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The Gnimgian, referred to by some humans as Crawlers are a race of sentient, carnivorous insectoids from the planet Gozolara. In 10,986 BCE, the Gnimgian became the fourth species to be assimilated into the Hivivian. Their tenure in the hegemony began, the Gnimgian have always been the lowest-ranking species in general terms and are frequently mistreated by members of almost every other race.   Gnimgian are primarily used by the Hivivian as laborers or—in combat situations—cannon fodder, often using their ability in numbers to carry out ambushes on enemies of the Hivivian.


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Anatomy and physiology

The Gnimgian, are insectoids, but not true insects, as they do not share a common ancestry with Terran life, but they share many similarities with earthly spiders and arachnid insects. They are cold-blooded and reproduce by laying eggs, via. a queen and one or more fertile males. With their four fingers including an opposable thumb, Gnimgian are capable of handling a wide range of tools and weaponry. The Gnimgian have hard exoskeletons made from a glossy chitinous substance. They have three body sections, the segments of the Gnimgian's body are broken into five: a head, a cephalothorax, a thorax, a pelvis and an abdomen. The head supports a pair of hairy sensory antennae and a pair of compound eyes. The mouth consists of sets of Chelicerae like those found on spiders. The first pair of legs are attached to a pelvis like structure, while the second pair is attached to the abdomen.   Gnimgian have an open circulatory system, containing the essential organs, is bathed in a liquid called haemolymph, which is only vaguely analogous to blood. Their blood is green. It is not red like human blood because it does not have any hemoglobin in it. Gnimgian do possess two lungs that only function in a methane-helium atmosphere. As such, all Gnimgian are required to wear a breathing apparatus when on planets with a different atmospheric composure, or otherwise risk suffocating to death.   The exoskeletons of the Gnimgian are darkly colored, with different hues representing different ranks or stages of maturity. Adolescent, or pupal, Gnimgian are shaded brown and orange, workers are a green hue, soldiers are dark blue, and Gnimgian majors are dark red.


The genetic makeup of Gnimgian consists of 6 pairs of chromosomes, with each pair having a variable number of genes that determine various traits such as physical appearance, behavior, and reproductive capabilities. Gnimgian genetics also allow for rapid adaptability to new environments and conditions, which has allowed them to thrive and expand across multiple planets within the Hivivian Empire.

Life cycle

Gnimgian commonly have four life cycle stages: egg, larval, Gnimling, and adult:


The Gnimgian eggs are small and dark, with a hard outer shell that protects the developing embryo. They are typically laid in clusters of a fifty or more and are guarded fiercely by the Queen until they hatch. The eggs take approximately two years to hatch.


Upon hatching, the larval are small and helpless, and entirely dependent on the Queen and workers for survival. During this stage, they molt their exoskeleton several times before undergoing metamorphosis into the Gnimling stage. The larval stage can last up to six years.


The Gnimling stage is a crucial stage in the Gnimgian life cycle, as it is during this stage that they develop their distinct physical appearance and characteristics. They undergo a significant metamorphosis, growing larger and developing their signature exoskeleton, antennae, and compound eyes. The Gnimling stage typically lasts around fifteen to twenty years.


Once the Gnimling stage is complete, the Gnimgian reaches adulthood and becomes either a worker or soldier within the colony. Workers are responsible for caring for young Gnimgian, gathering food and resources, and maintaining the colony. While Soldiers are tasked with defending the colony and Queen from potential threats.


Gnimgian are omnivores, with a diet that includes both plant and animal matter. Larval Gnimgian primarily feed on fungus and decaying organic matter, while adult Gnimgian consume a wide range of food sources including fruits, vegetables, insects, and even small animals. The Queen, on the other hand, has a specialized diet that consists solely of royal jelly produced by the workers. This unique substance is high in protein and nutrients and is essential for the Queen's health and reproductive capabilities.

