Gagnoania Geographic Location in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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Gagnoania, or Eurica III, is a territorial planet of the Eurica System in the Sagittarius Arm of the Milkyway Galaxy. Gagnoania is very similar in size and atmosphere to Earth, but with more than twice the gravity, and little to no wildlife. Gagnoania is also the homeworld of the Shalgan galactic race.


Gagnoania is a diverse and lush planet, with three main continents: Zalvoria, Xaroth, and Krynn. The planet is covered in thick, dense rainforests that cover over 80% of its surface. These rainforests are home to a wide variety of plant life, including massive trees that can reach heights of over 100 meters.   The largest continent, Zalvoria, is located in the northern hemisphere and is home to the majority of Gagnoania's population. It is also where the capital city of Nova Shalga is located. The terrain on Zalvoria consists of rolling hills, deep valleys, and large rivers that flow into the surrounding oceans.   To the south lies Xaroth, a much smaller continent known for its towering mountains and rocky terrain. Xaroth is sparsely populated due to the harsh conditions, but it is also home to some of the most beautiful landscapes on Gagnoania.   The smallest continent, Krynn, lies to the east and is mostly covered in swamps and marshes. It is considered one of the most dangerous places on Gagnoania due to its treacherous terrain and deadly creatures that inhabit it. Despite their differences in climate and geography, all three continents are interconnected by a vast network of rivers and lakes that flow from one to another. This allows for easy travel between continents for trade and communication.   One unique feature of Gagnoania's geography is its two moons. These moons orbit very close to each other and can often be seen in the sky at the same time. They also have a significant impact on Gagnoania's tides, causing large waves along its coastlines.   Due to its proximity to its sun Eurica, Gagnoania experiences long periods of daylight followed by long periods of darkness. This cycle has greatly influenced the evolution of the planet's flora and fauna, leading to some unique adaptations.


Gagnoania has a diverse and dynamic climate, influenced by its position in the Eurica System and its thick rainforests. The planet experiences four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter.   During the spring and summer months, Gagnoania experiences long periods of daylight as it orbits closer to its sun Eurica. Temperatures can reach up to 49.7°C (121.4°F) in some areas, making it uncomfortably hot for most species. However, the dense rainforests provide shade and help regulate the temperature.   As Gagnoania moves further away from Eurica during the fall and winter months, days become shorter and temperatures drop. In some areas, temperatures can drop below freezing at night. The rainforests also go through a period of dormancy during this time, with many plants shedding their leaves or going into hibernation.   One of the most significant weather patterns on Gagnoania is the monsoon season. As a result of its close proximity to its sun Eurica, Gagnoania experiences intense heating during the summer months. This causes warm air to rise from the planet's surface, creating low-pressure areas that draw in moist air from nearby oceans.   The moist air then rises higher into the atmosphere, cooling and causing heavy rainfall over large parts of Gagnoania. Monsoon season typically occurs in late spring/early summer and can last for several weeks.   Typhoons are another common weather occurrence on Gagnoania. These powerful storms are formed when warm ocean waters near the equator fuel low-pressure systems that develop into typhoons as they move towards land. Tornados are also a natural phenomenon on Gagnoania but occur less frequently than monsoons or typhoons. They typically form in areas where cool dry air meets warm moist air, creating supercell thunderstorms that can produce destructive tornadoes.


Gagnoania is home to a vast array of diverse plant life, making it a botanical paradise. Its thick rainforests are filled with towering trees, colorful flowers, and exotic plants that have evolved to thrive in its ever-changing climate.   One of the most prominent features of Gagnoania's flora is its variety of tree species. The planet's rainforests are filled with giant trees that can reach heights of over 100 meters (328 feet). These trees provide homes for many other plant and animal species and play a vital role in maintaining the planet's ecosystem.   Some common tree species on Gagnoania include the Wispwood Tree, with its glowing leaves that emit a soft light at night, and the Spiralwood Tree, whose trunk grows in a unique spiral pattern.   Aside from trees, Gagnoania is also home to various shrubs, vines, and ferns. Many of these plants have adapted to survive in the intense heat and heavy rainfall that characterizes the planet's monsoon season. While Gagnoania may be rich in plant life, it has very little fauna. This is due in large part by the native Shalgan galactic race.

Known Residents

Gagnoania is the homeworld of the Shalgan, a highly advanced and technologically superior race. They are one of the oldest races in the galaxy, second only to the Yictan. The Shalgan are known for their intelligence, inventiveness, and ambition, and have played a significant role in shaping the galactic landscape.   The Shalgan are also one of the two founding species of the powerful Hivivian Empire, with the other being the Shilizal. As one of the founding species, they hold a dominant position within the empire and take direct charge of all political and technological affairs.   The Shalgan are often described as arrogant, selfish, and obsessed with being number one. They prioritize their own achievements and success above all else and do not hesitate to use any means necessary to maintain their superiority.   As a result of their insular nature and self-serving agenda, the Shalgan have few allies in the galaxy. Their relationships with other races are mostly transactional, based on mutual benefits rather than genuine friendships or partnerships. Despite their flaws, there is no denying that the Shalgan are a powerful force in the galaxy. Their advanced technology has allowed them to colonize multiple planets beyond Gagnoania's solar system. They also control vast resources and have a formidable military presence thanks to their Shilizal allies.

Astrographical Information


Eurica System



Orbital position

Third Planet



Physical Information


12,856 km (7,988.3 mi)


10.596 m/s²

Length of day

67.2 hrs.

Length of year

578.2 days


1.6atm ((N2, O2, Ar)

Surface temperature

-10°C to 49.7°C (14°F to 121.4°F)


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