Skyborn Species in Instauro | World Anvil


Basic Information


The Skyborn are avian humanoids, each bearing the features of different birds of prey. Their bodies are sleek and covered in feathers ranging from the bright plumages of tropical birds to the muted tones of raptors. Skyborn have powerful wings that span wide, enabling them to soar the skies of Instauro with grace and speed. Their heads are distinctly avian, with sharp beaks and keen, piercing eyes that afford them exceptional vision.

Biological Traits

Adapted for life in the sky, The Skyborn have hollow bones that make them lighter, muscular chests for powerful wingbeats, and taloned feet for grasping and hunting. Their feathers provide insulation and aid in camouflage, depending on their environment.

Genetics and Reproduction

Skyborn reproduce in a manner similar to their avian counterparts, laying eggs that are then incubated and cared for by both parents. Their genetic makeup imbues them with their bird-like characteristics and abilities, with each lineage showing traits of specific bird species.

Growth Rate & Stages

From hatching to fledging, Skyborn young are taught to fly and survive in the vast skies. They reach maturity by their tenth year, living lives that can span up to a century. Their early years are spent learning the intricacies of flight, hunting, and the lore of their people.

Ecology and Habitats

The Skyborn build their homes in the highest peaks and in the canopies of the tallest trees, creating nests and dwellings that are both airy and secure. They live in close-knit communities, with each settlement governed by the collective decisions of its members.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As omnivores, the Skyborn's diet consists of both meat and vegetation. They are skilled hunters, diving from the sky to catch their prey with precision. Their meals are often shared communally, with each member contributing to the feast.

Biological Cycle

The Skyborn are diurnal, active during the day when their visual acuity is at its peak. They engage in communal activities, hunting, and exploration, returning to their nests at dusk to rest and share in the day's discoveries.


The Skyborn are fiercely independent yet deeply loyal to their kin. They value freedom above all, with a culture that celebrates individual achievements and the exploration of the vast world of Instauro. Despite their independence, they have a strong sense of community, coming together to protect their homes and support each other in times of need.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Skyborn society is egalitarian, with leadership roles filled by those who have proven their wisdom, skill, and dedication to the community. Decisions are made in council, with every member having a voice.


While the Skyborn do not domesticate animals in the traditional sense, they form partnerships with birds of prey, training them for hunting and companionship. These bonds are based on mutual respect and understanding, reflecting the Skyborn's deep connection to the avian world.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Skyborn craftsmanship is renowned, particularly their work with feathers, bones, and talons, creating artifacts that are both beautiful and functional. They trade these goods with other races, offering items imbued with the essence of the sky.

Facial characteristics

Skyborn faces blend humanoid and avian features, with expressive eyes and beaks that vary in shape and size according to their lineage. Their facial expressions convey a wide range of emotions, from the fierce determination of a hunter to the gentle care of a parent.

Average Intelligence

The Skyborn possess a keen intelligence, with a natural inclination for strategy and navigation. They are quick learners, adapting easily to new environments and challenges.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Skyborn possess extraordinary eyesight, capable of spotting a field mouse from thousands of feet in the air. Their hearing is finely tuned to the frequencies of the avian world and the human range, allowing them to understand and communicate with both. Some Skyborns are said to have a mystical connection to the wind itself, sensing changes in the weather and air currents that they use to predict storms and navigate long distances.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The Skyborn live in harmony with the creatures of the air, often forming bonds with birds and other flying beasts. They protect their territories from predators and work to maintain the balance of their ecosystems.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are given based on the characteristics of the wind and sky at the time of a Skyborn's hatching. These names reflect the individual's nature and destiny, as seen by the elders and shamans who interpret the omens of their birth.

Beauty Ideals

For the Skyborn, beauty is found in the strength and grace of flight, the patterns of their feathers, and the depth of one's connection to the sky. They adorn themselves with items that accentuate their natural elegance and the fluidity of their movements.

Gender Ideals

Skyborn society places little emphasis on gender, valuing individuals for their abilities and contributions to the community. Their roles are defined by skill and passion, with the sky offering freedom from terrestrial constraints.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among the Skyborn involves aerial displays and the exchange of gifts that symbolize the sky and wind. Partners are chosen for their compatibility in flight and life, with a deep bond formed through shared experiences in the air.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships are based on mutual respect, shared dreams, and the freedom to explore both together and independently. Loyalty and trust are paramount, with each partner supporting the other's aspirations and flights of discovery.

Average Technological Level

Skyborn technology is focused on harnessing the power of the wind and sky. They craft lightweight materials for building, clothing, and tools that complement their aerial lifestyle, incorporating magic to enhance their abilities and connect more deeply with the elements.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Skyborn language is lyrical and fluid, with tones and clicks that mimic the sounds of birds. It is a language of the air, capable of being understood over great distances when carried by the wind.

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect for the freedom and space of others is central to Skyborn etiquette. Greetings involve the sharing of air currents, a gesture that acknowledges the other's presence within the vastness of the sky.

Common Dress Code

Skyborn attire is light and allows for ease of movement in flight. Clothing is often decorated with feathers and symbols of the air, reflecting their heritage and the skies they call home.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of the Skyborn is one of movement and change, with traditions that celebrate the winds, the changing seasons, and the endless sky. Their music, art, and stories are infused with the majesty of flight and the mysteries of the air.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Skyborn observe rituals that honor the winds and the spirits of the air, including the First Flight of the young and the Remembrance of the Ancestors, a ceremony that pays homage to those who have merged with the eternal sky.

Common Taboos

Capturing or caging any creature of the air is a grave taboo, seen as an affront to the freedom that the Skyborn hold dear. Misusing the power of the wind or disrupting the balance of the air currents is also forbidden.


The Skyborn trace their origins to the first union between the wind and the birds, a mythic event that gave birth to their race. Their history is one of migration and discovery, with tales of legendary flights and the exploration of the unknown reaches of Instauro.

Historical Figures

Among their most revered figures are the Windcallers, Skyborn who could summon the gales and calm the storms, and the Great Navigators, who charted the unseen currents and connected the Skyborn communities across Instauro.

Common Myths and Legends

Skyborn mythology is filled with tales of epic journeys, the spirits of the wind, and the Skyborn heroes who have ridden the storms and discovered new realms. These stories inspire each generation to push the boundaries of the sky.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Skyborn maintain friendly relations with other races, especially those who respect the skies and the creatures that dwell within them. They are known as messengers and scouts, offering their unique perspective to help others understand the vast world of Instauro from the heights above.
Skyborn live on average up to 100 years, with their lives filled with the adventures and the constant exploration of the skies.
Average Height
Skyborn stand between 5 to 6 feet tall, with their height and build varying according to their avian lineage.
Average Weight
Their weight ranges from 90 to 120 pounds, optimized for flight with a balance between strength and lightness.
Average Physique
Their bodies are lean and muscular, built for agility and endurance in flight. Their wings are strong and capable of long flights without tiring.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their feathers cover a spectrum of colors and patterns, each Skyborn bearing the markings of their avian ancestors. These colors can be vibrant or subdued, with patterns that serve as camouflage or display during mating rituals.

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