Skeleton Species in Instauro | World Anvil


Skeletons arise when animated by dark magic. They heed the summons of spellcasters who call them from their stony tombs and ancient battlefields, or rise of their own accord in places saturated with death and loss, awakened by stirrings of necromantic energy or the presence of corrupting evil. Either way, the raised dead may occasionally strike out on their own, once again exploring the land of the living as they may not have been able to do in life.

Animated Dead

Whatever sinister force awakens a skeleton infuses its bones with a dark vitality, adhering joint to joint and reassembling dismantled limbs. In most instances, this energy motivates a skeleton to move and think only in a rudimentary fashion; a pale imitation of the way it once behaved in life. In every case however, an animated skeleton retains no connection to its past life. Consider this when deciding on the backstory for your own skeletal adventurer; who were they in life, and how does this lack of knowledge affect them in death?  

Unshackled Servants

Skeletons raised by spell are bound to the will of their creator. They follow orders to the letter, never questioning the tasks their masters give them, regardless of the consequences. In rare cases however, a skeleton may break free from this magical servitude, developing a measure of self-awareness. This change can be brought on by a number of factors: the influence of divine powers, the death or banishment of their creator, a mighty blow to the cranium, or even laying eye sockets on something or someone from their past.   It's important to consider this when creating your adventurer- what was the inciting incident that turned them from mindless infantry into an individual with free will?  

A Bone to Pick

Although a reanimated skeleton can never truly reclaim their past, uncovering any knowledge pertaining to their old lives can be harrowing. For some, such an event may break what little remains of their spirit, driving them insane or galvanising their wills into an unstoppable force. For others, it could manifest in their frames as a burning desire for vengeance on those who reanimated them, or perhaps on those who killed them.  

Undead Nature

Due to being held together by ancient magic, skeletons do not tend to require any of the things that mortals need to survive, such as air, food, drink or even sleep.  

Skeleton Traits

Your skeleton character has the following racial traits. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution and Dexterity scores increase by 2, and your Intelligence score is reduced by 2.  


Reanimated skeletons tend to measure their age from the day they were 'awakened' from their magical servitude. Because of this, skeletons can be anywhere from a few days old to several thousand years old.  


Skeletons are usually neutral, though evil or chaotic skeletons are common.  


You are however tall you were in life and weigh significantly less. Your size Medium.  


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.  


Because of the magical energy keeping you 'alive', you are able to see in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can discern color in darkness.  


Your creature type is Undead as well as Humanoid.  

No Skin, All Bones.

You are immune to poison, being poisoned and becoming exhausted- however, you are vulnerable to bludgeoning damage. You do not need to eat or breathe. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.  

Rattlin' Bones.

As you are quite literally the personification of death, you find that most people are somewhat perturbed by your presence. You have advantage on Intimidation and Persuasion checks.  


You can speak, read and write Common, as well as one other language of your choice.   -EternalDae


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