Jessica Bell Character in Instauro | World Anvil

Jessica Bell

Jessica Seanne Bell (a.k.a. Jess)

Laws of Curses

  1. Must offer something in return for the curse to be bestowed
  2. If the curse goes though and you are judged to have done it for the wrong reasons you will receive a curse yourself.
  3. Must have an item that belongs to the cursed person so there is no confusion on who is being cursed
  4. You can only request a curse once per month
  5. If the cursed wants revenge and can meet criteria they can curse you back
  6. If you place the curse on the wrong person. You will receive a curse and not be allowed to place another till you can prove you worthy of this gift again

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Jessicas Mark:

Anyone or anything that carries This mark can call for Jessica at a moment's notice.  She can send her shadow through eh mark to interact with who is there if she has the time.  If she cannot show up she can still listen to the words spoken through the mark to head what the caller has to say.  This mark can be placed at any time and as well as tattooed onto the skin.  

Holy Coin:

This coin is something that is earned from Jessica.  Using it and when you meet her can give you access to some of her power.  The main use is part of the trade for a curse on someone so long as you meet other requirements.

The Statuette:

This statuette is placed in the home of Jessica's followers as a way to show their faith.  It also assists in keeping certain creatures form entering your home

Tenets of Faith

  1. One's freedom is something that will not be taken away without proper reasoning.
  2. The shadows are good to take from those who don’t need them.
  3. Marriage should already be chosen and never forced.
  4. To take advantage of someone else in a physical way is unforgivable.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Ages

  Growing up, she never had to really work for anything. Being part of a very wealthy family had its perks. With her mother being born a Noble and Father running his own business, there was never a need to want. Getting through school was never an issue, especially since everyone wanted to be her friend. Trying to do her work for her just because of her name or doing everything they can to make sure she passed. She basically walked on water, but she didn't let it go completely to her head. She loved people and would always have come over to hang out so she could get to know them more, and it didn't matter who they were, but as she grew older, she noticed that they only hung out with her to get stuff from her. Being someone who isn't very materialistic, she would let people have whatever they wanted as they needed it more than she did. They would disappear when they got it, leaving her with this pit in her heart of inevitable betrayal. As she continued to grow and continued to see this trend, she grew more detached from the people around her. More afraid that she will keep getting hurt, but she did try her best to make any connections to keep people around. By high school, she had a solid group of people with who she got very close. They still used her in many ways, but they stuck around and always had her back. She got close, let them in, and that feeling of coldness started to fade. Besides the moments and affection she received from her mother, she finally started to know what love was again.

