Oceiana Geographic Location in Instauro | World Anvil



  The most shallow part of the kingdom is ½ mile down. The City of Oceiana (which the Kingdom is named after) is nearly a mile down. There are 3 trenches, one is 2 miles deep (Called the Graven Trench), one is slightly deeper, called the Crift Trench, and then the last Trench, the deepest - which is not inhabited nor fully explored - The Kraken Trench. The Ruling family is the family of Tethys. There are 3 other Houses of Power. The Krit, the Haldon, and the Marigne. Together the Houses of Power work as a government, while the House of Tethys is the final say on Laws and other kingdom-wide decisions. The House of Tethys lives in the Castle of Oceiana. Oceiana has a caste system. The Nobles, The Travail, and the Deep Ones. The Travail are the working class. They mostly inhabit the main city or very close to the main city. The Deep Ones are considered outcasts. They inhabit the Graven Trench and are not allowed into the City of Oceiana. They can come to the gates but may not enter. The most common deities are Poseidon, Deep Sashelas, and some worship the Kraken.  

The Tethys

The Ruling family consists of The Queen Amryt, The King Nefta, Son Amrul, Oldest Daughter Amrylia, Daughter Amryen, and the youngest son Amroth. The Queen is a vain and powerful Siren who can even charm elves with ease. Her charm ignores immunities. Many believe that the Queen uses Dark Magic to attain her power. However, under the Tethys rule, the Kingdom has grown and has immense wealth, and the people (except the Deep Ones) live comfortable, safe lives. Contact with surface dwellers is strictly prohibited, though deep ones often travel to the surface to better lives. Amrylia and Amryen were never allowed outside the walls of the city. Amrylia found a way out and has visited much of the kingdom, including finding the Deep Ones. When she tried to oppose her mother and father about both the Deep One's treatment and the hatred of the surface dwellers, her mother labeled her a Traitor and had her imprisoned. Amryen then fled. Oceiana is technologically advanced.  

City Facts

The Prison of Oceiana consists of stasis pods, where prisoners are put into a permanent sleep state or euthanized. Before the Tethys rule, Oceiana had started contacting the surface world, leading to the development of “Air Chambers” in the kingdom. However, The Queen and King declared the surface a threat to the beauty and health of Oceiana, and these areas were abandoned.      

Mere Features

It is nearly impossible to tell the Noble families from the Travail. Both are born beautiful and are often brightly colored in both hair and scales. Only females are sirens. Males are either unmagical mermen, Tritons, or Sea Elves. Deep ones can be identified by their darker scale coloration and paler skin, often from lack of light.    

The Borderlands

Tritons and Merrow patrol this area. Also referred to as the Outlands, there are underwater volcanoes, and the environment is considered dangerous. Amrul, Eldest Son, is the leader of the Armies of Oceiana.


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