Celestial Archive Building / Landmark in Interstellar Chronicles | World Anvil

Celestial Archive

Celestial Archive is a massive, planet-like, space station that has existed for aeons and acted has a gatherer of knowledge. At the same time, it has allowed scholars from all over the galaxy to come and study past civilizations.

Welcome to the Celestial Archive, traveller. Before continuing please give any weapons to the enforcers. Have a nice stay!
— Custodian AI

Neutral Zone

The automated security and management systems of the Celestial Archive enforce neutrality rules that forbid visitors from fighting and bearing arms on the station. As the result members of species hostile to each other can work side by side on the station. People found violating the rules are swiftly removed from the station.

Centre of the Galaxy

For the last few hundred years the Archive has been an unofficial centre of galactic affairs. Some people say that it started with the first serious glitches of the Custodian AI that administered the station for aeons. One of the results of the glitches was shutting off of the neutrality protcols in some areas of the Celestial Archive. It created the need for new security authirities. Their creation quickly brought the creation of new administrative authrities.

Founding Date
Aeons ago
Megastructure, Planetary scale

Cover image: Galaxy by Jeremy Thomas


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