Human Species in Instauro | World Anvil


Basic Information


Humans in Instauro resemble the classic human form with diverse skin tones, hair colors, and physical features that vary widely across regions. They have adapted to a wide range of environments, from bustling city-states to remote wilderness frontiers.

Biological Traits

Humans' most notable trait is their adaptability, allowing them to manipulate environments and resources effectively. While physically they are not the strongest or fastest, their ingenuity and social structures enable them to thrive.

Genetics and Reproduction

Human genetics include a predisposition for adaptability, enabling them to thrive in various environments. Magical affinity is a rare but prized genetic trait. Reproduction follows natural biological processes, with families often aligning along strategic social or magical alliances.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans mature physically by their late teens, though their societal coming of age varies by culture, often marked by ceremonies or trials. Lifespan averages around 80 years, with magic users sometimes living longer.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans are versatile, inhabiting a broad range of environments. They have established settlements everywhere, from coastal cities to mountain fortresses, adapting their architecture and lifestyles to their surroundings.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Human diets are as varied as their environments, including agriculture, hunting, and trade to ensure a diverse intake of food. Culinary traditions are rich and varied, often celebrated aspects of their cultures.

Biological Cycle

Humans follow a diurnal cycle, with most activity during the day. Their societies also observe cycles of work and rest, often aligned with the seasons for agricultural communities.


Humans are driven by a wide range of motivations, including curiosity, ambition, and the desire for security. Their societies can be cooperative or competitive, with complex social structures and a wide range of temperaments and ideologies.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Human societies vary from democratic city-states to feudal kingdoms, often stratified by class, occupation, or magical ability. Leadership can be hereditary, merit-based, or a mix of both.


Humans have domesticated numerous species for food, labor, and companionship. They are also beginning to harness magical creatures for their abilities, though with varying degrees of success and ethical consideration.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Human industries produce a wide range of goods, from agricultural products to magical artifacts. Their expansion often leads to the exploitation of natural resources, a growing concern among more environmentally conscious communities.

Facial characteristics

Faces display a wide array of features, with variations in eye color, nose shape, and lip fullness. Facial hair is common in some cultures and absent in others.

Average Intelligence

Humans are highly intelligent, with a natural inclination towards innovation and problem-solving. They have developed complex languages, systems of writing, and a deep understanding of magic and technology.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans possess the standard sensory capabilities: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. A small percentage have developed rudimentary extrasensory abilities, such as mild telepathy or elemental sense, likely due to the world's magical influence.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Humans have domesticated various animals for companionship, labor, and transportation. Their relationship with magical creatures is more complex, ranging from mutualism to exploitation.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names often reflect cultural heritage, with family names carrying significant historical weight. Naming ceremonies vary, with some cultures assigning great importance to the choice of a name.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty ideals vary, with some cultures valuing physical prowess and others emphasizing magical ability or intellectual achievements. Fashion and aesthetic preferences are diverse and changeable.

Gender Ideals

Roles and expectations vary significantly among cultures, with some societies exhibiting strict gender roles and others embracing more fluid concepts of identity and expression.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship practices range from arranged marriages to romantic love being the primary basis for partnerships. Rituals, gifts, and demonstrations of skill or magical ability are common elements of courtship.

Relationship Ideals

Ideals of partnership vary, with loyalty, mutual respect, and the ability to work together towards common goals being highly valued. In more magical societies, the synergy of abilities can also be a factor.

Average Technological Level

Society is on the cusp of an industrial revolution, with early firearms and simple electrical devices emerging. Magic plays a significant role in technology, with innovations often blending the two.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Languages are as diverse as the human populations, with major trade languages emerging in cosmopolitan areas. Dialects can vary significantly even within small regions.

Common Etiquette Rules

Etiquette varies, but common values include respect for elders, hospitality to guests, and adherence to local customs and laws. Magical societies may have additional protocols related to the use of abilities.

Common Dress Code

Fashion varies widely, often influenced by local climates, materials available, and social status. In regions where magic is prevalent, clothing may also serve as a conduit or inhibitor of magical energy.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Human culture is rich and multifaceted, with art, music, literature, and magic deeply interwoven into the fabric of society. Traditions and cultural heritage are preserved and celebrated, with festivals and ceremonies marking important occasions and transitions.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Customs vary, including rites of passage, harvest festivals, and ceremonies to honor the dead. Magic-infused rituals are common, celebrating the seasons, moon phases, or significant historical events.

Common Taboos

Taboos include necromancy, forbidden magics, and the desecration of sacred sites. Social taboos vary by culture, often related to etiquette, dress, and interactions between different classes or castes.


Humans have a rich history of empire-building, exploration, and innovation. Their relatively rapid advancement in magic and technology has dramatically shaped their societies and their impact on the world.

Historical Figures

Figures of legend include great mages, warrior kings, and revolutionary thinkers who have shaped human society and its understanding of magic and technology.

Common Myths and Legends

Mythology includes tales of ancient heroes, gods, and magical creatures. Legends often serve as moral lessons or explanations for natural phenomena, with heroes embodying ideal human virtues.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humans have a complex relationship with other races, ranging from trade and alliances to conflict and subjugation. Their adaptability and ambition make them formidable allies and dangerous foes.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapien
The average lifespan is around 80 years, though this can vary significantly depending on living conditions, access to magic, and medical knowledge.
Average Height
Average height ranges from 5 to 6 feet, with variations due to regional genetic differences and nutritional factors.
Average Weight
It varies widely due to diet and lifestyle, with a healthy range considered ideal by most human societies.
Average Physique
Physique varies widely, from the lean, agile forms of desert nomads to the robust, hearty builds of northern warriors. Physical training and labor influence individual physique greatly.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tones range from pale to dark, influenced by geographical ancestry. Tattoos and other body markings are common, often carrying cultural or personal significance.

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