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The Asiel are a highly advanced and sophisticated humanoid alien race originating from Airinia, a planet that is located 783.8 light years away from Earth. They have skin tones ranging from red to orange, to light purple. Most have traditional black geometric tattoos on their faces and bodies which symbolize a tribe, clan and occupation. The species has a strong connection with the natural world, as such, Asiel are known for their spirituality. Asiel have one of the most, if not THE most advanced civilization in the galaxy, second only to the Yictan. In 2250 BCE, the Asiel made contact with Staalzi galactic race forming a lasting peace and trade allience two years later.


Until about 10 million years ago, all Asiel lived as hunter gatherers. The Agriculture Revolution first took place in Eastern Rina and spread through large parts of the continent over the following megaannum. Access to food surplus led to the formation of permanent Asiel settlements, the domestication of animals and the use of metal tools for the first time in history. Agriculture and sedentary lifestyle led to the emergence of early civilizations.   An urban revolution took place in the 5th megaannum BCE with the development of city-states, particularly Sah'nahan cities located in Northern Rina. It was in these cities that the earliest known form of writing, appeared around 3,000,000 BCE. Another major civilization to develop around this time was Ancient Zjir. They eventually traded with each other and invented technology such as wheels, plows and sails. Astronomy and mathematics were also developed. There is evidence of a severe drought lasting about five thousand years that may have caused the decline of these civilizations, with new ones appearing in the aftermath.

[more coming soon]


Anatomy & Physiology

Asiel, are bipedal beings, and share common external features with humans. They are warm-blooded and give birth to live offspring, providing nourishment through milk. With their five fingers, including an opposable thumb, have given asiel a hand structure that facilitated early tool-making. In terms of circulatory system, asiel have a closed network consisting of a heart and blood vessels. Their blood is yellow due to vanabin, which contains vanadium. Asiel possess two lungs that primarily function in either a sulfur-nitrogen or nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere.   Asiel have no covering of body hair, though some males do have facial hair. Their hair color ranges from brown, black, or white. Gradiation of skin tone is also seen among Asiel, ranging from reds to a orange color as an adaption to their homeworld's sun.


Asiel possess 36 pairs of chromosomes, far more than the 23 found in humans. The extra genetic material is believed to be the cause for their unique traits, including superior combat skills and quick reflexes. The most unique trait possessed by the Asiel is their six-hemispheric brains. This gives them greater mental capabilities than other races, allowing them to think faster and more efficiently. Asiel possess an enhanced immune system that allows them to fight off any illness that may affect them quickly and effectively due to its diversity. This is believed to be linked to their large number of chromosomes as well.   Other genetic adaptations include an increased resistance to cold temperatures and a heightened sense of smell and taste that allows them to identify food sources better than most species. They are believed to have adapted to the cold climate of their homeworld in this manner. Asiel possess a unique form of healing as well. Injuries heal quickly and, in some cases, can even be regrown from the cellular level. This is due to the fact that they possess a greater number of stem cells than most other species. Asiel also demonstrate a resistance to many toxins and poisons. This is believed to be linked to their enhanced immune system and multiple organs that process and filter toxins and harmful substances.   Asiel also possess certain unique physic-like abilities, one of which is a sort of ‘six-sense’ that allows them to perceive another person’s actions before they make them. This ability has also made the Asiel’s own reflex’s very quick in response. Asiel are also exceptional in nearly all forms of hand-to-hand combat. Their martial arts skills far exceed those of every other race.

Life cycle and reproduction

Asiel reproduction, much like other species, occurs through internal fertilization, via sexual intercourse. The gestation period for asiel is exactly 40 weeks. Due to advanced medical technology, asiel childbirth is considered quite mild and does not cause any complications or deaths. Asiel babies are highly intelligent and can speak within their first few months of life. Their growth rate is also faster than that of humans, with Asiel children reaching physical maturity by the age of 18, while reaching sexual maturity by age of 20.   As with all living creatures death is inevitable for an Asiel, although much later in life than other species. The Asiel have a longer lifespan than most near-Human races, averaging around 125-150 years; however, some Asiel have been known to live up to 200 years.


