The Dark Kingdom Organization in Instauro | World Anvil

The Dark Kingdom

The ruler of this Kingdom, and of all darkness itself, Ky'sax Bloodhammer, is a powerful being who has fought in many battles and won many more. His name, "Ky'sax Bloodhammer," is believed to come from the simple fact that he drained the blood of all he killed, pulled the iron out of that blood, used that iron to forge his hammer, then used the rest of the blood to cool the iron, leaving it a deep crimson... Those who are unfortunate enough to meet him in his castle, or anywhere but the battlefield, can see that he is a calm, collected, yet dangerous being to meet. He allows bickering for as many seconds as it takes for his hammer to make contact with your skull. On the battlefield, he is a being with strength, unparalleled, and endless rage. He is quick on his feet, yet his hammer hits with lethal power and speed. He feels bare remorse for his enemies, so make sure you don't anger him when you meet...   This is the main Castle. High up in one of the tallest spires sits Ky'sax Bloodhammer, a being of cold stone and steel, yet who is also rumored to have connections with the darkness surrounding the kingdom....   This is Vorian, the Dark City. Rich and populated with all kinds of races, this city was built on public peace and equality. Crime is quickly and severely punished, and prices are low, which Ky'sax has found to be much better due to more people coming and buying more things, causing more gold to come in...   The town of Kun is located against the wall of the city, where trading and quiet coexist.   The Black Forest surrounds this mysterious kingdom, a forest made out of death and decay's growths. Trees have died long ago, yet these plants act to ensure that the kingdom is protected from beasts who wish it harm. Here lately, though, a dark force has been felt in the infected trees' depths and rich rivers. A force that has a mind greater than any normal being and horror that many do not live to describe   The Dark Castle has hidden protectors, beings that live the same life as Lord Ky'sax. They are beings of raw strength and follow orders till they flicker out of life. They only live to protect the Castle and are formidable when they are engaged in combat or just met in person....these beings are called...Sentinels   The Kingdom also has magical defenders, those that pledge for knowledge only. These magical prowess beings address themselves together as The Sanctuary, a library of all knowledge, of both past, present, future, and even time between time. This knowledge, though, binds them to silence, and they refuse to their agonized, dying breath to speak of what they know to any other but those of The Sanctuary...   These individuals are known as only "The Five of the Void," five black holiness and dark salvation beings. They have a church deep in Vorian and are what other paladins would call Oathbreakers. They seek to protect Vorian only in the hopes of continuing their mysterious worship. However, cultists fear them due to their mystical abilities and hellish ways to keep purity in their Church... Ky'sax only keeps them by forcing them into line in return for their help of protection.   The Dark Assassins are a mystery, as they are never seen by any other but the Lord. It is said that they have a portion of dark magic, able to move through the darkness like water....  

The Black Forests

Festers many creations, but some are creatures that even Eldritch horrors pause when seen. The Infestation is a beast all of its own, but one that many leave from scared, dead, or horrified. For more information, seek the God of the Infestation somewhere in the city...  

The Elite Training Grounds

A place inspired by Ky'sax's own design plans. Residents of the Dark Kingdom are invited to battle here with the units, or even creatures captured by the soldiers. Instead of sand being used, a mixture of fine soil and volcanic ash was used ages ago. Over time, the ash settled to the point that the grounds are soft but won't turn your skin black with ash.  

The Three

    The three generals of the dark army, these generals keep units in order. Each one is different from the other two, though they have no names. One uses brutality in combat by cutting apart his foes with only one ax, his face hidden behind a mask of smooth steel. One uses magics to strike down enemies before cleaving them with his sword. The most mysterious man is a man many call "death," for his ways are hidden until the bodies begin to drop...   The Soldiers of Darkness. These guardians take the form of city guardsmen (spear), heavy guardsman (ax), an elite soldier (sword). These soldiers show no corruption, no remorse, and uphold the law in every way they can. They only serve the King and will even arrest the King if he breaks his own laws, as per his request. They fight like battle-hardened veterans (think ancient Spartan training, then put a real sword to them, and you have my soldiers), despite having only weeks of training, and seem to feel no pain at all, nor exhaustion. A force to be reckoned with and a force meant to uphold chaotic order and peace in a land of mistrust and greed...  

The Dark Ryder Tavern

  Nestled in the center of Vorian. From the outside, it looks beautiful, pleasant, and modest. Stacked stone and hardwood pillars make up most of the building's outer structure. It's tough to see through the frosted glass windows, but the passionate voices from within can be felt outside. As you enter the tavern through the thick, hand-chiseled wooden door, you're welcomed by cheerful singing and amazing but unknown scents. The bartender is quite busy but still manages to welcome you with a wave. It's as engaging inside as it is on the outside. Several walls support the upper floor and the decorative lights attached to them. The walls are full of paintings, both showing battle victories and joyful engagements.   The tavern itself is packed. Soldiers seem to be the primary clientele here, which often leads to exciting evenings. Several long tables are occupied by what must be separate groups who have bonded over great food and conversation. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who are clearly having a good time. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.  

The Dark Crystal Cove

  Spans a huge expanse from the strait that connects the Dark Kingdom to the Jungle Kingdom, across to the black forest. You will find merchants from all kingdoms in the central seaside port, eager to sell, buy, and trade their wares for transport to kingdom markets. You may even find tales of adventures at sea from brave travelers. Outside of the port, on the coastal side toward the jungle kingdom, you will find ocean made caverns and other areas ripe for exploring. The coastal side toward the Dark Kingdom leads you to the swamps bordering the Dark Forest.  


  A god in this land that controls the mysterious Infestation. He is quiet, now living with his love in Kun's town, but few, if any, have seen his vicious use of the infestation in action.  


  The older brother of Shade, is the God of Pestilence. He is a thoughtful yet deeply sinister individual that cannot make up his mind for either evil, good, or annoying intentions. He isn't to be trifled with, though, as he has abilities that baffle some of the other gods...  


  “Fini” is the Dark Advisor to Lord Ky’sax. One of the few beings still alive after frequent disagreements with the Lord; she balances his anger and rage. Fini is fiercely protective of the Lord, the Kingdom, and the Residents. And though known for her smile and giggle, her anger can be a terrifying experience. She and Shade reside in Kun, where she serves to protect residents outside of the walls of Vorian.  

The Throne of Ky'sax

  A place of dark cold and fierce judgment at the hand of the Lord himself. He is usually seen sitting on his black, obsidian throne, the shadow of the dragon head above him that he himself tore off of the body. Watch your words when entering this Gothic place......
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Neighboring Nations


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