?" Lalith sounds drunk almost. "I...I don't think I've been really here for a minute or so."   "What happened?" I ask, helping him up onto the windowseat. He blinks, rubbing his eyes.   "Sign again."   "What happened?"   "Sight." He sighs, fixing the book he was reading. "Whenever I see something, one with Sight can focus when we see something. Our minds are too wrapped up with the sight to think about anything else. It's... unpleasant."   "And dangerous." I stand and offer him a hand. He takes it and leans heavily against my shoulder.   "Mind walking me to dinner?" I shanke my head. "Thanks kid."


The start of a vision.


Glassy, silverly film over the eyes, blank face and motionless body. The person just doesn't seem to be mentally present anymore.


There's nothing anyone can really do except wait it out and make sure that the person affected is kept safe.


Good, assuming the person doesn't fall into a body of water, or a fire, or while out hunting alone, or while in a battle, or while in a high place. Basically, if they're in a safe environment or with allies, they're probably escape without injuries.
Extremely Rare
Having Foresight is a useful skill. The downside is when we do have Sights, we're vulnerable to everything around us. I've actually had Sights in the middle of battle, which puts me at extremely high risk of dying. Thankfully, I've never been injured badly, but it's the reason that I and Veryan are never alone in battle. We always have one person at our sides, just in case a Sight hits us at the worst possible moment.    I've been able to foresee events and prepare my people for what is to come. But the price is my safety on occasion. A gift and a punishment. A blessing and a curse. To see the future but risk your mind. To know what's to come but risk your life.  
  • Beithir Hacende, Queen of the Eledhrim

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