Asiel are herbivorous and consume only plant-based foods. This choice is deeply rooted in their values of compassion and respect for all living beings. By refraining from consuming animal products, Asiel minimize harm and contribute to the preservation of life. In adhering to their philosophy, Asiel strive to consume locally sourced food whenever possible. Asiel are known for their culinary creativity in incorporating various herbs and spices into their cooking. This not only adds layers of flavor to their dishes but also offers potential health benefits. Asiel maintain a balanced and nutritious diet by incorporating a variety of plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, and nuts. These choices provide essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein. Additionally, Asiel are conscious of portion sizes and focus on consuming only what is necessary to sustain their health and wellbeing.

Psychology & Intelligence

Asiel are renowned for their intelligence and wisdom. Their six-hemispheric brains not only allow them superior cognitive speed and proficiency but also endow them with unique perceptual capabilities such as foresight, which actuates their uncanny ability to anticipate the actions of others. This attributes significantly to their invincibility in tactical warfare as well as their prowess in diplomacy.   The Asiel’s mental faculties are also characterized by a heightened sense of empathy and emotional intelligence. This means they are exceptionally capable of understanding and responding to the emotional states of other beings, making them effective mediators and communicators.   They have a strong inclination towards philosophy, introspection, and contemplation, contributing to a society deeply rooted in wisdom and learning. Their education system fosters logical thinking from a young age, focusing on problem-solving skills and creative thinking. Moreover, the Asiel are fast learners, able to absorb new information and adapt to different situations with remarkable ease.   In terms of psychology, Asiel ideology is built around a strong aversion to conflict and a premium on cooperation. Paralleling their physical capacity for rapid adaption and healing, they are psychologically resilient, often recovering from emotional trauma more swiftly than other species. They seek harmony in all aspects of life, both within themselves and with others, fostering a society based on mutual respect and understanding.   Their intelligence and philosophical nature lead them to question the world around them constantly, driving technological advancement and scientific discovery. While they are known to display an array of emotions that dwarf human feelings such as joy, sadness, anger, fear, and love, they tend to be more controlled in their emotional responses. Raw displays of emotion are considered inappropriate in their culture.


Asiel culture is characterized by a deep sense of spirituality and reverence for nature. This theocratic society places a strong emphasis on their connection to the divine, with religious practices and rituals playing a significant role in their daily lives. Their society is also highly stratified, divided into powerful "Corporations”. These corporations are not just business entities but also represent different lineages or families, with each having its own set of values and traditions. Asiel citizens wear crests representing their corps, and it is expected that they uphold the values associated with it.   The Asiel place great importance on scientific advancement, constantly seeking to improve their technologies and understanding of the universe. Their society is driven by a thirst for knowledge and innovation, leading to remarkable progress in all areas of science and technology. Social order is highly valued among the Asiel. Individual rights are balanced against the greater good of society, promoting a collective mentality rather than individualism. Respect for authority and hierarchy is deeply ingrained in their culture, with strict protocols followed in all aspects of life.   Duty is at the core of Asiel culture. They see themselves as stewards of nature and have developed sustainable practices to ensure its preservation. They also have a strong sense of responsibility towards other beings, but often ignore intergalactic conflicts. Asiel are isolationists and prefer to keep to themselves, viewing other races as beneath them; however, they do not engage in abject discrimination and unfair treatment of the non-Asiel. Socialization among Asiel communities is often based on intellectual discussions, philosophical debates, and artistic expression.   Another unique facet of Asiel culture is their practice of mind-melding. This form of communion allows them to share thoughts, experiences, and even emotions. However, it's not merely a means for communication; mind-melding also serves a deeper purpose in their spiritual practices.


The primarily language of the Asiel, known as Airinian, sounds similar to Hindi but with a completely different sentence structure and vocabulary. Airinian is a highly complex language, with multiple layers of meaning and nuance that can only be fully understood by those deeply involved in Asiel culture.   Airinian words are often used to convey deeper spiritual and philosophical concepts, rather than simple descriptions of objects or actions. Asiel's language is heavily influenced by their spiritual beliefs and the way they view the world around them. They have words that describe emotions and experiences that do not exist in other languages, making it difficult for outsiders to fully grasp the depth of their culture.


