Sonrid Species in Instauro | World Anvil


Age: The magical Bloodline source seems to Prolong the life span of Sonrids, Granting them double the lifespan of an ordinary bird. They are Mature the moment they Awaken, which can happen anytime within their 20-year bird lifespan, Sonrids can typically live up to 40 years, but they usually die before that as Their curiosity usually kills them before the end of their lifespan. Sonrids are a Species of Birds who Awakened their Magical Bloodline through some means(Sorta like Sorcerer). Gaining Intelligence from this Awakening, they are naturally Curious of everything. Sonrids have a Proficiently in Acrobatic's Animal Handling and Nature because of their Natural instincts and their Life as a bird before they awakened.   Sonrids tend to use Bigger Creatures as Cover when they are under attack.   Avian Mannerisms: Sonrids also have the Mannerisms of ordinary birds, Wanting to keep themselves clean all the time. Sonrids Are Dreadfully attracted to Shiny objects and would usually start singing once they get one.  

Conrad (Awakened Bird) Traits

As an Awakened Bird, you naturally have the ability to fly and The Ability to Communicate to Beasts; because of the Awakening Sonrids Gain One Cantrip from the Sorcery tree. Ability Score Increase Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and One of Wisdom Intelligence or Charisma increases by 1  


Sonrid's reach maturity by age 3. Compared to humans, Sonrids don’t usually live longer than 30 years.  


Most Sonrids are True Netrual as they are Birds.  

Awakened Bloodline

Because of Your Bloodline, You Gain one cantrips of Any One Magic Based Class  


Sonrids are About 5 inches - 1 Foot Tall With Wing spans that are Close to Double and a tail reaching around half their height, You weigh 50-100 Grams, Your Size is Tiny  


Your base walking speed is 15 feet. While You can Fly at a speed of 45 Ft  


You have a flying speed of 50 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.  


You can Understand and Read Common, But you cannot Communicate through Speech


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