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Dahorica, or Dakmoorah III, is the third planet of the Dakmoorah System near the absolute very edge of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Much like the Krilloir that inhabit it, Dahorica is primal, harsh and mysterious world. While Dahorica is under Hivivian control, only Shilizal and Becceorian have been on the planet's surface as they are the only races strong enough to withstand the immensely heavy gravity.


Dahorica is a harsh, barren world, with vast deserts and frozen tundras, towering mountains and a turbulent sea. The planet's surface is largely made up of rocky terrain, with very little vegetation. The climate is harsh and inhospitable to most forms of life.   The most striking feature of Dahorica's landscape is its massive mountain range. These jagged peaks span across the entire planet, creating a natural barrier between different regions. The highest peak on Dahorica is known as Mount Kalkaros, reaching an altitude of over 12 kilometers. Despite the harsh conditions, there are some regions where life has managed to thrive. In the frozen tundras, some hearty plants and animals have adapted to survive in the extreme cold. These areas are mostly found near the poles of the planet.   In contrast, there are also regions of intense heat on Dahorica. Near the equator, geysers spew scalding hot water into the air, creating an otherworldly landscape of steam and boiling pools. However, the most significant geographical feature on Dahorica is undoubtedly its massive ocean known as the Sea of Storms. This ocean covers almost half of the planet's surface and is constantly wracked by violent storms and powerful currents.


The climate on Dahorica is defined by its extreme temperatures and harsh conditions. The planet's proximity to its star, Dakmoorah, means that it experiences intense heat during the day and bitter cold at night. However, the most significant factor contributing to the planet's climate is its seven moons.   These moons cause strong tidal forces that constantly churn the planet's oceans, creating intense storms and currents. The Sea of Storms, in particular, is known for its constant tempestuous weather patterns.   The equatorial regions of Dahorica experience scorching heat with temperatures reaching up to 58°C (136.4°F). These areas are also plagued by frequent sandstorms due to the strong winds caused by the tidal forces. In contrast, the polar regions are extremely cold with temperatures dropping as low as -90°C (-130°F). The frozen tundras are covered in ice and snow, making them almost impassable for all but the hardiest of creatures.   The thick atmosphere on Dahorica also plays a role in its climate. The air is heavy and has an eerie feel to it that makes it difficult for most species to breathe without specialized gear. This atmosphere also traps heat close to the planet's surface, contributing to the extreme temperatures.

Biodiversity and conservation

Dahorica is home to a diverse array of species that have evolved to survive in its extreme conditions. The planet's harsh environment has led to the development of unique characteristics and abilities in its inhabitants.   One of the most notable species on Dahorica is the Tegmor, a large, predatory lizard with sharp teeth and powerful legs. They are known for their ability to spit a highly corrosive venom at their prey, making them deadly predators. Another feared predator on Dahorica is the Vorpax, a flying creature with leathery wings that can navigate through the strong winds and storms with ease. They are skilled hunters and use their sharp talons to catch their prey from above.   In addition to these predators, there are also numerous herbivorous creatures on Dahorica such as the Grentex, which graze on the sparse vegetation found in the equatorial regions. These creatures have tough hides that protect them from both extreme heat and cold.   The plant life on Dahorica is also unique and adapted to survive in its harsh conditions. Most plants are low-lying and have thick, waxy leaves that help them retain moisture during the scorching days. Some plants have also developed specialized root systems that allow them to absorb nutrients from beneath the planet's rocky surface.

Known Residents

The dominant species on Dahorica is the Krilloir, a large and primitive alien race. They have a thick, armored skin that protects them from the harsh environment and most ballistic weapon damage, but also makes them slow and somewhat lethargic. The average Krilloir stands at over 13 feet tall and can weigh up to 1,800 pounds.   They are a highly territorial species and tend to live in small groups scattered throughout the planet's surface. Their society is very primitive with little to no technology or social structure. They primarily survive by hunting and gathering, using their brute strength and tough skin to overpower their prey. Despite their physical strength, the Krilloir are not known for their intelligence. They have basic communication skills but lack complex reasoning and problem-solving abilities. This has led to them being often underestimated by other species who see them as nothing more than brutish monsters. However, there have been rare cases of Krilloir showing signs of higher intelligence and even forming bonds with other species.   Aside from the Krilloir, there are also smaller populations of non-sentient species scattered throughout Dahorica. These include the Grentex, Tegmor, Vorpax, and various other creatures that have adapted to the planet's extreme conditions. Some of these species have formed symbiotic relationships with each other for mutual survival benefits. For example, some Grentex allow Tegmor to feast on parasites living in their fur in exchange for protection from predators.

