Discipline List



- Predator's Communion

•• - Invoking the Predator

••• - Unseen Hibernation

•••• - Power from Darkness

••••• - Predator's Transformation

••••• • - Incarnate Darkness


Gangrel Nosferatu Ravnos Tzimisce Ahrimane Anda Lhiannan

- Whispers to the Wild

•• - Call the Wild

••• - Song of Serenity

•••• - Subsume the Spirit

••••• - Unleash the Beast

••••• • - Animal Succulence

••••• • - The Twin Souls

••••• • - The Tongue of Beasts

••••• •• - Beast Shard

••••• •• - The Devil's Claws

••••• ••• - The Beast's Quills

••••• •••• - Plague of Beasts


Assamite Cappadocian Malkavian Toreador Tremere Tzimisce Giovani Nagaraja Niktuku Salubri (Healer) Salubri (Warrior) Salubri (Watcher)

- Heightened Senses

•• - Read the Soul

••• - The Spirit's Touch

•••• - Invade the Mind

••••• - Soul's Flight

••••• • - Far Sense

••••• • - The Heart's Desire

••••• • - Soul Bond

••••• •• - Anticipate Victory

••••• •• - Brutal Ecstasy

••••• •• - A Gathering of Souls

••••• ••• - Omniscience

••••• ••• - Soul's Sword

••••• •••• - False Slumber


Children of Osiris

- Restore Humanitas

•• - Banishing Sign of Thoth

••• - Gift of Apis

•••• - Pillar of Osiris

••••• - Revelation

••••• • - Boon of Anubis


Brujah Toreador Niktuku

Add Celerity rating to all Dexterity-based dice pools, including Initiative.
Add Celerity rating to the number of meters you can move in a turn.

Additionally, you may reflexively spend one point of blood and ignore difficulty penalties for multiple actions up to your Celerity dots.

Last, by spending a blood point, you may increase your movement rate by multiplying it with 1 + Celerity rating

Advanced Celerity

••••• • - Momentum

••••• • - Precision

••••• • - Projectile

••••• •• - Flower of Death

••••• •• - Quickness

••••• ••• - Physical Defiance

••••• ••• - Time Out of Time



- Ignis Fatuus

•• - Chimaera

••• - Phantasm

•••• - Permanency

••••• - Horrid Reality

••••• • - Fatuus Mastery

••••• • - Shared Nightmare

••••• •• - Blade of the Demon

••••• •• - Far Fatuus

••••• •• - Interrupt Reality

••••• ••• - Visions from the Asura

••••• ••• - Synthesia

••••• •••• - Fabrication



- Sense the Sin

•• - Fear of the Void

••• - Tormented Essence

•••• - Psychomachia

••••• - Condemnation

••••• • - Hell-Born Investiture

••••• • - Lure Diabolik

••••• •• - Bring the Plague

••••• •• - Demonic Servitor

••••• ••• - Call Forth the Herald of Hell

••••• ••• - Adramelech's Wrath

••••• •••• - Spew Wide the Pit



- Incubus Humor

•• - Soul Haunting

••• - Eyes of Chaos

•••• - Fire Voice

••••• - Shedding the Mask

••••• • - The Call

••••• • - Stain the Soul

••••• •• - Cobble the Road

••••• •• - The Sword of Malkav

••••• ••• - Prison of the Mind

••••• •••• - Brother's Gift


Lasombra Tremere Ventrue Danava Nagaraja

- Command

•• - Mesmerize

••• - The Forgetful Mind

•••• - Conditioning

••••• - Possession

••••• • - Chain the Psyche

••••• • - Obedience

••••• • - Loyalty

••••• •• - Mass Manipulation

••••• •• - Still the Mortal Flesh

••••• ••• - Far Mastery

••••• •••• - Speak Through the Blood


Cappadocian Gangrel Ravnos Ventrue Anda Danava Gargoyle Giovani Impundulu Lamiae Salubri (Warrior)

Fortitude rating is added to Stamina based dice pools and can serve as a dice pool for soaking aggravated damage. Once per turn, you may spend a blood point to soak damage up to your Fortitude rating, instead of adding it to your dice pool.