The naming traditions of the Asiel are deeply rooted in their belief that a person's true nature should guide the choices they make in life. From the moment of birth, a Zirnahia (Monk Priest), carefully selects a Tjirahne name for the newborn during the initiation ceremony known as a Kjir. Unlike many other cultures and races where names are often influenced by family lineage or societal norms, the Asiel believe that a name should be chosen based on one's inner essence to serve as a lifelong guide. As the child grows into adulthood, they are given the opportunity to select a Hkiria name, which represents their personality and life path. This personal name is chosen by the children themselves, reflecting who they are and who they aspire to be. This practice allows them to assert their individuality and honor their unique qualities. For the Asiel, naming is a way to celebrate and respect one's inner self and the choices they make in life.   This naming tradition holds great significance for the Asiel. It serves as a constant reminder that they are not defined solely by external factors such as societal expectations or family history. Instead, they are encouraged to embrace their own true nature and follow their chosen path with pride. The Asiel take great pride in preserving this tradition, as it allows them to celebrate and honor each individual's distinct qualities and ambitions.

Ohn: meaning the Lord is my Light.

Pinum: Binjim; meaning Child

Whiko: Wise One

Saju: Jaji; or Peaceful

Akania: Aka; Protector of home

Aurum: Right Hand of Ahn Eira

Thincharo: Value of Spirit

Dijk: Tirkji; meaning to betray, or betrayer

Rahn: Enlightened One

Fohum: The Mountain












The arts and architecture

Asiel architecture is characterized by distinct features that set it apart from other galactic races. Asiel prefer either free-standing or rock-cut barrel-vaulted structures. These structures are typically placed on a high base. What makes Asiel architecture even more intriguing is the fact that these structures are crafted to imitate wooden constructions, even though they are made entirely of stone. Within Asiel society, homes, are commonly known as 'Dorm Houses'. These homes usually consist of three rooms – a living space, a bedroom, and a kitchen. Some more lavish residences may even have an additional two rooms on an upstairs section. The design of these homes is focused on functionality while still maintaining a sense of style.   What truly sets the Asiel apart is their exceptional artwork. Their artistic creations are considered unique among other galactic races. Asiel art mainly focuses on physical locations, with gardens and parks being popular subjects. These outdoor spaces are beautifully adorned with a variety of shrubs, trees, and flowers, creating an enchanting atmosphere. Additionally, statues made from meticulously hand-carved stones or marble slabs are a common sight in these picturesque places. In Asiel homes, there are common art pieces such as woven blankets and tapestries. These items are crafted with intricate designs, showcasing the Asiel's talent for weaving and creating visually stunning textiles. The combination of natural landscapes, skillful stone carvings, and intricate textile work contributes to the overall magnificence of Asiel art.

Tools and technologies

Asiel are among the most advanced species when it comes to their mastery of technology. They are one of the few known species to have developed hard-light technology, a form of energy projection designed for both offensive and defensive purposes. Asiel have also discovered a powerful metallic alloy known as 'Dwarf-Star' which is incredibly durable and powerful, making it ideal for crafting a variety of tools and weapons. Dwarf-Star is also used for creating medical equipment, such as scanners that detect illnesses and injuries quickly and accurately.   Asiel have also developed a network of sophisticated surveillance systems to monitor all activity within their civilization, both publicly and privately. This system consists of both security measures and communication networks, allowing the capture of footage and sending out alerts in times of emergency. The system can also detect any suspicious or potentially dangerous activity that could threaten the safety of the community, alerting the population in real-time should there be any potential threats or anomalies.   The surveillance system is also used to provide assistance and support to citizens in need, such as medical emergencies or natural disasters. The different components of the system allow authorities to respond quickly and effectively to situations they need help with. The cameras within the system are equipped with facial recognition software, so they can identify individuals and alert authorities if needed. The Asiel are also masters of medical technology with personalized health monitoring systems that allow individuals to track their own health accurately. These systems also allow doctors to quickly detect any potential illnesses or diseases early on so they can be treated swiftly and effectively.

