Ley Novakiri Character in Instauro | World Anvil

Ley Novakiri

Ley Novakiri (a.k.a. Kid, Madwoman, Asshole, Little Shit)

The earliest memory Ley has is waking up in the Amazon in the Jungle Kingdom. Or at least it was till she started remembering her previous life that was cut short by a Mind Flyer called Zerek. Ley is a Kalashtar bard who dabbled in becoming a warlock of the Raven Queen. In a way she came back to her roots by doing so as before her reincarnation she used to be a changeling named Mai who was a warlock of the Eldritch master, Yiddhra aka the Dream Witch. Ley suffered from amnesia when she woke up in the Jungle Kingdom and was found by Jessica Bell who took her to the infirmary. The amnesia found its roots in the fact that some of the memories got locked away from her. Unlocking those to this day causes Ley to cry tears of blood during remembering her past life as if relieving the torture of Zerek’s experiments and her head being split up in pieces... The headaches that are caused by this process vary with intensity depending on what Ley is remembering. If it’s nothing harmful like remembering the name of an ally the headache is almost non-existent. If it has anything to do with Zerek and what he did to the results in a headache that renders her almost powerless for the duration. The one time she got any glimpse at that of the Mind Flyer she sobbed brokenly from the pain and had to lean on someone.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

The Raven tattoo on Ley’s back


Tentacles on the nape of Ley’s neck

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

Musically Inclined

  • Lute
  • Lyre
  • Viol

Intellectual Characteristics

Mental Age of 19

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Fun facts:
  • - Ley’s favorite drink is whisky.
  • - Her favorite snack is apple slices.
  • - She owns a rat named Bassy ever since she somehow managed to help the winery with a rat and cockroach problem during one of the missions and that one Lil guy stayed with her.
  • - She absolutely detests wearing skirts.
  • - After coming back and getting another room in the guild one of the items that were placed there for her was a big crab plushie she likes to cuddle.
  • - Ley’s familiar that is an imp who spends most of his time as a raven is not only a reference to both her own impish personality and her patron, The raven Queen but also a nod towards Valravan from Norse and Germanic mythos.
  • - Ley has two tattoos/marks on her back. One of the tentacles at the nape of her neck both symbolizing the Mind Flayer caused death and her previous patron that was of Eldritch dominion. Another one is a mark of a raven on her lower back alluding to her current patron, the Raven Queen.
  • - Ley smokes cigars but usually only if Viktor is around because she steals them from him.


Contacts & Relations

Viktor Petrov:

The cocky and self-assured barbarian is probably one of Ley’s best friends ever since she was Mai. Of course, the tragic end that her previous life had hurt that relationship as well. Because no matter how hard it is hidden, she knows that Viktor has a softer spot for her. She could give examples of the times the man saved her or held her back. She is not stupid, and she sees those but only ever confronted him about it once when teasing him. He is probably one of the only people who see more of the happy, impish side of Ley. However, their relationship with the outsiders might seem to be a strange one. They argue, yell, hit one another, but it is how they work. Ley is not afraid to challenge the barbarian and does not shy away from confrontations, even if they usually end with Ley hurting from being hit. The kalashtar believes in that man and decided she will support him and his plans, but more than anything, she wants to prove that she is not useless and holds the potential to stand next to him in fights. Needless to say, Ley thrives when given attention by Viktor or any praise. A trend that continued from her life as Mai is when they do not really call each other by the given name. Viktor calls her Kid or Little Shit, and she, in turn, alters between Old Man, Crab Man, Verath, and Big Bad, recently liking the last one the most. As of late, Ley practices more because of him and something he used to say to her, ‘You are on your own.’ While most would see that as demotivating for her, it is the opposite, it drives her to prove that she can, in fact, stand her own ground and, in turn, be a valuable teammate or asset.  

Princess Amryen Tethys:

Princess Amryen is also a friend of Ley’s who stayed one ever since her death. Their relationship suffered a split at one point, but nowadays, they are on good terms and spend more time together and share their thoughts more openly with one another. Sometimes Ley wishes Wrenny was not so innocent and guilts her to talk about things the kalashtar is not really comfortable talking about. Ley is responsible for talking some sense into the princess and getting her and their mutual friend, Max, together. They are both bards, yet they have yet to perform together.  

Max Battlerite:

Max is one of Ley’s most usual teammates in recent history. She believes there were at most two missions that they did not attend together. With Max being a person who also saved Ley and their team once, and all the times when they had to rely on one another, a friendship bloomed. They know they can count on one another in most situations. Ley values her friendship with Max and has had many talks with him about his sister and his viewpoint on many topics. She is also responsible for getting him and Amryen in a relationship. She calls him Maxy.  

Amelia ‘Trayne’ Stantin:

Another one of the relations that stayed with her for two lifetimes now. Ley admires Trayne immensely and adores working alongside her. The other woman is definitely someone who the bard would stand with, given how realistic the half-elf is in her viewpoint. Besides, she thinks her friend is a badass that is loyal to her friends. Trayne might be one of the only people that Ley is yet to give any nickname.  


The changeling is someone with whom Ley enjoys speaking about more morbid parts of an adventurer's life. They share some of their demons that haunt them in their lives, and the bard enjoys hearing someone else’s take on the matter.  

Nallyn and Erzabet:

The death sisters, as she calls them. Also, one of the more prominent teammates of hers. She created a closer relationship with Nallyn though, given the fact that she sees her more often than the other twin. Other nicknames she uses are Nal and Erza.  


The half-elf was actually helping Ley figure out the amnesia she woke up with when her soul was transferred into the kalashtar body. She will be forever thankful for Hakor’s patience with her questions and the insight on how the process goes.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Stūtyi 13th 1289
Year of Birth
1289 EOC 26 Years old
Current Residence
Guild Tower
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Quori, Infernal


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