Psychology & Intelligence

Gnimgian psychology is greatly influenced by their social structure and organization. As a species that lives in underground colonies, Gnimgian have a strong sense of community and loyalty to the Queen and their fellow colony members. They are highly organized and cooperative, with each individual understanding their role and responsibilities within the colony.   Gnimgian are an eusocial species, and therefore their intelligence is geared toward working in concert with large groups. They can accomplish tasks swiftly and efficiently when working together, and their knowledge of machinery is rivaled only by the Staalzi. However, they lack individuality because of their colony lifestyle, and their instincts and societal conditioning suppress creative thought and encourage total obedience to authority.


As mentioned before, the Gnimgian are an eusocial species. They live in colonies built around a single reproductive queen, several reproductive males, and many workers and soldiers.   The Gnimgian culture has been largely erased by their incorporation into the Hivivian. They have been granted very few civil rights in comparison to other members of the Hivivian and on a good day they are treated as second-class citizens. Despite the advances in civil rights granted after the Gnimgian Rebellion, including the right to carry weapons and hold places among infantry units, their representation on the High Council is mostly powerless. The negative aspects of their existence are offset by the irony of their continued survival due to the acceptance of the Hivivian.


Their native language is composed of insect-like vibrations, body motion, hissing and chemical signals (scent and taste). Though largely unintelligible to most humans, translation software is able to decipher many Gnimgian words. The word 'Gnimgian' itself is not a word from their vocabulary, rather, it is the Shilizal name for their species. Gnimgian are also fully capable of speaking a variety of human languages, a fact in which they take great pride. Combat units will usually elect an attaché to serve as a translator, learning how the other races communicate and relaying the relevant information to the other Gnimgian. However, the attaché still does not socialize with other species, only learning enough about their allies to keep the other Gnimgian organized and informed.

The arts and architecture

Gnimgian architecture is uniquely adapted to their eusocial lifestyle. The central structure of their colony is a massive underground network of tunnels and chambers, built using a combination of saliva, soil, and silk secreted from the Queen. This structure serves as the living quarters for the colony and protects them from harsh weather and predators, which is a constant threat on their harsh, desert planet.

Tools and technologies

Gnimgian technology is backwards and advanced at the same time. Their society is built around their biological adaptations, and as a result, their tools and technologies are specialized for their specific needs. For example, they have developed specialized digging tools and silk-woven nets to capture prey. At the same time, Gnimgian possess advanced medical technology that has allowed them to survive injuries and illnesses that would have otherwise been fatal.   Despite their limited resources, Gnimgian medics are renowned for their ability to synthesize effective treatments from the natural compounds found on their planet. Their advancements in medicine have extended the lifespans of all members of their society and contributed to their survival as a species.

Religion and spirituality

Gnimgian do not have a formal religion or spirituality, but they do have a strong belief in the power of their Queen. The Queen is the center of their society, and many Gnimgian believe that she has a direct connection to the planet itself. They see her as a living embodiment of their culture and values, and as such, she is revered and cared for above all else.   The Queen is also believed to have a strong psychic ability, allowing her to communicate with the Gnimgian through their vibrations and chemical signals. Some even believe that she possesses a form of telekinesis, as she is able to manipulate the saliva, soil, and silk that make up the colony's structures with ease. This belief in the Queen's power led to a society built around the principles of strict hierarchy and eusociality, with each individual working together for the greater good of the colony.   As such, the Queen is not only the spiritual leader of the Gnimgian, but also their political leader, making decisions that affect the entire colony. Her decisions are seen as infallible and unquestionable, as she is believed to have a greater understanding of the needs of the colony than any individual Gnimgian could. The Queen's power is absolute, but she is also seen as a caring and nurturing figure, who serves as a symbol of hope and protection for her subjects.

Science and philosophy

Gnimgian philosophy is deeply intertwined with their scientific understanding of the world. They see the universe as a vast, interconnected web of energy and matter, with everything in existence playing a vital role in maintaining balance and harmony. This outlook has led to a reverence for the natural world and a deep understanding of the delicate systems that govern life on their planet.   Gnimgian also have a strong focus on understanding and utilizing their own biology. They study their own chemical signals and vibrations, seeking to better understand how they can communicate with each other and the natural world around them. This has led to the development of complex communication systems that allow them to coordinate their actions and work towards shared goals.   Their extensive knowledge of biology and chemistry has also led to the development of advanced medicine and genetic engineering. Through careful study and experimentation, Gnimgian scientists have been able to extend the lifespan of their species and prevent many common illnesses and diseases.