The Night that Changed her Life Forever

  Her father was a strict man, always trying to keep an eye on her and control what she could and couldn't do. Her mother didn't really agree with the parenting, but she could stand up to him. She would tell Jessica all bout her experiences growing up as a noble and having to sneak away to have any fun. Jessica loved these stories, and when she reached her late teens, she started to do the same whenever her father was home from work and wouldn't let her live her best life. So one night after her and the friends she was able to keep and bond with shuck out to a bar to celebrate their successful junior high school year. A few drinks in, and everyone is merry, having the time of their lives. The night she will never forget. She gets a tap on the shoulder, and she turns around with a smile to greet whoever it was. Come to find out; dear old dad decided to come to get her. She immediately refuses and turns away. He grabs her arm and starts to pull her out of the bar to be met with more resistance. He gets tired and goes to lift her, and her friends and the other in the bar all step in to help free her from his grasp. After a few hits to the face, Her father loses his mind and pulls her close to his face. She feels a cold pain rush through her neck as the whole room goes silent. He bit her. He pulled her in as fangs grew in his mouth and sunk his teeth into her neck. In a state of shock, Jessica nearly passes out as he tosses her aside and walks towards the exit with his last words.
“Since it seems you will not willingly listen to me. I will make you follow my command. Now get rid of this filth that has corrupted you. Kill them all.”
    As he leaves, he smashes the door handle and bars the door from the outside, sending one of his people to lock the other side before anyone else can get out. Her vision quickly fading as the room was still frozen with silence until one of her friends rush over to help her. A few people head to the doors to see if they can get out. Others yelling for guards, but most kind of stunned by the events and seeing the girl bleeding out in front of them. Jessica's skin starts to grow pale as she is lifted into the arms of a friend doing everything they could to save her, but as her body quickly became colder, they knew there wasn't much hope. One last long breath as what seemed like the end took over her body. All she could think of was how she just wanted to go home now, lay in bed, hear a song from her mother, and cuddle up nice and warm. Just as that thought ended, she began to feel as if she was starving. A jolt of energy flowing through her body as the hunger increased. Her eyes shoot open, and she gasps for air as her friends rush around and hug her feeling thankful that a god is blessing them with such a miracle. So much Filled the room until the curse took its toll on Jessica can. She bit into her friends; a deep urge overcomes her to kill everyone in the room. Her father's words fill her mind, and her hunger for blood continues to grow. One by one, she mercilessly cuts through And feeds off of every last person in the room. Theirs pleads and cries for help are only met with fangs and overwhelming power. Once she was done. The room grew silent once again ad the voice in her head slowly died off as she came to reality and seen what she had done. Falling to her knees and weeping over the atrocity she had just committed. After sobbing for a long time and trying to wake anyone and anyone to no avail, she heads to the door and pushes on it. Her newfound strength making it easy for her to breakthrough. She looks around.. covers head to toe in the blood of her closest friends and the ones she loved, and she runs off, hoping no one sees her. Midway to heading home, she doesn't know what to think. She can't face her father after this. If her mother seen what she looked like or found out what she had done, she knew it would break her. Not being able to face any of it, she took off from her home with nothing but the smell of alcohol and the bloodied clothes on her body.

Breaking out of the shell

  The next four years are unforgiving. She Starts to hate herself. having to drink the blood of others to live. Not being able to starve herself from it.. the smell of blood eventually starts sending her into a frenzy if she hasn't eaten. She went town to town trying to blend in and fight her urges, and a few times, she had hope. Find ways to hide from normal eyes, attaching the humanoid monsters, and even learning to make potions with the blood she can gather to hold her over, but every time someone would catch her or find out, she would become hunted and ran out of the land. She gets a specially made mask to help cover her face and protect her and others from the slightest bloody scents to keep her away from it all. No more killing the people, she would tell herself—no more feeding from them. Blend in. Hide it all. At the end of this four-year stint, she stumbles upon the Silver Tower Guild. Living on the street, sleeping outside, and not having any real possessions, she joins the guild as it promised a place to sleep and ways to get Coin. Adventurer, a new term for her but after talking with others, the number of monsters encountered on a quest was enough to help her make more potions and stay undercover. No more roaming the woods or in caves hoping to encounter something. This didn't go as planned. She didn't realize that each quest would have a good number of people working together to accomplish the tasks; with all these eyes working together, extracting blood was too difficult to do without anyone getting curious and asking questions, so she fell back into her old traps of hiding deeper and deeper happy the mask was able to keep the sent of the party members out of her nose and not letting her go feral. Still, in the end, this became too much. After a long starve and in the middle of a mission, she could not keep going without feeding. Hence, she got with one of her party members and leaped faith, explaining what she was and what she needed, and to her surprise, that member offered her own blood so sustain the hunger after how she has been treated before this didn't feel like it would end well, but she needed it. Doffing her mask and drinking the blood and having someone know her secret, this was big for her. Paranoia riddled her, wondering when they would turn on her, when the member would spill her secret and when she would need to leave again. The only lucky part is that she never bought many items as she knew this day would come once again. She thought she had grown a bit close to these members, and she didn't want to have to face them and see their faces with bloodlust in their eyes for her, so she decided she was done with this curse; she decided that she would go back and find her father and kill him hoping that it would end her curse. Packing up her little items, she doesn't say a word to anyone and heads off to end this once and for all. Or so she thought.  

