Aethereals Species in Instauro | World Anvil



Aethereals are beings of light and energy, appearing as humanoid shapes made of shimmering, translucent light. Their colors vary according to their mood and the type of energy they are currently channeling. They have no physical features like eyes or mouths but communicate telepathically and can manipulate their forms to express emotions or intentions.  


Aethereals live in floating cities above the clouds, harnessing the power of the sun, stars, and atmospheric energies. Their society is based on the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and the mastery of various forms of energy. There are no leaders in the traditional sense; instead, councils of the wisest Aethereals make decisions for the community. Their technology is highly advanced, blending magic and science in ways that allow them to live in harmony with the universe's energies.  


Aethereals are deeply philosophical, spending much of their time in meditation and study. They are pacifists, believing in the interconnectedness of all life and the universe. Their art and music are abstract, experienced as patterns of light and energy rather than physical forms. Aethereals are curious about other races and the physical world, often venturing from their cities to observe or gently interact, but always careful not to interfere directly in the affairs of others.

Basic Information


Aethereals are composed of a radiant, energy-based substance that allows them to assume a vaguely humanoid form. This composition grants them the ability to alter their shape to some extent, though they generally prefer forms that facilitate interaction with the physical world. They lack physical organs and traditional physical structures, existing as beings of pure energy. Their appearance can shift in color and intensity according to their emotions, energy levels, and health.

Biological Traits

Aethereals are composed entirely of energy, lacking traditional biological structures. Their form is malleable, allowing them to adjust their shape somewhat, though they tend toward a humanoid silhouette for ease of interaction with other species. Their existence is a direct manipulation of and symbiosis with ambient energy, making them unique in their ability to live in and interact with both the physical and ethereal realms.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aethereals do not reproduce in a biological sense but rather through a process of energy fission or convergence. When an Aethereal reaches a certain level of energy and wisdom, they can choose to divide their essence, creating a new, independent consciousness that inherits aspects of their knowledge and energy signature. This process is akin to a birth in its significance to Aethereals and is celebrated as the arrival of a new being into their society.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth of an Aethereal is measured in terms of energy accumulation, cognitive development, and mastery over their abilities. The initial stage after fission is akin to childhood, where the new Aethereal learns to stabilize their energy form and begins to explore their capacities. As they grow, they gain more control and understanding of their nature, eventually reaching maturity when they can fully manipulate their form and have achieved a foundational level of wisdom and knowledge.

Ecology and Habitats

Aethereals inhabit high-altitude, energy-rich environments, often above the cloud line or in places with strong ley lines and magical currents. Their floating cities are constructed in harmony with these energy flows, designed to enhance their inhabitants' connection to the universal energies they depend on. These locations are chosen for their tranquility and abundance of natural energy, which is vital for the Aethereals' existence.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Aethereals sustain themselves on ambient energy, which they absorb from their environment. This can include solar radiation, ley lines, and other natural energy sources. They do not consume food in the traditional sense but require environments rich in clean, potent energy to maintain their health and vitality. Their "feeding" is more a process of harmonious exchange with their surroundings, absorbing energy and, in turn, contributing to the energetic balance of their habitat.

Biological Cycle

Aethereals experience cycles of energy fluctuation, which could be likened to sleep and wakefulness in biological organisms. They enter states of deep meditation to rejuvenate, aligning themselves with cosmic energies and repairing any imbalances in their own energy fields. These cycles are personal and can vary in length and frequency among individuals.


Aethereals are naturally curious, contemplative, and peaceful. They value knowledge, wisdom, and the pursuit of enlightenment above all. Their society is cooperative and harmonious, with conflicts being rare and usually resolved through mediation and mutual understanding. Aethereals are empathetic, capable of sensing the emotions of others, which informs a compassionate and understanding approach to interactions. They are driven by a collective goal of achieving a deeper connection with the universe and understanding the mysteries it holds.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Aethereal society is organized around knowledge, wisdom, and collective well-being. There are no leaders or hierarchies as humans understand them; instead, decisions are made through consensus and guided by those with the greatest understanding or insight into the matter at hand.


Aethereals cannot be domesticated, nor do they domesticate other species. Their interactions with other beings are based on mutual respect and understanding, fostering cooperative relationships rather than ones of dominance or utility.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Aethereals do not produce byproducts in a material sense. Exploitation is an alien concept to them, as they live in harmony with their surroundings. However, their knowledge and wisdom can be a valuable asset to those they choose to share it with, offering insights into energy manipulation, environmental harmony, and the deeper workings of the universe.

Facial characteristics

Aethereals do not have faces in the human sense but can form approximations of facial features when they wish to communicate more directly or warmly with beings accustomed to visual cues. These features are simplistic and luminous, focusing on the essence of expression rather than detail.

