The Latin Quarter Geographic Location in Indianapolis by Night | World Anvil
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The Latin Quarter


Three-story apartment houses, often with first-floor stores, markets or restaurants, crowd against one another here. The advertisements on billboards and at bus stops — mostly for alcohol, cigarettes and “urban” fashions — are all in Spanish. On a second-floor porch, two young women, one of whom holds an infant, are having a quiet but heated argument, also in Spanish.  


For nearly as long as anyone can remember, a coterie of young Anarchs have made this area their stomping grounds. They never come to court, they don't participate in Elysium, and they are currently unrecognized by the Prince.  


Physical: Access +1, Safety –1. Easily reached and navigated via its broad streets, the Latin Quarter is a bit of a rough neighborhood.   Mental: Information +1, Awareness +1. Informational resources here are decent, and the layout of the area promotes an awareness of one’s surroundings.   Social: Prestige –1, Stability +1. A lot of people are inclined to see this as just another ethnic ghetto, but there is a sense of community spirit among the people.  

Haven Qualities

Location 3, Security 2, Size 3. The herd is plentiful here, as are good-sized and moderately secure havens.
Location under

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