Jasmine Eswame Character in Inonaa-Land of emptiness | World Anvil
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Jasmine Eswame

She grew up in a smaller village in Ashome, daughter to two parents, both of whom were farmers. Jasmine discovered early in her life that she had a knack for controlling fire, but hid it from her parents in fear that they would send her to train to be a Lanterncarrier. One day however, when she was 11 years old, she worked up the courage to show them through a little show. The show went wrong however, when she lost control of the fire and her house burnt down. She managed to escape without any major injuries, but her parents did not. She spent the rest of her young life stealing and scavenging to survive. There were ruins in Ashome which not a lot of people explored, where there were valuables to be found. At 23 she was caught stealing sacred ornaments and was judged to a fire trial. They tied her down to the firebed without realizing she had a knife on her, and she managed to cut her loose and use the fire and her knife to kill the spectators and flee. But the fire had burned her skin badly and she decided to never use fire again and cover her face and body in bandages. Today she wanders Copaco in search of purpose, scavenging to survive.  


  Jasmine likes playing cards and betting money, but spends most of her time scavenging and selling what she finds. She's often quiet, except when she's playing cards or drinking, then she's very loud and tends to laugh at the wrong things. She's also very self-loathing and has a strong self hatred, which really shows when she's drunk. She hates what she's done to her own people and has a very complicated relationship with fire, both in a magic and religious way.  


  Most of her skin is covered in bandages, so you can only see one of her green eyes, bits of hair and her mouth. She has black, thin, long hair and a long slim body. She often wears a white robes with a hood and wide pants.

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