Religion and spirituality

Asiel religion is a complex philosophical tradition that has its roots in the ancient mountains of the main continent, Rina. It is believed to have originated sometime between the 8th and 6th centuries BCE and has since spread throughout much of Airinia. At the heart of Asiel religion are the teachings of Ahn Eira, which form the basis of the various traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices that make up this rich and diverse tradition.   The teachings of Ahn Eira are both profound and enigmatic, and have been the subject of much interpretation and debate over the centuries. At their core, however, they are concerned with the nature of existence, the meaning of life, and the relationship between the individual and the universe. Ahn Eira's teachings are deeply spiritual, and emphasize the importance of meditation, contemplation, and self-reflection as a means of achieving enlightenment and spiritual growth. One of the most fascinating aspects of Asiel religion is the way in which it has evolved over time. While the core teachings of Ahn Eira have remained largely unchanged, the various traditions and practices that have grown up around them have been shaped by the cultural and historical context in which they developed. As a result, Asiel religion encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices, from the austere asceticism of the early monastic communities to the colorful and vibrant rituals of the modern-day Asiel temples. Despite its diversity, however, Asiel religion remains a deeply unified and coherent tradition, bound together by a shared commitment to the teachings of Ahn Eira and a common belief in the transformative power of spiritual practice. Whether one is drawn to the contemplative solitude of the mountain hermitage or the communal celebration of the temple, Asiel religion offers a rich and rewarding path to spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Science and philosophy

Asiel places great value on science and philosophy, viewing them as integral components of their overall spiritual and intellectual development. From a young age, Asiel children are taught to think critically, ask questions, and explore the mysteries of the universe.   In the world of Asiel science, there is a strong emphasis on corporate observation and experimentation, with researchers working collaboratively to discover the fundamental laws of nature and unlock the secrets of the cosmos. Asiel scientists are renowned for their meticulous attention to detail and their tireless dedication to the pursuit of truth, often working long hours in pursuit of a breakthrough discovery. At the same time, philosophy holds an equally important place in Asiel society, with scholars and thinkers from across the tradition engaging in lively debates and discussions about the nature of reality, the relationship between mind and matter, and the meaning of existence itself.


Asiel society is a complex and multifaceted community that places great importance on a variety of values and beliefs. Among these, art, science, religious spirituality, and neurophysiology stand out as particularly significant. Asiel are deeply invested in these areas, and they devote a great deal of time and energy to exploring and understanding them. Religion is a central pillar of Asiel society, and it plays a vital role in the lives of many Asiel. Asiel are deeply spiritual, and they believe in the power of faith to guide and sustain them. They attend religious services regularly, and they take great comfort in the rituals and traditions of their faith. However, despite the importance of religion in Asiel society, it is often strained or ignored altogether in the commercial sector. Many of the corporations that control much of the economy are more concerned with profit and efficiency than with spiritual values. As a result, religion is often relegated to the sidelines, and its influence is greatly diminished in the world of commerce.


Gender roles in Asiel society are strictly defined, with men and women viewed as separate and not equal. Men are typically seen as providers and protectors, while women are expected to be caretakers and nurturers. This distinction is reinforced by the traditional Asiel custom of arranged marriages, wherein a man and woman are paired together in an agreement arranged by their families. Women have been increasingly accepted into the workforce, although they tend to receive less compensation than men for similar jobs. In terms of political representation, Asiel women remain largely underrepresented.   The Asiel have always held great reverence for nature and its cycles, and this extends to their views on gender roles as well. The belief that both men and women are essential components of society is held firmly within the culture, as evidenced by the frequent use of proverbs such as “no tree can stand without its roots”. This emphasis on balance between the genders lends itself to increased respect for individual autonomy and choice among Asiel.


Family is highly valued in Asiel society, and the concept of kinship is deeply ingrained in their culture. Family ties are seen as the most important relationships, with extended family members often living in close proximity to one another. The Asiel have a strong sense of loyalty and obligation to their family members, and this extends to offering assistance and support to extended family as well. It is not uncommon for multiple generations to live under one roof, with grandparents playing an active role in the upbringing of their grandchildren.   Marriage is seen as a sacred bond between two individuals, and it is typically arranged by the families of the bride and groom. This arranged marriage custom is still widely practiced among the Asiel, although there has been some shift towards more modern practices such as allowing individuals to choose their own partners. Regardless of how a marriage is arranged, it is considered a lifelong commitment and divorce is highly frowned upon. Parenthood is greatly valued in Asiel society, with parents seen as responsible for instilling cultural values and passing on traditions to their children. Children are also expected to care for their elderly parents in old age, emphasizing the importance of intergenerational relationships.   Extended family plays an integral role in Asiel society, with cousins, aunts/uncles, and grandparents often living together or in close proximity. These relationships are valued just as much as immediate family ties, with regular gatherings and celebrations held to reinforce these bonds. The Asiel also have a strong tradition of communal child-rearing within extended families, where all members take part in raising children.   Inheritance laws vary among different regions in Asiel society but generally follow patrilineal lines. This means that property and assets are primarily passed down from fathers to sons. However, daughters may also receive inheritance if there are no male heirs or if they are unmarried at the time of their father's death. This system is seen as a way to maintain stability and continuity within the family line, ensuring that wealth and property stay within the family and are preserved for future generations.   One of the most unique aspects of Asiel kinship is their belief in reincarnation. They believe that when a person dies, their spirit moves on to another individual, creating a cycle of life and rebirth that spans generations.

