The Mountain Kingdom Organization in Instauro | World Anvil

The Mountain Kingdom

The Mountain Kingdom, home to those that strive and work vigorously for their living. All who live here have earned their place in the Kingdom, and the people all have a strong sense of comradery. In times of peace and war, feast and famine, the people, whether soldier, noble, or civilian, strive through it together. Such a strong sense of community and ethic was put into place by the leaders before them, and the spirit is kept by the powerful Dragonborn Mage, the Mountain Advisor, Chu'Lahn Astoth. His scales as dark as the lightless nights, eyes a charming shade of jade green, and a tenacity unparalleled, Chu'Lahn is both highly respected amongst the people of the Mountain Kingdom....and feared. The rumors that Chu'Lahn sees to executions of criminals himself? They are true, and no criminal that received the death penalty ever returned with all of their limbs intact. During his tenure, and in the absence of the Mountain Lord, Chu'Lahn ensures that the Kingdom is strong, steady, and efficient, steadily improving what can be and making what is needed.   The castle of the Mountain Kingdom, the crown jewel of all the nation. Do not let the look of the weathered and cracked stones fool you, as this castle serves as a more than outstanding bastion of defense from incoming attacks.   Amongst the officials of the Mountain Kingdom, Chu'Lahn has chosen four to become what he called his Board. The Board convene with Chu'Lahn and discuss what is to come regarding the Kingdom, whether it be finances, military operations, diplomacy, research, etc. These four individuals, powerful in their own right, assist the Advisor when called upon.  

Sylas, the Proud

  The General to the Knights of the Mountain Kingdom, Sylas is known for being confrontational but strategic. He oversees the recruitment, training, and deployment of the soldiers of the Mountain Kingdom.  

Yorle, the Faithful

  A man as mysterious as the mask he wears, Yorle is a Cleric of the Zeal Domain. He rose up in rankings and is handpicked by Chu'Lahn because of his skill and power.  

Vera of the Dark

  A Warlock-Sorceress that draws power from the death of battle, Vera heads the Magic Casters and Magical Forces of the Mountain Kingdom. Swearing her fealty to the Mountain Kingdom, mainly Chu'Lahn, her skills allowed the Mountain Kingdom to achieve the defenses that it has now.  

Talim, from Beyond

  Appearing in the Kingdom from seemingly nowhere, Talim grew ever more skeptical and wary until she was discovered by Chu'Lahn. A brief scuffle left the both of them wounded, but generated a connection that would build into a friendship. An Oathbreaker Paladin with a hint of magic from the shadows, Talim oversees covert operations. Anything that is to Chu'Lahn's or the Mountain Kingdom's displeasure, is as good as gone when the dawn comes.  

The Coliseum

  Where one and all come to prove their worth and mettle against another in a competition of strength, grace, magics and whatnot. Both a training ground and an attraction to residents of the Mountain Kingdom, it is said that some of the most well-known legendary adventurers have taken part in this very arena themselves.  

The Town of Pietra

  The central hub of trade, commerce, and yearly festivities. Pietra is known for its pubs and restaurants and often is the popular place for adventurers who are residents of the Mountain Kingdom. Because of Pietra's reputation as the center of trade and commerce, the cost of living there is reasonable, relatively cheap.  

A lake of freshwater

  It is just outside the Town of Pietra, known for one of the first major battles of the Mountain Kingdom in its history. Now it is a lake that serves as a good source of fish and lumber for the Mountain Kingdom without much reliance from the Jungle Kingdom imports.  

The Wicked Dragon Tavern

  Found deep within the bowels of Pietra. Whoever finds this tavern is most rewarded with good drink, meat, and gambling games where one emerges a champion or a bankrupt loser. It is one of many gems of the Mountain Kingdom, even being approved by the Lord and Advisor as a certified and protected tavern because of how much money it brings the Kingdom.  


  One of the dangerous parts of the Mountain Kingdom, but also has its benefits as a hotspot for the various minerals mined from the Mountain Kingdom. Thanks to the efforts of the Lord and her Advisor, the volcanoes can be traveled by the unwary traveler without risk of being poisoned from the air. However, where there is beauty in these volcanoes, there is also impending tragedy and destruction as all volcanoes are active.  

Hot Springs

  Powered by the volcanoes, the hot springs are a hotspot for R&R for all, whether it be adventurers, townsfolk, even the officials such as the Advisor and Lord. The water that flows is pure and has the perfect temperature of heat. It is rumored that these springs have disease-curing properties, but that rumor has yet to be given substance.  

The Peaks

  One will find a beautiful view of the entire mountain kingdom in all time, from early dawn, to the starlit nights.  


  Chu'Lahn Astoth is named the new Lord of the Mountain Kingdom, upon finding out that Lleuad, the former Lord, has ascended and left to her home realm. Seeing an opportunity, and a mutual understanding, Krystal J'Neir, a close friend of Chu'Lahn, is named the new Mountain Advisor.   What awaits the Kingdom now? Only time and fate will tell....  


  Chu'Lahn Astoth, having angered the Goddess of Fate, as been reverted back to a teenager, stripped of his powerful magics, reduced to nothing more than a novice in magic. Sha'ri is now announced as the new Lord of the Mountain Kingdom.  

The Aberrant Invasion and Lich King Daiman:

  Prior to Chu's predicament and Sha'ri's rise to power, the Mountain Kingdom was the eye of two powerful evils: The God of Aberrations/Illithids, Oro, and the evil Lich King Daiman. Upon taking care of a criminal syndicate that was responsible for the uprisings throughout the Kingdom, the remaining enemy, Tursheg, the Pale, struck a deal with Oro and launched an attack on a massive scale on the Mountain Kingdom, intent on ending Chu'Lahn and his rule, and have the Mountain Kingdom be a footstool for the realm's otherworldly invaders. However, thanks to the efforts of many adventurers, such as Sintra Kharra, Zumi Warren, Stormatrig Kharra, Shizara, and Eridor, the invasion was successfully fought off and the two generals of the Invasion were killed in battle. Now a monument signaling the Kingdom's victory over an otherworldly invader stands in the plaza of Pietra.   Daiman, an Ancient King of old who split his soul in pieces with a thirst for nothing more than conquest, was first seen terrorizing a village with undead and demons. Having been defeated initially by our adventurers, he retreated in to hiding, biding his time and resources through his Five Undead Knights: Klor, Illatha, Elias, Ferdinand, and Lucius. It was revealed that Talim, a Board member of the Mountain Kingdom, was formerly a member of Daiman's court, hence why her powers were sealed. Now, with the Five Knights dead, but Talim captured, the Mountain Kingdom must end this long time war against this ancient evil once and for all. Who will win this war? We won't know until we find out.   UPDATE: A final struggle, a final siege, with the combined efforts of the adventurers, the evil Lich King has been slain and is no more.  


In light of an attack on all Four Kingdoms, martial law has been declared, and all citizens are ordered to stay in their homes. Any adventurer able and willing to defend the guild and Kingdoms are allowed to roam.  


  The events of past struggle all culminate into the final battle, held in the middle of the Spring season. Mortal vs otherworldly beast, the clash of heat and metal, and the flare of determination and righteous indignation. The God of Aberrations, Oro, has been defeated by the combined efforts of all in the realm of ECG. With the otherworldly threat gone, for the most part, Lord Sha'ri with the help of friends and allies has delivered on her promise to end the war.  


  Yorle, The Faithful has resigned as Board Member and left the Mountain Kingdom. His replacement, the Red Knight Kirt will now fill his role.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Neighboring Nations


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