Eldaryn Species in Instauro | World Anvil


Basic Information


The Eldaryn are ethereal beings, taller and more slender than most races of Instauro, with an elegance that belies their strength. Their skin shimmers with a luminescence that reflects their affinity for the arcane, ranging in hues from pale silvers to deep greens and blues, mirroring the natural world. Their eyes are wide and almond-shaped, glowing softly with the power of their ancient magic. The Eldaryn hair flows like silk, often adorned with leaves, flowers, and crystals that signify their connection to the natural and mystical realms.

Biological Traits

Their bodies are naturally attuned to magic, capable of wielding the elements, healing, and shaping the world around them with ease. Eldaryn are also capable of long periods of stasis, allowing them to weather centuries in meditation, emerging only when their wisdom and power are needed.

Genetics and Reproduction

Eldaryn are born from the union of spirit and nature, a magical process that occurs rarely and is celebrated as a sacred event. They are few in number, with each Eldaryn's birth heralding a new guardian of the natural world. Their genetics carry the essence of the magic that binds the world, making them inherently powerful beings of magic.

Growth Rate & Stages

Eldaryn mature slowly, with childhoods that span centuries, allowing them to learn the ancient arts and wisdom of their people. They reach adulthood at around three hundred years, living lives that can span several millennia, each phase of their life marked by the attainment of deeper knowledge and magical prowess.

Ecology and Habitats

Eldaryn dwell in the most ancient and untouched parts of Instauro, where the veil between the natural and arcane worlds is thin. Their homes are built in harmony with the environment, hidden within towering forests, secret valleys, and mystical groves that are protected by powerful enchantments.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Eldaryn sustain themselves on the mana that pervades Instauro, drawing nourishment from the world's natural magic. They partake of the fruits of the forest, which are imbued with this magical essence, in ceremonial meals that honor the bounty of the earth.

Biological Cycle

Eldaryn do not sleep as mortals do but instead enter a state of deep meditation, communing with the natural and arcane forces. This meditation rejuvenates their bodies and minds, connecting them to the flow of magic that sustains their essence.


Eldaryn are contemplative and serene, valuing harmony and balance above all. They are guardians of the arcane, dedicating their lives to protecting the world from those who would disrupt its natural order. Despite their peaceful nature, they are formidable foes when provoked, wielding magic with a precision and power that few can match.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Eldaryn society is loosely structured, with no single ruler but a council of the eldest and most powerful among them. Decisions are made with the consensus of the community, guided by the wisdom of the ancients and the needs of the natural world.


Eldaryn do not domesticate animals but form partnerships with magical creatures, working together to maintain the balance of nature. They are stewards rather than masters, respecting the autonomy and wildness of these beings.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Eldaryn magic is sought after by many, for its power to heal, to protect, and to reveal the mysteries of the arcane. However, they share their magic sparingly, only with those who respect the balance of the world and the sanctity of life.

Facial characteristics

Eldaryn faces are angular and refined, with high cheekbones and eyes that sparkle with the light of stars. Their expressions convey a depth of emotion and wisdom, reflecting the ancient spirits that guide them.

Average Intelligence

Eldaryn possess a profound intelligence, with an innate understanding of magic, the natural world, and the ancient lore of Instauro. Their long lives allow them to accumulate vast stores of knowledge, making them wise counselors and scholars.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Eldaryn possess heightened senses, able to see in the darkest night as if it were day, and hear the whisper of the wind over great distances. They have a deep connection to the world's ley lines, sensing shifts in the magical currents that flow unseen by most. This connection grants them a form of extrasensory perception, allowing them to communicate with the natural world and its spirits.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Eldaryn live in harmony with all creatures of the forest, their magic allowing them to communicate and form bonds with even the most elusive spirits and beasts. They are protectors of these creatures, ensuring their safety and the balance of their habitats.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Eldaryn names are drawn from the ancient language of magic, each name a reflection of the individual's essence and the magic that flows through them. Names are given by the community in a sacred ceremony that recognizes the newborn Eldaryn's place within the tapestry of the world.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty for Eldaryn is found in harmony with the natural and arcane worlds. Grace, wisdom, and the ability to wield magic with skill and respect are considered the pinnacle of beauty, celebrated through art, music, and dance that reflect the magic of the world.

