Introduction to Indomitable Will in Indomitable Will | World Anvil
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Introduction to Indomitable Will


Welcome to Indomitable Will! This article will be updated as I produce more material. Nature and people should all have pictures eventually. My goal for this project is to produce a manuscript, and all accompanying worldbuilding. And, of course, have fun. :p


The relevant locations at this point only include the island of Bwrdd Llosgydd. It's possible that I create some other locations at a later date, if they become necessary or I have inspiration. Ready for display are one geographical region: The Downs, and one settlement: Brontydd.


The two most important key creatures are the Amphithere(a Wyrm), and the Voracious Sprite. Other kinds of Wyrms and Sprites exist, and they'll show up here when they're ready. There are many plants undocumented as of yet, but the ones available are: Cladonia, Cornicula, Fescue, Harebell, Heather, Purple Moor Flax, and Sedge. Most, though not all, have Voligenetic properties.


The magic of Indomitable Will is more like supernatural science than magic, really. Volition deals with direct actions and alterations to the world, while Voligenetics is the practice of Alchemy and Chemistry. Practitioners of either are Marked as Volitionists, and tracked by the Institute of Justice. The only formal school of Volition is Willwright, and an example of a notable Feat of Volition is Masking.


The inhabitants of Bwrdd originally came from various places on The Mainland, but over time have blended together to the point of becoming more regionally concentrated. The land is under the control of the current Baron of Advarsel, which claims the entire island. Individual settlements have their own leaders and structure, but each of these leaders answers to the Baron. Within the Capital City of Advarsel-its namesake-are several Guilds and other organizations, such as the Coursers' Guild, and the Caribou Stables.


The actual story of Indomitable Will is the least developed part. There exists the opening scene, and a random scene I got sidetracked with. XD Other than that, there is another scene, but it serves as a brainstorming space and isn't yet considered canon.


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