Konov Organization in Instauro | World Anvil



The Northern region of Restoniv. Think Viking. The land is cold and harsh, the people tough and battled hardened. They do not appreciate the fancy life of the Helmsfirth people and avoid them. They think they are stupid. Everything you have here, you earn. Pretty girls and boys need not apply. Want to get kidnapped and sold into a tribe? Wander off in Konov. They do have a "guild" of sorts...think the lodge of Beowulf.    


The mere utterance of the name would send a chill down the spines of even the most experienced adventurers.   The Konovians are tough, battle-hardened people who respect strength and personal freedom. They live by two principles: earn whatever you have, and keep what you can hold onto. The konovians do raid other lands for supplies, gold, and slaves occasionally since the amount of fertile farmland is very slim, and the only substantial food source would be the roaming reindeer herds across the tundra.   Population: Primarily Humans, but there are those of Goliath ancestry or bloodlines within their ranks, as well as small pockets of dwarven smiths and mercenaries   Views on Magic: Konovians, in general, don’t rely on magic in a battle that often, taking pride in their martial prowess. However, those who can use magic have been remarked as “being touched by the gods.”   Views on Religion: Konovians are not overly religious, but they praise and feast towards the deities that grant them victory in battle or death. They all respect Torsten as the High Shaman (Druid) since he has a deep connection to the Arctic tundra that they call home.  


  Chieftain/King: Skallagram   King’s Bodyguard: Asfrid Stormbringer   Advisor/shipwright/tradesman: Hjallmar Steenberg   High Shaman: Torsten Wolfblood   Vanguard Captain: Katla Gaerrarsson   Clan leader: Thorvald Gaerrarsson     Konov is ruled by its Chieftan or King, who presides over several different clans of warriors that make up his domain. Thorvald Gaerrarsson is one of these clan leaders that serve Skallagram, although some have defected or been won over to the side of a rival faction.   Skallagram is served by his advisor and the High Shaman on various matters, meeting with the clan leaders in the Great Lodge. The Vanguard actively patrols between the settlements, keeping an eye out for danger and keeping captured slaves from escaping.   Settlements and locations Capital- Skalamyrr
    Skalamyrr settlement above on Wolfraine Heights (the icy plateau formation) Features one of their two main fjords that serve as ports for their vessels
There is a Grand lodge at the center of Skallamyrr, which serves as the residence for the king and meeting place of the ranking officials.     Brennigr (bre nee gur) –Secondary port city located on the eastern portion of Konov
Konov fishing village (reference for Reynir and Jokulsa)


Konov’s climate is an icy tundra, frozen rivers, Plateaus, fjords, mountain summits, and an isolated forest.  


If a party ventures out unprepared, they will start to potentially suffer from the harsh elements with a Con Save to avoid succumbing to frostbite after a certain amount of time   Rothemagde Summit-
located on the western portion of Konov, this Summit has jagged protrusions that almost serve as a warning for potential trespassers on the lair of several young white dragons.   Lake Vottara- 
frozen during the winter months, this large lake is fed by several rivers coming down from Wolfraine Heights. The icy plateau formation where the Konovian capital has its seat. In a previous decade, Skallagram and his forces fought and killed an adult white dragon before bringing it down at great cost in retribution for the death of their Queen.      

Granholm Forest

(stronghold of Rollo, located just north of Vottara lake) Several burial mounds dot the landscape of the tundra as a marker of warriors who had shown their valor in battle and death. Cravens and those who showed dishonor did not receive such rewards- thus the cold walkers. There are also several caves within the Rothegarde summit and the Wolfraine heights to find caches of treasure.  

Game creatures:

Reindeer, hares, foxes, seals, walruses, mountain goat, knucklehead trout monsters: Crag cats (within Wolfraine Heights), dire wolves, ice trolls, cold light walkers, Yetis, snowy owlbear (same as normal owlbear but cold-acclimated) memorizes, young white dragons (reside within Rothemagde Summit)        

Map of Konov

Important NPCs:

Skallgrim Borgarsson The Konov King, leading a force of numerous warriors, each led by their own clan leader, with a total of 10 clans in all. Skallgrim has seen many battles, but his most fierce one was personal- an adult white dragon killed his beloved Queen Isolde. With the aid of the ingenuity of his adviser, the magic of his Shaman, and the strength of his men, Skallgrim was able to avenge her. Skallgrim was once a generous ruler to his subjects but ruthless to his enemies. But now, after Isolde’s death, he seems hellbent on falling to the darker side of his battle rage. With a rival faction threatening his rule and stirrings of Dragons on the Summit as well as other dangers, Skallgrim will need to rely on his allies once more.
Torsten Wolfblood neutral but not above violence Frost Druid (Circle of the Land Arctic) favors the wild shape of a fox or wolf Torsten is the Shaman for the Konovians and leads their regional Circle. While not an openly devout people, the Konovians do have a measure of reverence for their Gods as the source for battlefield success and strength. Torsten crafted the herbal potion, which allowed a few warriors to become filled with wrathful aggression. Although potent, the potion did have the chance to backfire and cause the disorientated warrior to turn on his allies. After seeing this result several times, Skallgram ordered Torsten to stop its production and hold the formula under close guard. (potion that allows for barbarian rage for normal warriors for 1 min. the drawback is 1-2 levels of exhaustion as well as a random chance for friendly attacks)
Katla Gaerrarsson fearless and dedicated. can hold her own in battle: (think Olivier Armstrong from Full Metal Alchemist) Direwolf mount: Shadow (fighter-cavalier with great charisma, insight, animal handling, perception) Fierce commander of the Dragonsbane vanguard, Katla is the adopted daughter of Thorvald. The Dragonsbane vanguard consists of not just male warriors but also a few shieldmaidens as well. While riding on their dire wolf mounts, they can quickly traverse across the tundra to any of the settlements. In a society with strong warriors and daily contests of bickering/disputes, Katla commands respect almost equal to that of Skallagram himself. She performed the noble sacrifice of her left eye against a would-be assassin, armed only with a handaxe and shield. For this honor, Katla received the chance to lead the vanguard after proving herself with training from Thorvald.  
Hjallmar Steenberg Head advisor to the chieftain, overseeing all of the trade and in charge of the Konovian longships. Hjallmar is often critical of Skallgram’s frequent raids upon other shores for resources since too much foreign attention might drag the Konovians into a massive conflict. Skallgram does not back down easily, but Hjallmar’s wise and persuasive words can often make the King see reason.      