Average Intelligence

Aethereals possess high intelligence, complemented by their ability to share and transmit knowledge telepathically within their society. Their intelligence is not just cognitive but also spiritual and emotional, encompassing a broad understanding of the cosmos.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aethereals perceive the world through a form of extrasensory perception that combines elements of sight, sound, and empathetic resonance. They can detect and interpret electromagnetic fields, subtle changes in environmental energy, and emotional states of other beings. This sensory input provides them with a detailed understanding of their surroundings, far beyond what traditional senses would allow. They communicate telepathically, capable of transmitting complex ideas and emotions instantaneously.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Aethereals naturally engage in symbiotic relationships with their environment, enhancing and being nurtured by the ambient energy. They do not have parasitic relationships in the traditional sense, as they give back to their surroundings as much as they take.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Aethereals adopt names that reflect the unique frequency and resonance of their energy signature. These names are more like musical notes or vibrations felt rather than spoken in the traditional sense. When communicating with other species, they translate these vibrational names into audible names that often sound melodic and ethereal to other beings.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty among Aethereals is perceived through the harmony and balance of energy. An Aethereal who can maintain a clear, vibrant, and harmonious energy signature is considered beautiful. This beauty is also reflected in their ability to shape their form in ways that reflect the elegance and fluidity of natural energy patterns.

Gender Ideals

Aethereals do not have genders in the way biological species do. They transcend traditional concepts of gender, focusing instead on the essence and purity of their energy. Relationships and roles within their society are not defined by gender but by the resonance and compatibility of energy between individuals.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among Aethereals is a deeply spiritual and energetic connection, where two beings align their frequencies in perfect harmony. This connection is built on mutual understanding, respect, and a shared desire to blend their energies in a way that enhances both their essences.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships are valued for the depth of connection and mutual growth they facilitate. Aethereals seek partnerships that allow them to explore the universe's mysteries together, expanding their knowledge and understanding. Such relationships are built on the principles of energy harmony, unconditional support, and cosmic exploration.

Average Technological Level

Aethereals have transcended the need for physical technology as humans understand it. Their "technology" is their ability to manipulate energy and the fabric of reality itself. They construct their floating cities and artifacts through the mastery of these energies, blending what might be considered magic and technology into a seamless whole.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The primary "language" of the Aethereals is a form of telepathic communication that transcends spoken or written language. It is a universal mode of expression that can be understood on an intrinsic level by many sentient beings capable of telepathy or similar forms of non-verbal communication.

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect for the energy and essence of all beings is the cornerstone of Aethereal etiquette. Interruptions or intrusions into another's energy field without consent are considered rude. Sharing energy or knowledge is done freely but with consideration for the recipient's capacity to receive and integrate it.

Common Dress Code

As beings of energy, Aethereals do not wear clothing in the traditional sense. However, they often modify their appearance with patterns and colors that reflect their mood, status, or the function of their current gathering, much like a dress code.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Aethereal culture is centered around the growth and exploration of the self and the universe. They value the accumulation of wisdom, the pursuit of harmony, and the exploration of the cosmos. Their cultural heritage is a collective memory of everything they have learned and experienced, shared among all Aethereals.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

One of the most important traditions is the Gathering of Harmonies, a periodic meeting where Aethereals join their energies in a symphony of light and sound, sharing knowledge and experiences. This event strengthens their communal bonds and reaffirms their connection to the universe.

Common Taboos

Dissonance, or the willful creation of chaotic energy, is a taboo among Aethereals. It is seen as an affront to the harmony of the universe and the well-being of all beings.


The history of the Aethereals is a tapestry woven from the flow of cosmic energies and the evolution of the universe itself. They emerged in an era when the fabric of reality was thin, and the energies of creation flowed freely. Over millennia, they have witnessed the birth and death of stars, the formation of galaxies, and the rise and fall of countless civilizations. Their history is recorded not in written texts but in the collective memory of their energy essences, shared and preserved through their telepathic network.

Historical Figures

Their historical figures are those who have achieved a profound understanding of the cosmic laws, contributed significantly to the Aethereal collective knowledge, or played crucial roles in maintaining the balance of the universe.

Common Myths and Legends

Aethereals have myths that speak of the origin of the universe, the nature of the cosmic fabric, and the potential end of all things. These stories are not just tales but lessons and warnings about the balance of energy and the importance of harmony.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Aethereals approach interspecies relations with curiosity, respect, and a non-interventionist policy. They offer guidance and wisdom where it can be accepted without imposing their will or disrupting the natural development of other civilizations. Their relations are characterized by a desire to foster understanding and harmony among the diverse beings of the universe.
Average Height
Aethereals typically range from 5 to 7 feet tall in their preferred humanoid form. However, this measurement is somewhat arbitrary due to their ability to alter their form's dimensions.
Average Weight
Aethereals do not have a physical mass in a traditional sense, as they are composed of energy. Their interaction with the physical world does not rely on mass or gravity.
Average Length
Not applicable due to their non-physical nature.
Average Physique
The concept of physique does not apply in the traditional sense to Aethereals, as they do not have physical bodies or muscles. Their form's appearance of strength or delicacy is purely aesthetic and chosen by the individual.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their appearance can vary widely, with colors often reflecting their mood, the type of energy they are currently channeling, or their role within Aethereal society. Brighter colors might indicate high energy levels or strong emotions, while softer hues might indicate contemplation or calm. They can manifest markings or patterns in their energy forms, often representing personal achievements, experiences, or affiliations within their culture.

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