Ky'sax Bloodhammer Character in Instauro | World Anvil

Ky'sax Bloodhammer

Ky'sax Bloodhammer is an ancient being, going far enough to say he has lived as long as Ma'avis herself, if not longer. His history started ages upon ages ago, during the long ago Machine Wars, or Great War to some. A spirit weaved into a construction of steel, he was crafted as one of the first 300 Warforged every built. Being that he was indeed stronger than those after him, he was put to lead the great armies against those that opposed his creators, his constructors. His soul, though....remembered an even longer past far before even his time, and it yearned for more power, more strength, more independence. After hundreds of years of combat, his position gifted him a weapon far beyond any power he could dream to have normally. A hemomancer of unknown name wished to gift him for his prowess, his ability to kill any with a single blow of his mighty war-hammer. In order to craft such a fine weapon, he needed parts from a fallen god's weapon...and the spilled blood of two thousand innocent souls. Ky'sax, aiming to gain enough power on his own to begin his own life free of war, agreed to his task without much hesitation at all. This task, so gruesome and so vile to many, was carried out in three years time on the dot. Two thousand innocent people, people who feared such a day would come anyways, were killed and drained of their lifeblood to forge this weapon of all weapons. It took two days and two nights to forge this hammer, the head tempered by the cool blood of innocence and tinted red for eternity. The handle, its core made of bone and surrounded with a wood from a black pine tree, set inside down to the core of the hammer and set in with powerful masonry skill.


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