Priten Valas Geographic Location in Instauro | World Anvil

Priten Valas

Overall - The land of religion and studies. These people value education above everything else. Think of greek culture in the time of Socrates. A land of scholars. Also, in the capital of the land, everyone seems to look the same...interesting...They know of ECG, as they have made maps as well. But contact is low on their priority list as they strive to pursue arcane knowledge within themselves. They have a naval presence and a central keep; however, their prime purpose is exploration, but they can protect themselves if needed. Many unexplored areas...   Capital- Yaron (built upstream of the river* ) Monarch and council + prominent NPCs - Zacharius Ilvern Adacius Moreweneth ( ruler ) - Sorcerer Draconic Bloodline/Wizard - wise but very much power-oriented man. He will do anything to ensure that Priten Valas is protected and they can continue their research. Erowyn Ceres Smi’leht ( Secretary / Treasurer ) - Cleric/Sorceress - a noble with high ambitions, coldest of the council Ligiri the Radiant ( Deaconess ) - Life Cleric - she is a soft-spoken, warm-hearted person. She takes care of the temples of several gods while herself being a cleric of Life. Patricius Rewn ( Headmaster of Academy ) - Wizard - Kind, down to earth, meticulous with his spells. Adam Lengton ( Captain of the Guards ) - Paladin - Righteous but law-abiding to the T. Strongheaded, can come off as stuck up. Cecil Lengton ( The inventor ), the older brother of Captain Lengton - Artificer - insightful, a bit erratic, million ideas in a second, inventive.   Otto Nighvorilis ( ArchMaster of Blood Hunter Orders) - an old friend to the king - presumed to be dead - Order of Ghostslayer - Albi reserves the right to introduce him, and then people learn about him.  

More prominent towns -

Odonbus (port city 2) Antashire (town of progress and workshops) Iriedale (City in the mountains), Temples - for every god that is established Natural enemies of the land - elks (giant and normal), Couatles, pegasus, unicorns, gargoyles, nightmare, dretch, Archmages, Acolytes, Cultists, griffons, hags The mountains name: Sheurtol Mountains Rivers*: Vrille* - Yaron Listerhof - Odonbus (look at map) Lake: Severfind Typical foods: Selection of cheeses, grapes, wine, fish, elk meat marinated and served on puree with pomegranate seeds Population : Mix of races, mostly human and half-elf. Heavily populated huge cities. Dwarves and humans in the mountains.   Many old ruins and dungeons to be uncovered.  

Between Unisolan and Eternal

The climate on the warmer side with a snowy mountain range, think Rome with England vibes. Second to Oceania   Unless one knows where to go, a veil of magical illusion covers the land as a measure of protection from those who might want to destroy what the inhabitants preserved for millennia.   An island of Priten Valas, from the North and the capital to the Southern mountains, the land of the studious and religious, combines the need to preserve and learn from the past and the yearning for invention. It is led by the Sorcerer supreme Zacharius Ilvern Adacius Moreweneth and his high council. Like their predecessors, they continue the legacy of striving for knowledge. Sacrum and profanum mingle and combine in this land. Vast libraries and the many universities work together with the temples and churches that cultivate many and those that forget the beliefs. Here, deep beneath the prying eyes, the ancient Order lays and operates, utilizing established rituals and knowledge for millennia. Besides the thriving cities where the plaza for the discussion is a must, along with at least three different libraries, for those who dare, the old dungeons and ruins are scattered throughout the land. The arcane arts can be seen incorporated into the smallest parts of life. The Capital, Yaron, is the prime example of the marriage between old and new. It is an ever-growing sleepless city that comes to a stop only for the weekly disputes and discussions that the High Council attends to join the citizens from all parts of the continent. The daily use of those plazas warrants the high activity of faren merchants who bring new ideas, fresh perspectives, and items that fuel Priten Valasian minds alongside the thirst for exploration. As the main port city, Yaron also acts as the focal point for adventurers who wish to explore the land ridden with magic and rising technology.   If one takes a closer look at the citizens, they would realize that you could pinpoint those native to the island without a problem while so diverse. The distinct clothing style, accessories, and a strange open eye tattoo mark them all.   Updated map with some more prominent points.
  Yaron - Capital
  Zacharius Ilvern Adacius Moreweneth - SorcWiz
Ligiri the Radiant ( Deaconess ) - Life Cleric
Patricius Rewn ( Headmaster of Academy ) - Wizard
Erowyn Ceres Smi’leht ( Secretary / Treasurer ) - Cleric/Sorceress
Cecil Lengton ( The inventor ) - Artificer
Adam Lengton ( Captain of the Guards ) - Paladin
Otto Nighvorillis


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