Despite their advanced scientific and philosophical understandings, Gnimgian society remains rooted in strict hierarchy and eusociality. The Queen and her royal attendants occupy the highest tier of society, followed by the workers who carry out the daily tasks of maintaining the colony.   Each worker is assigned a specific role based on their individual strengths and abilities, whether it be gathering food, caring for young Gnimgian, or maintaining the structures of the colony. There is little room for individuality, as each Gnimgian is expected to fulfill their assigned role without question.

Government and politics

The Gnimgian government is a monarchy, with the Queen holding absolute power. However, her decisions are often influenced by a council of advisors, made up of the most intelligent and respected members of the colony.   These advisors are responsible for providing the Queen with information and recommendations on important issues, such as resource allocation and colony expansion.

Military and rankings

The Gnimgian military plays a crucial role in protecting the colony from external threats, such as invasion or natural disasters. The Queen serves as the supreme commander of the military, with her most trusted soldiers serving as her top generals and advisors in military matters.   The soldiers themselves are divided into specialized units, each with their own unique skills and abilities. The elite warriors of the colony, known as the "Colony Guard," are tasked with defending the Queen and her royal attendants at all costs.   Promotions within the military are based on performance and skill, with the most skilled soldiers rising through the ranks to become generals or even members of the Queen's personal guard.


The Gnimgian race, inclining towards a colony-like and eusocial society, are divided by several castes. Most individuals fall into one of the three main, distinct Gnimgian castes: domestic, worker, or protector. The colorations of the Gnimgian's shell will indicate its caste, and function within the caste. All castes are subservient to the Colony Queen.

Colony Queen

The Colony Queen is the central figure of the colony. Her primary role is to propagate the species. The queen serves as the leader of the Gnimgian species. lead an aggressively matriarchal society, with the other castes of the Gnimgian serving the queen and carrying out her orders to ensure the preservation of the colony. Gnimgian queens are responsible for the species reproduction and way of life, leading to the well-being of a queen being the uppermost importance of a colony. Gnimgian queens often wield considerable political clout within the Hivivian, albeit still limited.   Gnimgian Queens are quite rare, and are capable of spawning over 500,000 larval Gnimgian -- called Fulimgula -- per reproductive cycle, which can occur at least 8-10 time in a single year. To do this the queen first acquires a reproduction male as her mate. Though, queens are extremely picky when it comes to choosing her mate as she always wants one to produce the strongest larval. The queen is substantially larger than the other castes of the race, with distended, egg-producing abdomen and thick legs. It is unlikely that a single queen can support an entire species so there are probably multiple, though possibly subordinate, queens.

Protector caste

Similar in function to the soldier caste within many Earth-based insect species, the protector caste is charged with defending the queen. The protector caste was used as the Gnimgian military, within Colony society and in the Hivivian military. Upon induction into the Hivivian this caste was artificially merged with the worker caste.

Worker caste

The worker caste is similar to the worker castes of similar function found within many eusocial Earth-based insect species. Gnimgian workers are likely responsible for creating the colonies and are likely employed by the Hivivian in custodial positions. When the Hivivian forced Gnimgian workers into combat positions on Deep Solace, several individuals became unusually clumsy and flustered; they became confused over the change in task.

Domestic caste

The domestic caste commonly includes fertile males, whose sole purpose is to mate with the queen and propagate the species. They are often kept separate from the rest of the colony, except for when they are needed for reproduction. The domestic caste also includes infertile females who tend to the larvae and young Gnimgian, as well as maintaining the colony's living quarters and food supply. They are otherwise responsible for the day-to-day running of the Gnimgian society and are highly valued for their nurturing and caregiving skills.

Homeworld and colonies

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Trade and economics

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Role in the Hivivian

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Relations with Other Hivivian Races

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Gnimgian Worker (engineering caste) by Thach

Biological overview

Scientific Name






Physical information

Average Height

3’ 8”

Average Weight

178 lb.

Average Length

5’ 2”


50 years (200 Earth years)

Societal Overview




9 trillion

Discovered by


Member of…

Hivivian Empire

Technological Level



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