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The Corruption

The corruption is a long period of time where war waged between the deities and the corrupted. It was the shattering of the Divine plane, where the divine plane splinterred in separate divine realms that are disjointed and disconnected, that marked the end of this violent period of history. The ability to traverse from one realm to another became extremely difficult and in most cases impossible.   The period of The Corruption is known of by nearly all residence of Inniliv, However few know the finer details. It is only known that the divine beings started to become corrupted and a war was waged to stem the spreading of this corruption which ended with the divine plane being shattered.   The story of what truly happened is knowledge held by only those of the highest order be it grand mages, kings & Queens, and the Scholars from the more renown schools.   In the years 240 to 260 of the Alkrarn calender, or 20 to 10 BC, Ubilaz god of Evil became a Corrupted Divine. There are many speculations as to how this happened, was he experimenting on how to steal divine power from others or did this occur due to his power coming from such a negative concept? This is still hotly debated with many different theories in many different circles of those that know.   When Ubilaz god of Evil became corrupted it was noticed that this corrupted divine energy could spread and corrupt other divine energy, unfortunately it also had a habit of twisting those who's energy it corrupted and they would become crazed and and psychotic. War followed as the deities attempted to stop the spread of corruption and then hopefully destroy it.   Many on the material plane joined these fights both on the divine's side and on the corrupted's side. The loss of life was unfathomable and the war raged for 300 years. At the end, with even the great divine's becoming infected with corruption, a solution was proposed. If the divine plane was shattered then the corruption would be contained to separate realms and the remaining divine's would be safe, with enough divine energy these corrupted realms connection to Inniliv and the other divine realms could be closed and locked. The plan was carried out by the oldest god among themEndo god of the cycle, He shattered himself into pieces and by sacrificing some of his pieces he was able to shatter the divine plane and imposed world laws governing the connections between the shatterred realms, locking away those that where corrupted.   With this the corruption war ended in the year 570 of the Alkrarn calender, which is known as the year 0 AC.

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