Advanced Fortitude

••••• • - The Knight's Bane

••••• •• - The Blessing of Vitality

••••• ••• - Armored Flesh



- Folderol

•• - Fae Sight

••• - Aura Absorption

•••• - Changeling Ward

••••• - The Riddle Phantastique

••••• • - Steal the Mind


Malkavian Nosferatu Setite Baali Bonsam Ramanga Salubri (Watcher)

- The Silence of Death

•• - Unseen Presence

••• - Masque of a Thousand Faces

•••• - Vanish from the Mind's Eye

••••• - Cloak the Gathering

••••• • - Mask the Devil

••••• •• - Fortress of Silence

••••• ••• - Reaper of the Heart

••••• •••• - Obscure God's Creation


Lasombra Ramanga

- Shadow Play

•• - Nocturne

••• - Arms of Ahriman

•••• - Nightshades

••••• - Tenebrous Avatar

••••• • - The Darkness Within

••••• • - Walk the Abyss

••••• •• - Shadow Twin

••••• ••• - Oubliette

••••• •••• - Ahriman's Demesne



- Consecration of Esus

•• - Woad of Teutates

••• - Mhallacht of the Cyoeraeth

•••• - Woad of Taranis

••••• - Thirst of Donn


Brujah Lasombra Nosferatu Ahrimane Bonsam Gargoyle Lamiae Niktuku True Brujah

For each dot of Potence, add a die to all Strength-based dice pools. You may also spend a blood point, to turn your potence rating to automatic successes for the turn. In hand to hand combat, this also means automatic successes for damage rolls.

Advanced Potence

••••• • - Crush

••••• •• - Brutality

••••• ••• - Aftershock


Assamite Brujah Setite Toreador Ventrue Baali Impundulu Lhiannan Ramanga Salubri (Healer) True Brujah

- Awe

•• - Dread Gaze

••• - Entrancement

•••• - Summon

••••• - Majesty

••••• • - Kingmaker

••••• • - Love

••••• • - Paralyzing Glance

••••• • - Spark of Rage

••••• •• - Cooperation

••••• ••• - Ironclad Command

••••• •••• - Pulse of the People


Gangrel Anda

- Eyes of the Beast

•• - Feral Weapons

••• - Earth Meld

•••• - Shape of the Beast

••••• - Lurking Mists

••••• • - Adaptation

••••• • - Earth Control

••••• • - Ephemeral Slumber

••••• • - Flesh of Marble

••••• • - Loki's Gift

••••• • - Reversion to the True Form

••••• •• - Death's Hidden Crawl

••••• •• - Shape of the Beast's Wrath

••••• •• - Spectral Body

••••• ••• - Purify the Impaled Breast

••••• •••• - Draught of Phoenix Blood



Quietus Cruscitus

- Blood Essence

•• - Scorpion's Touch

••• - Dagon's Call

•••• - Baal's Caress

••••• - Quicken the Mortal's Blood

••••• • - Taste of Death

••••• •• - Rapturous Touch

••••• ••• - Blood of Destruction

••••• •••• - Weaken the Blood of Ancients

Quietus Hematus

- Blood Tempering

•• - Truth of Blood

••• - Cleansed in Blood

•••• - Ripples of the Heart

••••• - Blood Sweat

••••• • - Blood Awakening

••••• •• - Dam the Heart's River

••••• ••• - Songs of Distant Vitae

••••• •••• - Condemn the Sins of the Father



- Enchanting Gaze

•• - Typhonic Maw

••• - Serpent's Flesh

•••• - Typhonic Avatar

••••• - Mother of Monsters

••••• • - Echidna's Venom

••••• •• - Form of the Storm

••••• ••• - Cerberus's Fury

••••• •••• - Godhead



- Aid from Spirits

•• - Summon Spirit Beast

••• - Aspect of the Beast

•••• - Beastly Hunger

••••• - The Wild Beast

••••• • - The Spirit Beast


True Brujah

- Hourglass of the Mind

•• - Locked Contemplation

••• - Leaden Movement

•••• - Patience of the Norns

••••• - Clotho's Gift

••••• • - Kiss of Lachesis

••••• •• - Cheat the Fates

••••• ••• - Clio's Kiss


Salubri (Healer) Salubri (Warrior) Salubri (Watcher)


- Sense Vitality

•• - Gift of Sleep

••• - Healer's Touch

•••• - Shepherd's Watch

••••• - Unburden the Bestial Soul

••••• • - Father's Judgement

••••• •• - Blissful Gaze

••••• ••• - Rayzeel's Song

••••• •••• - Heaven's Gate


- Sense Death

•• - Morphean Blow

••• - Burning Touch

•••• - Armor of Caine's Fury

••••• - Ending the Watch

••••• • - Samiel's Vengeance

••••• • - Dream Combat

••••• •• - Fiery Agony

••••• ••• - Song of the Blooded


- Sense Cycle

•• - Peaceful Touch

••• - Pariah's Caress

•••• - Peacemaker

••••• - Soul's Breath

••••• • - Safe Passage

••••• •• - Aversion

••••• ••• - Purification

••••• •••• - Soul Exchange



- Malleable Visage

•• - Transmogrify the Mortal Clay

••• - Rend the Osseous Frame

•••• - Awaken the Zulo Shape

••••• - The Body Impolitic

••••• • - Chiropteran Marauder

••••• •• - Blood of the Earth

••••• ••• - Sublimation of the Larval Flesh

••••• •••• - The Last Dracul


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