A father's surprise

  Her mind at ease; she has one goal and one goal only. Kill her Father. Her years of running and avoiding people are coming in handy as she creeps into the manor. She goes into her father's study and rummages around, finding he has a business meeting in a couple of hours, and he should be getting back into town soon as well. She notes the address and heads off to get prepared. Walking into a large warehouse, she goes through the whole place, checking out for any vantage point for her before she climbs into the rafters. She takes her mask off so when the confrontation happened; he can see her face; he will know who is doing this and why; she grips the blades she brought with her as the time comes nearer. As soon as she sees her father step in through the entrance, she hops down. One clean slice, critical hit through his neck as she separates his head from his body. A rush floods through her body as she actually accomplishes her task.
“I did it... Piece if shit... I hope you burn in the 9th Hell for eterni...”
    Her words suddenly fade as her eyes drift up from her body to see her mother standing there in shock... horrified at what had just transpired. "" Not knowing how to react, she tries to reach out for her, but her mother freaks, screaming, crying, calling her a monster, and it hits hard with Jess and leaves her feeling lost. Tears fill her eyes of both Accomplishment and sorrow, and she runs off to head back to the guild repeating to herself that she did what she needed to do; Mom will recover because she is strong and now she is safe.   The journey back to the guild was long and daunting as she worked through the trauma she probably just caused her mother and the words that were said to her. A new weight hanging on her shoulders now, but a larger relief that she has ridden the world of that monster that created her has blessed her. Ready to face the world again. Ready to see the one who found her secret and kept it. No more mask. The vampire that killed her is dead; she               She goes back to her friends and tries to be happy again until she gets a summons from her father... A time limit and she ends up leaving to face him again. This time he was ready and beat her to the brink of death, pulling out her fangs and leaving a permanent scar on her face, then dropping her through a portal a good 200 ft in the air. Luckily her friends were in the forest at the time and saved her before she hit the ground.   As she isn't eating properly, he thought she was dead, and she was able to escape to a new realm before the invasion started. After about a year of healing and getting her teeth back, she starts to feed regularly, and he re-establishes a connection. He calls for her to return, and she fights and resists the pull with everything she has and succeeds. This pisses Drason off more, and he and four of his vampires set off to teach her a lesson once and for all.   As Drason and the four other vampires (Galvon: leader, Fennika: second in command, Sadurina: Recruit with promise, and Validir: Newest turned vampire with a lit of skill but an attitude) they land on one of the beaches and are confronted by Jessica’s closest friends... Jessica makes it to the fight late, but Jess can Kill Drason and regain her soul along with the new Vampire lord title through their combined efforts. The four vampires fall under her command, and she ends up releasing them to be free vampires. She has a few hearts to hearts with them as they stick around as they appreciate her gift. She and Galvan have a sit-down and chat about a large fire in the house soon after Jessica was dropped and left for dead. He scooped out the house himself, and there was a body left in the house, but it wasn't identifiable, and it was in her mother's room. So they thought she was dead. He couldn't confirm, but he eluded to Drason killing the mother because of a fight they had after The Defanging of Jessica.

Gender Identity




Mental Trauma

After killing everyone close to her against her will she is plagued with guilt and afraid to get close to anyone. The paranoia that those around her have a deep pity for her and only tale to her out of pity and not truly care. After being run out of so many towns for what she is she is terrified that it will happen again and again so she has no real physical possessions so she can up and leave on a moment's notice if needed.

Personality Characteristics


Keeping the one she loves happy by redeeming herself for the stupid and selfish mistakes she has made.


Hobbies & Pets

Jesley the Unicorn


Divine Classification
Goddess/Vampire Lord
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
15th of Dúnadh, 1288
Year of Birth
1288 EOC 27 Years old
Current Residence
The Light Kingdom
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, White
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Can I taste you?" "Sorry I was talking to some gods, they are still probably yelling" -What she told her very first follower.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Undercommon thieves' Can't


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