Government & Society


Dahorica does not have a traditional economy, as the dominant species, the Krilloir, do not have a concept of currency or trade. They live in small and scattered groups and primarily survive through hunting and gathering. However, since being conquered by the Hivivian Empire, Dahorica has become part of Hivivian's economy.   The Hivivian Empire is a collective alliance of various alien species, including the Krilloir. As such, Dahorica now benefits from their advanced technology and resources. The Hivivians have set up mining operations on Dahorica to extract valuable minerals and resources from its rocky terrain. They also use the planet as a waypoint for trade routes connecting different parts of their empire.   The Hivivian has also introduced trade with other alien species to Dahorica, bringing in goods and resources that were previously unavailable to the Krilloir. This has led to some limited commerce between the Krilloir and other species, but it is still relatively minimal compared to other planets within the Hivivian Empire. Despite these economic changes, the Krilloir remain largely self-sufficient and do not rely heavily on trading for their survival. They continue to hunt and gather for their food and basic needs while benefiting from the resources brought in by the Hivivian.


The Krilloir, being a primitive species, do not have a concept of government or rulership. They live in small, scattered groups and make decisions through a collective agreement. There are no appointed leaders or laws to govern their society. Instead, they rely on their brute strength and natural hierarchy within their groups to maintain order. However, since being conquered by the Hivivian Empire, Dahorica has become part of the empire's governance structure. The Hivivian have introduced a system of government on the planet that is not understood by the Krilloir.   The Hivivian governor on Dahorica is the highest authority and is responsible for overseeing the planet's affairs and enforcing Hivivian laws and regulations. The governor is chosen by the Hivivian Emperor and is typically a member of the Shilizal species. Underneath the governor are various bureaucratic departments that handle different aspects of governing Dahorica, such as resource management, trade relations, and cultural exchange.


The Krilloir do not have a well-established culture, as their society is based on survival and basic needs. They do not have any rituals, ceremonies, or traditions. This is due to their lack of organized social structure. As a highly primitive species, the Krilloir do not have any concept of art or creativity. Their sole focus is on surviving in their harsh environment.   Their language also reflects their simplistic lifestyle. It consists of basic sounds and echolocation and does not contain any grammar or writing system. Religion is also non-existent in Krilloir culture.


The Krilloir do not have a military in the traditional sense. Their society is not built around warfare or conflict, and they do not engage in battles with each other or with other species. Instead, they rely on their brute strength and natural defenses to protect themselves from predators. However, since being conquered by the Hivivian Empire, the Krilloir have been forced into a new role as heavy melee soldiers for the empire's military. The Hivivian utilize the Krilloir's physical strength and durability to their advantage in battles. Despite this newfound role, the Krilloir do not have any concept of war or strategy. They simply follow orders from their Hivivian commanders and use their brute force to overpower enemies. They are also often used for manual labor due to their immense strength.   The Hivivian have also introduced advanced weaponry to Dahorica, equipping some of the Krilloir drones with plasma cannons. This has greatly enhanced their effectiveness in battle, but it has also resulted in a greater dependence on the Hivivian.


by Dawood

Astrographical Information


Dakmoorah System



Orbital position

Third Planet



Physical Information


20,427.4 km (12,693 mi)


88.263 m/s²

Length of day

103 hours

Length of year

1,023 days


3.980atm (N, O2, Ar)

Surface temperature

-90°C to 58°C (-130°F to 136.4°F)

Societal Information


Krilloir (homeworld)


Approx. 5.6 million






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