Longship reference

Asfrid Stormbringer (tempest cleric) Asfrid is a tempest cleric in service to Skallgram. She has Goliath blood in her ancestry, which accounts for her towering height over others. Has mutual respect for Katla as a fellow shieldmaiden. Serves the realm as the Chieftan’s bodyguard
Thorald Gærrarsson (battle master fighter) One of the many clan leaders under Skallgram’s command Adoptive father of Katla Stormshield He can be harsh and fierce if necessary but will allow himself to be vulnerable and express concern to Katla. Does not always agree with needless bloodshed but is by no means craven in battle    
Rollo Grimsson (use Frost Druid stat block before adjusting for multiclass) (Druid/Ranger) Once a high-ranking member of Torsten’s Arctic Circle, Rollo broke off upon the death of the adult white dragon. He saw the act as a violation of the balance because it upset the natural order of Restoniv. He established a rival Druidic Circle, working to combat King Skallgram and Torsten, even planting spies within their warrior ranks and using familiars for scouts.    
Uses Ballista cannon stats (can be adjusted) Torsten was able to control a few Yetis, and Hjallmar developed a ballista harness to be strapped to their backs. These mounted ballista yetis were used to take down the adult white dragon in response to Skallgram’s wife being killed by it. However, only a few remain since the victory was quite costly to the Konovian forces. Additional features if Used for friendly/enemy NPCs (no name soldiers) Normal soldiers, if they have one of the few remaining vials of the berserker potion, can gain barbarian rage for 1 round and have to suffer 2 counts of exhaustion afterward since they are not used to such extreme exertion. one can only apply the following action to a small group of soldiers: (courtesy of ASDF for helping me with this concept) Action: Shield Wall (requires at least 4 people) You and your group collectively form a wall of shields, shielding you and your allies from harm. You and willing allies, interlock shields, during this you gain the following effects: -resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, -attack rolls against you have disadvantage, and your attack rolls have disadvantage -you have disadvantage on perception checks requiring sight -your movement is halved based off the slowest character -You have disadvantage on dexterity saving throws, and advantage on Strength saving throws -your group has a bonus to AC Equal to 12+1/person maintaining the effect Any member of the wall can leave as a bonus action, which affects the total AC. Allies must have a shield to use this action.


Skallgrim Borgarsson is the Konov King, leading a force of numerous warriors, each led by their own clan leader, with a total of 10 clans in all. Skallgrim has seen many battles but his most fierce one was personal- an adult white dragon killed his beloved Queen Isolde. With the aid of the ingenuity of his adviser, the magic of his Shaman and the strength of his men, Skallgrim was able to avenge her. Skallgrim was once a generous ruler to his subjects but ruthless to his enemies. But now, after Isolde’s death, he seems hellbent on falling to the darker side of his battle rage. With a rival faction threatening his rule and stirrings of Dragons on the Summit as well as other dangers, Skallgrim will need to rely on his allies once more.   Torsten is the Shaman for the Konovians and leads their regional Circle. While not a openly devout people, the Konovians do have a measure of reverence for their Gods as the source for battlefield success and strength. It was Torsten who crafted the herbal potion which allowed a few warriors to become filled with wrathful aggression. Although potent, the potion did have the chance to backfire and cause the disorientated warrior to turn on his allies. Upon seeing this result several times, Skallgram ordered Torsten to stop its production and hold onto the formula under close guard.   Katla - Fierce commander of the Dragonsbane vanguard, Katla is the adopted daughter of Thorvald. The Dragonsbane vanguard consists of not just male warriors but also a few shieldmaidens as well. While riding on their direwolf mounts, they can quickly traverse across the tundra to any of the settlements. In a society with strong warriors and daily contests of bickering/disputes, Katla commands respect almost equal to that of Skallagram himself. She performed the noble sacrifice of her left eye against a would be assassin, armed only with a handaxe and shield. For this honor, Katla received the chance to lead the vanguard after proving herself with training from Thorvald.   Hjallmar Steenberg Head advisor to the chieftan, overseeing all of the trade and in charge of the Konovian longships. Hjallmar is often critical of Skallgram’s many frequent raids upon other shores for resources since too much foreign attention might drag the Konovians into a massive conflict. Skallgram does not back down easily, but Hjallmar’s wise and persuasive words can often make the King see reason.


Konov is ruled by its Chieftan or King who presides over several different clans of warriors that make up his domain. Thorvald Gaerrarsson is one of these clan leaders that serve Skallagram although there are those who have defected or been won over to the side of a rival faction. Skallagram is served by his advisor as well as the High Shaman on various matters, meeting with the clan leaders in the Great Lodge. The Vanguard actively patrol between the settlements, keeping an eye out for danger as well as keeping captured slaves from escaping.   Konovian Viking Ballista Yeti's are legendary in battle
Geopolitical, Manor
Alternative Names
The Ice Lands


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