Spiritcurses Physical / Metaphysical Law in Inonaa-Land of emptiness | World Anvil
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If you have angered a spiritbeing, or if you've lost a challenge against it, it might give you a curse. There are two types of curses, mind curses and body curses. A mind curse is a curse placed on your mind. Common curses are the curse of a thousand eyes, which makes you feel as if you are always watched and judged, the curse of the heavy shadow, which causes you to always be sad, tired and unmotivated and the curse of the rotting mind, which makes you forget things to an extreme extent. Body curses limit you physically in different ways. Maybe it takes your ability to sing, play music, do magic, fight using a sword, jump and so on. They can normally not be cured, but you can always beg a spiritbeing for mercy.

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