
The king is dead. Long live the king.

The Ventrue are one of the best documented clans that exist. They existed since the First City, survived the rise and fall of Rome and countless other empires. And they are always the power behind the throne, playing mortal rulers like puppets on strings.

The Son - Ventrue in Constantinople

The Antonian Ventrue are the childer and descendants of Antonius the Gaul. They are responsible for the physical reality of the "Dream". They are masters of politics, temporal power and diplomacy, which shows sadly within the ranks of the clan. Intrigue and betrayal are an integral part of the nightly life of the Ventrue in Constantinople.

Since Symeon, a Gift of Michael to Antonius was embraced by his brother Gesu, there are rumors that Antonius drifts into madness. If this is true, there will be problems within the clan soon. True or not, the relations between the Ventrue and the Tzimisce are damaged, if not ruined.


Within the city of Constantinople, the Ventrue are organized like this:

The leader of the clan (Basileus) is Antonius the Gaul. His Childe, Caius acts as Caesar Magister. He is responsible for the nightly actions, when Antonius is in torpor or otherwise not available. Belisarius, another Childe of Antonius, acts as Military Prefect in Constantinople, while his "sister", Septima Dominica acts as Quaesitor and Chamberlain of Constantinople.

The finer organization is not that obvious, and will be presented during the chronicle.


Every Ventrue has Dominate, Fortitude, and Presence as their in-clan disciplines.


Ventrue are restricted to a specific type of prey. While they will be able to consume blood from people not belonging to that group, they will not gain nourishment from this, and it will not slake their hunger.

More Information

For more information, see Vampire: The Dark Ages 20th Anniversary Edition Core Rulebook on page 66f.

Regere Sanguine, Regere In Veritatem Est

Alternative Names
Power Mongers, Ambitiones, Pratricians (derogatory)
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species


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