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Terrowin Mckinnon

Terrowin Mckinnon is the town mayor. He often wore a long blue suit that swept down to just below his knees with a white shirt below and long blue tight fitting pants with shining black shoes. He held himself tall even though he was only 5'4" and held an air of importance. His face was not unkind but showed that he would not tolerate anyone that was not straight to the point and had no interest in being delayed from whatever task was at hand. He is not a spiteful man, but can come across rude as he has very little patience.   He has long brown hair that comes to his shoulder neatly combed and oiled framing his pale white face. He has dark grey eyes and an intense stare that few can hold. He is apt at negotiating and debating and a very capable individual who values the help others can provide.   He has been having issues with the ongoing escallations of tensions between the deGrey Family and the Mckinnon Family. There has actually been some small skirmishes within the words between the armed forces the families have hired for defending their work sites. He has tried mediating the situation, but the deGrey Family is untrusting of him since he was born into the Mckinnon Family even though he renounced all ties to the family when he was given his station as mayor of Marithune.   Depending on his judgement of the characters he may request they see if they can act as mediators between the families. (this depends on how well the players role play. Terrowin admires those that are skilled at diplomacy and talking, if a players role play well enough they will earn this request, alternatively you can get someone to roll straight charm DC16 to see if they are given this offer).   If players recieve the request, he will suggest you go talk to each houses public affairs agent. Aldarn Degrey from the deGrey Family and Frimyal McKinnon from the Mckinnon Family.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tired, overworked, disgruntled
Lawful Good
Current Status
Mayor of Marithune
Current Location
Current Residence
dark grey eyes and an intense stare
long brown hair that comes to his shoulder neatly combed and oiled
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
83 kg

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