The Children of the Roots Organization in Inonaa-Land of emptiness | World Anvil
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The Children of the Roots

While most people believe that the people in the mountains were the only surviving Old folk, there's actually another group of survivors, Some people fled to a giant cave under a big tree, The Tree of Undying, in the forest that later became the sand sea. But the tree whose roots upheld the caves didn't fall, even if it later died. When the people came there, they brought with them a machine of the oldfolk. What they brought with them was a mind made by humans, who would help them survive. They also brought normal supplies, and machines that would use spirit energy to give life to the roots, so they would keep upholding the caves. But the Mindmachine, who later grew to be a part of the tree and the people who lived in the caves went from advanced and intelligent people to savages, who ate mushrooms that grew on the roots, hunted and fought the giant beetles who lived in the tree. Worst of all, they sacrificed one person each year, so that their spirit energy could help keep the roots alive. They still live in the belief that they're the only remaining people in Inonaa, worshipping their Mind machine.
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