Durnan Species in Instauro | World Anvil


Basic Information


The Durnans are a sturdy, resilient race, known for their compact size and muscular build. They have deep, earth-toned skin that ranges from dark browns to shades of stone gray, mirroring the underground realms they call home. Their eyes are small but sharp, gleaming like precious gems in the dim light of their subterranean cities. Durnans are distinguished by their thick, rugged hair and beards, which they often braid with metals and gems found within the earth.

Biological Traits

Their bodies are naturally adapted to life underground, with resistance to toxins and the ability to see in low light. Durnans are also known for their endurance and strength, capable of performing laborious tasks for extended periods.

Genetics and Reproduction

Durnan families are known for their long lineage, with traits such as resilience, craftsmanship, and a deep connection to the earth passed down through generations. They have a low birth rate, with each Durnan child considered a precious addition to the clan.

Growth Rate & Stages

Durnans mature at a slower pace compared to other races, reaching adulthood by their fiftieth year. Their life stages are marked by their contributions to their clan and mastery over their chosen craft, culminating in a rite of passage that involves the creation of a masterpiece to benefit their community.

Ecology and Habitats

Preferring the stable climate and security of the underground, Durnans carve their homes and cities into the heart of mountains and beneath the earth's surface. Their architecture is a marvel of engineering, featuring grand halls, intricate stone carvings, and forge-powered machinery.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their diet consists mainly of fungi, root vegetables, and subterranean animals. Durnans are adept at cultivating underground farms and are known for their strong ales and robust stews.

Biological Cycle

Durnans follow a cycle that mirrors the steady, unchanging nature of the underground. Their concept of time is marked by the completion of projects and the progression of their crafts, rather than the passing of days or seasons.


Durnans value stability, tradition, and craftsmanship. They are fiercely loyal to their clans and hold a deep respect for the history and achievements of their ancestors. Though they may seem stubborn or resistant to change, they possess a deep wisdom and a pragmatic approach to solving problems.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Durnan society is clan-based, with each clan specializing in a particular craft or trade. Leadership is meritocratic, determined by skill, wisdom, and contribution to the clan's prosperity. Clans form alliances and trade agreements, fostering a complex network of interdependence and cooperation.


Beyond domesticating underground creatures, Durnans ingeniously harness geothermal energy for heating, forge-work, and powering their machinery. Their innovations in mining and metalwork are unparalleled, producing tools, weapons, and artifacts of the highest quality.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Durnan craftsmanship is highly sought after, with their metalworks, gemstones, and crafted goods being valuable trade commodities. Their knowledge of earth magic and construction techniques are also coveted, though they guard these secrets jealously.

Facial characteristics

Durnans have broad faces with strong jawlines, and their expressive eyes are set deep beneath prominent brows. Their hair and beards are thick and coarse, often streaked with silver or gold from their work in the mines.

Average Intelligence

Durnans possess a keen intellect, especially in areas related to geology, metallurgy, and engineering. Their creations are not only functional but also artistic, reflecting their deep understanding of both the materials they work with and the aesthetic principles of design.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Durnans possess an exceptional sense of direction and depth, allowing them to navigate the deepest caverns without losing their way. Their hearing is finely tuned to the vibrations of the earth, enabling them to detect the slightest shifts or movements within the rock. Some Durnans have developed a form of tremorsense, an ability to sense approaching creatures or natural occurrences through the stone itself.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Durnans have domesticated several subterranean species for food, labor, and protection. They share a symbiotic relationship with stone elementals and deep earth spirits, often invoking their aid in construction and mining endeavors.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are often derived from the ancient Durnan language, reflecting traits, elements, or materials associated with the earth. Surnames denote clan affiliation and are held in great esteem.

Beauty Ideals

Strength, skill, and a well-crafted beard are considered beauty marks among Durnans. Ornate braids, decorated with precious stones or metals, are worn with pride, signifying status and achievement.

Gender Ideals

Durnan society values skill and contribution over gender, with individuals of all genders standing equal in their ability to achieve renown and respect through their craft.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among Durnans involves the exchange of handmade gifts and tokens of affection, with a strong emphasis on the care, thought, and skill put into creating these items.

Relationship Ideals

Partnerships are built on mutual respect, shared goals, and the complementary blending of skills. Loyalty and dedication to one's clan and family are paramount.

Average Technological Level

Durnans have mastered the art of combining magic with engineering, creating advanced machinery and architectural wonders that harness the earth's natural power. Their technology is deeply integrated with their magical practices, creating a unique blend that is both powerful and sustainable.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Durnan language is rich and complex, with dialects varying by clan. It includes terms and concepts unique to their subterranean world and their crafts.

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect for tradition, craftsmanship, and clan honor dictates Durnan etiquette. Greetings often involve a formal exchange of clan affiliations and achievements.

Common Dress Code

Durnans wear durable clothing suited to their work, often adorned with elements of their craft. Formal attire includes intricately woven fabrics and jewelry that showcase their skill and status.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Durnan culture revolves around craftsmanship, tradition, and a deep connection to the earth. Festivals, ceremonies, and rites of passage are imbued with historical significance and celebrate the enduring spirit of their people.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Rituals to honor the earth and the spirits of the deep are integral to Durnan life, as are celebrations of craftsmanship and skill. The completion of a masterpiece is an occasion for communal celebration and recognition.

Common Taboos

Desecrating the earth or wasting precious materials is taboo. Dishonoring one's clan or failing to uphold the traditions of craftsmanship is also viewed with disdain.


The Durnans' history is a saga of survival, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of mastery over their environment. From their earliest days, they have faced the challenges of the deep with courage and determination, forging a civilization that stands as a testament to their resilience and ingenuity.

Historical Figures

Heroes in Durnan lore include master smiths who forged legendary weapons, architects who designed their grandest halls, and explorers who discovered new realms beneath the earth.

Common Myths and Legends

Durnan mythology is filled with tales of legendary craftsmen, battles against creatures of the deep, and the discovery of magical ores and gems. These stories inspire each new generation to strive for greatness in their endeavors.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While cautious in their dealings with surface dwellers, Durnans maintain trade relationships with other races, offering their goods in exchange for resources scarce in the depths. They are respected and sometimes feared for their mastery of the earth and its secrets.
Durnans can live up to 400 years, with their elders revered for their knowledge, experience, and historical perspective.
Average Height
They stand between 4 and 5 feet tall, with their broad shoulders and sturdy build contributing to their formidable presence.
Average Weight
Due to their muscular build, an adult Durnan can weigh between 150 to 200 pounds.
Average Physique
Their physique is robust and stocky, designed for strength and resilience rather than speed.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin tones blend with the earth, providing natural camouflage in their underground homes. Some Durnans bear tattoos or brandings that signify clan affiliation, personal achievements, or magical wards.

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