Government and politics

The Asiel government is known as the Airinia Republic, a Theocratic Constitutional Corporate democracy. It is a unique system that combines religious principles with democratic values and corporate influence. The head of state and government is the chief executive president, who is elected by the people.   The Asiel pride themselves on the fairness and transparency of their government. Political corruption is not tolerated and is dealt with swiftly and severely. Elections are held every five years, and citizens are eligible to vote. Campaigning is limited to a few weeks before the election, and candidates must follow strict guidelines to ensure equal representation. While there are multiple political parties in Asiel society, they all share similar values and goals. This can lead to a lack of diversity in opinions, but it also allows for more efficient decision-making. The governing party holds majority control in parliament, but minority parties still have a voice in shaping policies.   One of the most notable features of Asiel governance is its emphasis on the collective good. Decisions made by the government often prioritize the well-being of the community over individual desires or interests. This can sometimes create tension between personal freedoms and societal obligations, but all Asiel citizens believe that sacrificing some individual freedoms for the greater good is necessary for a harmonious society. In addition to traditional government structures, corporations also hold significant power in Asiel society. Many corporations have direct representation in parliament through their executives or CEOs. This allows for efficient decision-making and collaboration between government and business interests. Despite this close relationship between government and corporations, there are strict regulations in place to prevent any conflicts of interest or exploitation of power. The Asiel take great pride in maintaining a fair balance between private enterprise and public welfare.


The military of the Asiel is a highly organized and disciplined institution, with strong traditions and strict rules of conduct. All able-bodied males over the age of fifteen are required to serve in the military in some capacity for no less than ten years. The military serves not only as a defense force but also acts as a rite of passage, shaping young boys into responsible and disciplined men.   Asiel military personnel are famous for their skill and discipline on the battlefield. They are trained rigorously in both combat and tactical maneuvers from an early age. The military places a great emphasis on teamwork and collective responsibility, believing that individual strength lies in unity. Despite its seeming severity, the military is not just about warfare to the Asiel. An important aspect of service life revolves around education, personal development and sense of community. Soldiers take part in lessons ranging from history to science; the idea is to foster not just warriors, but well-rounded individuals who can contribute to society in various ways. In addition, military units often form close-knit communities; with soldiers seen as an extension of one's own family. This sense of brotherhood and shared experience fosters a culture of mutual respect and camaraderie among them. Despite being bound by tradition, the Asiel military is not resistant to change. In fact, it consistently collaborates with Asiel scientists and engineers to integrate the latest technological advancements into its operations.

Fashion and dress

The Asiel value simplicity and functionality in their clothing. Their style is heavily influenced by their traditional robes, which are commonly worn by religious figures and politicians. These robes are made from a thick, durable fabric that provides protection against the harsh elements of their planet.   For everyday wear, the common civilians opt for a white shirt, and cargo jeans with a belt. These jeans are made from a lightweight but sturdy material that allows for free movement while also providing durability. Footwear is also an important aspect of Asiel fashion. Lace-up boots are a staple in their society. These boots are usually made from a synthetic material that is resistant to wear and tear. The white shirt, whether cropped or a tank top for females, is a staple in their wardrobe, symbolizing purity and simplicity. They also wear a leather bomber jacket, with elbow-length sleeves or sleeveless for females, adds a touch of ruggedness to their attire, mostly for rebellious individuals. However, some females choose to break away from the norm and opt for a strapless top, a daring move that is more commonly seen among runaways and mercenaries. The lack of a jacket exposes their arms, showcasing their independence.   Jewelry is not commonly worn among the Asiel; instead, they place more emphasis on practical accessories such as belts for carrying tools when needed. One unique aspect of Asiel fashion is the use of hoods on many articles of clothing. Hoods serve not only as protection against the elements but also have cultural significance as well.