Gender Ideals

Eldaryn society does not place importance on gender, valuing individuals for their abilities, wisdom, and contributions to the community. Their fluid approach to gender reflects the mutable nature of magic itself.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among Eldaryn is a dance of magic and emotion, with individuals weaving spells and songs that express their affection and compatibility. Relationships are built on mutual respect, deep emotional connections, and a shared commitment to guarding the world's magic.

Relationship Ideals

Eldaryn seek partners who share their values and their connection to the arcane. Relationships are egalitarian, with both partners supporting each other's magical and personal growth, working together to fulfill their duties to the world.

Average Technological Level

Eldaryn technology is a blend of magic and craftsmanship, creating artifacts and structures that harmonize with the natural world. Their mastery over the arcane allows them to achieve feats that seem miraculous to other races, from buildings that grow from living trees to crystals that store sunlight.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Eldaryn language is as ancient as they are, a melodic and complex tongue that can shape magic itself. It includes sounds that mimic the natural world, from the babbling of brooks to the whisper of the wind, allowing them to communicate on a deep level with the creatures and spirits of the forest.

Common Etiquette Rules

Etiquette among Eldaryn emphasizes respect for all life, the sharing of knowledge, and the maintenance of balance within the world. Greetings are often accompanied by a small exchange of magic, a sharing of energy that acknowledges the other's presence and power.

Common Dress Code

Eldaryn attire is woven from the finest silks and adorned with natural elements, reflecting their environment and the seasons. Their clothing is designed to complement their magic, enhancing their connection to the arcane and the world around them.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Eldaryn culture is rich with traditions that celebrate the cycles of the world, the flow of magic, and the stories of their ancestors. They honor the earth through festivals that mark the changing seasons, the movements of the stars, and the sacred moments of life and death.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Eldaryn observe many rituals that strengthen their bond with the natural and arcane worlds, from the planting of trees that will grow into homes to the weaving of spells that protect and nurture the land. Their most sacred traditions involve the casting of spells that renew the world's magic, ensuring its flow remains pure and strong.

Common Taboos

The greatest taboo for Eldaryn is the misuse of magic, especially for selfish or destructive ends. Such acts are considered a violation of the world's trust and a threat to the balance of all life.


The Eldaryn trace their origins to the dawn of Instauro, born from the union of the world's raw magic and the nascent life force of the planet. They have been guardians of its magic and protectors of its creatures since time immemorial, their history intertwined with the ebb and flow of the world's arcane energies.

Historical Figures

Eldaryn history is graced with heroes who have defended the world from corruption, wise sages who have deepened their understanding of magic, and artisans whose works have transcended the boundaries of imagination. These figures are revered, their lives a reflection of the Eldaryn's highest ideals.

Common Myths and Legends

Eldaryn myths are tales of creation, of the first magics that wove the world into being, and of the legendary Eldaryn who have shaped the course of history with their power. These stories are not just entertainment but lessons in the responsibilities that come with their gifts.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Eldaryn are cautious but not unfriendly towards other races, offering aid to those who respect the natural order and seek to live in harmony with the world. They view themselves as guardians, guiding and protecting where they can, but always mindful of the delicate balance that must be maintained.
Eldaryn can live for several thousand years, their lifespans a testament to their deep bond with the world's magic.
Average Height
Eldaryn stand between 6 to 7 feet tall, their height adding to their otherworldly appearance.
Average Physique
Their physique is lean and graceful, built for agility and the precise control of their magical abilities.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin shimmers with a subtle glow, the color shifting with their mood and the magic they wield. Markings of silver and gold trace their skin, symbols of their connection to the arcane forces of the world.

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