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Innistrad is a plane. It takes its inspiration from Gothic 18th and 19th century America and Western Europe. The plane is primarily populated by Humans but these live in fear of a number of classical creatures of horror and regularly fall prey to Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires or Ghosts. Further, Demons are becoming an ever growing threat. Life on Innistrad is dominated by the single moon in its sky. Though the inhabitants of the plane know little about it, the moon drives the seasons and also hunting patterns of the monsters, harvests of the humans, etc. Human society is dominated by religion with the Church of Avacyn promising protection from the evils that lurk in the night. The church is named for an Archangel who helped to drive back the monsters that preyed on humans. The mainland of Innistrad is split into four provinces called Gavony, Kessig, Stensia, and Nephalia, with much of unexplored wilderness lying beyond these provinces. Beyond the great seas, other continents are rumored to exist that harbor exotic species of lycanthropes.