Trade and economics

The Asiel economy is a vibrant mixture of ancient traditions and cutting-edge technology, reflecting the society's dual dependency on both. Its main sectors are manufacturing, technology, mining, and agriculture. The most important trade goods are the high-tech electronic components produced in the factories on the outskirts of major cities, along with precious metals mined from the planet’s crust.   The Asiel have advanced manufacturing processes does not rely heavily on robotics or automated systems, but instead utilizes the labor of its citizens. The underlying principle is a belief in the value of work, and the idea that manual efforts instill a sense of pride and accomplishment, leading to higher quality products. This philosophy extends to even their most technologically advanced industries, where intricate devices are hand-assembled with meticulous attention to detail.   Agriculture remains a significant part of the economy, despite the technological advancements. Many families own small farms where they grow a variety of native plants for consumption and trade. In addition to small-scale farming, there are extensive plantations owned by corporations that produce crops for export.   Trade is heavily regulated by the Asiel government to ensure fair practices and protect domestic industries. Despite this, there is a healthy flow of imports and exports with other interplanetary societies, largely due to the highly sought-after unique resources the Asiel planet offers. These range from minerals with fascinating properties to exotic flora and fauna used in various ways, including culinary delights and medicinal purposes. In turn, the Asiel imports goods they cannot produce on their planet, such as certain types of technology and luxury items.


Conflict and war are non-existent to the Asiel. They have never engaged in it either among themselves or externally. This is in part due to their inherent nature of peace and harmony, deeply rooted in their cultural consciousness. The Asiel's regard for life, their respect for all beings, and their perception of the interconnectedness of the universe naturally lead them to prefer negotiation and dialogue over confrontation and aggression. However, this does not mean they are naive or defenseless. The Asiel military, despite its primary function as a body for public service, maintains a formidable stance of readiness to protect the Asiel’s homeworld and their colonies. Their diplomatic skills are just as honed as their combat abilities, making them expert mediators and negotiators during interplanetary disputes. Their philosophy centers around minimizing harm while maximizing fairness and justice.   Individual conflicts within the society are also minimal, as Asiel justice is massively strict with nearly all offenses being capital crimes. Capital punishment is not meted out lightly, however. It is reserved for the most heinous acts of violence and treachery, such as engaging in homosexuality, gun ownership or self-privacy. Even smaller infractions like public dissent or disobedience to higher authorities can lead to severe consequences, often involving a period of public service to atone for their mistakes.   While other races may view these measures as harsh, the Asiel believe it is necessary for the preservation of peace and harmony within their society. The high price of conflict acts as a deterrent, suppressing any desires for dissension or rebellion.

Relations with the Staalzi

Also see: Staalzi

[coming soon]


Asiel Male.png
Male Asiel by Thach
Asiel Female.png
Female Asiel by Thach

Biological Overview

Scientific Name






Conservation Status

The Asiel are not endangered nor extinct. However, they are quite secluded in their little corner of the galaxy. They are aware of the intelligent races but have not made contact with any of them with the exception of the Staalzi whom they have a steady trade alliance with.

Physical Information


125 years

Average Height

5' 7" - 6' 0"

Average Weight

130 lb. - 150 lb.

Average Physique

Asiel are modestly fit but not muscular. Flexibility and agility are more common than physical strength. They are commonly seen as being quite tall, standing at around six feet in height. They are seen as very attractive for both males and females.

Facial characteristics Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Asiel typically have a red skin tone but shades of orange are also possible. Nearly all Asiel possess tattoos of specific geometric designs across their faces and bodies. Children remain untattooed until their fifteenth year. The tattooing is done in stages over the course of ten days. While most choose tattoos that represent their families and clan, the overall style is up to the receiving individual.

Sociocultural information

Homeworld & Population

Airinia (native; 2,869,562,236)

Home System

Mirri System

Colonized worlds

Thessia (non-native; 1,289,908,890, Titire System

Mik'ano (non-native; 188,910,018, Almesi system)

Ahntora (non-native; 102,800, Almesi system)

Whikahn (non-native; 729,830,998, Varg system)

Ahn Ohn (non-native; 509,801, Titire system)

Colonized Systems

Almesi system

Varg system

Titire System


Airinia Republic


Airinia Republican Armed Forces

Official Religion

Ahn Eiraism

Official Currency

Airinia Silver Beadling

Official Language(s)


Technological Level

Tier 2


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