Amelia "Trayne" Rynea Stantin Character in Instauro | World Anvil

Amelia "Trayne" Rynea Stantin

Amelia “Trayne” Rynea Stantin is originally from the deep Jungles of the Outlands, very near if not bordering the hidden woods of Obad-Hai. Her home village of Mar’Kyth contains a large Portal directly to the top layer of the Beastlands. The Portal is so large that vegetation and beasts from beastland, along with the magic of the plane, helped to transform her home into a lush Jungle of large exotic beasts.


The region that Trayne is from is very foreign. The land is wild. Technology is very primitive, if not absent, in most areas. Magic abounds. There are no machines, no are built from is on horseback unless you are a beast rider. The Land consists of the Storm Warriors, The Shapeshifters, The Vypers(Daywalker Vampires who have poisonous bites), and the nonmagical Kin, which we would describe as humans.  


Dragons are worshipped as gods by Trayne’s village.  

Storm Warriors:

Best compared to Amazon Warriors, this all women’s tribe is considered the major power in the region. The tales say that long ago, 5 dragons visited the lands and were taken by the women's beauty that they found. As gifts, the dragons bestowed each woman with a different gift: One with the power of fire, one with water, one with air, one with earth, and one with the power of storms. To this day, Trayne’s people worship dragons and have a yearly festival to honor them.  

Trayne’s Story:

Trayne’s mother, Amethyst, is the current Storm Leader for the tribe, making her second in command under the Priestess. The Storm Warriors are very prideful and only allow the villages strongest to have children with approved men. Each year, Olympic type tournaments are held between villages, and the winners are considered the strongest and are approved to have children. If the women from the Storm Village have a male, the child is immediately returned to his father’s village. If the child is a female, they are kept in Mar’Kyth. Amethyst was one of the winners and was paired with a Werepanther shifter to have a child. However, Amethyst had been smitten by a human man in a nearby village where the Warriors travel for trade. Named Amok Stantin, this man was a blacksmith and a fine swordsman, and after many visits for “supplies,” Amythyst found herself pregnant. Amethyst knew that an unapproved pregnancy would end in the child’s death, so she sought to hide her pregnancy. Instead, as she found it harder to hide the pregnancy, she informed her village that she was going on a spiritual retreat and postponed her pairing with the werepanther. She fled into the Jungles and had a baby girl, Amelia. Once delivered and healthy, Amelia was taken to her father, who agreed to raise the child secret. Amelia was raised as a human, but as she aged, her powers began to slip. If she were angry, the wind would grow harsh...lightning storms were drawn to the village. Amok did his best to downplay what he knew was a Storm Warrior receiving her gifts. However, her power could not be concealed forever, as the Priestess - a powerful ancient Vyper sensed her and arrived at the village. When looking at Amelia, a spitting image of her mother, the Priestess immediately secured her. And at age 16, Amelia was returned to her mother’s village. The Priestess confronted Amythyst privately, who then told her the story and begged for Amelia’s life. Feeling great sorrow at seeing her sister in arms in pain, the Priestess agreed to hide who Amelia’s mother was..and leave her birth and appearance a mystery to the village. Amelia found herself pulled away forcefully from the only family she knew and thrown to the wolves, sometimes quite literally. She was placed in training with girls her own age who had been training since they could walk. They would torture her in the name of “training.” Not letting her eat or sleep for extended periods and forcing her to train nearly 24 hours a day for weeks on end. If she collapsed from exhaustion, someone would grab her and scream “TRAIN” in her face. Hence the name Trayne was born. For two years, Trayne endured relentless abuse...her mother helpless to step in or show compassion. But, Trayne trained. She trained hard...and soon the other girl’s realized that she controlled the power of lightning storms...which would make her the next Storm Leader. This realization did not sit well with the other girl’s Trayne’s age...having the “weakest” become a leader. So, they plotted...and one day, as Trayne walked across the training arena, she was hit in the back with a Plane Shift spell...and has not seen her village since.  

Her First Guild

Trayne found herself in a foreign plane of magic, all races, advanced technology..airships...and found her first guild. To survive, Trayne realized she needed a tribe...and in this land..a tribe was a guild. In this guild, she would make great friends: Maggie, a librarian Elf, Lesh and Nessa Noghtsune adventurers, Jessica a Vyper-pire, Mug the Fire Barbarian..and a half fire god, who she fell in love with. These friends would grow to be her family and even save Trayne’s life when Trayne’s sisters found her and attempted to kill her once and for all…..She slowly was adjusting and found herself happy...until the war came to her lands. Her guild fell...and as a last way to survive, a link to another plane was opened...and Trayne and her friends found themselves at the guildhall of ECG.  

Trayne and ECG

When Trayne shifted into the new plan, her powers were mostly lost, making her have to work to gain them once again. Not long after her arrival to ECG, Trayne was killed in combat...but the last-minute true resurrection spell brought her back. She was in a two-week coma...but woke up with her then-fiance at her side. Unfortunately, her happiness was short-lived, as her fiance became more and more possessive over time..ending in a showdown and a broken heart. Trayne developed the fear of being close to anyone and has even pushed away from her closest friends from her previous guild. Now she lives day to day, avoiding any personal attachment - and if she starts to become attached..she runs farther away. Afraid to be hurt again.  
Amythyst Kinor - Mother - alive Aren Kinor - Half-Sister - deceased Amok Stantin -Father- condition unknown Olivia Stantin - half-sister - condition unknown Erik Stantin - half brother - condition unknown Bethany Stantin - StepMother - condition unknown


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