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Governor-General of the Hierarchy

The Governor General of the Caniic Hierarchy is the chief administrative officer of the Caniic Hierarchy, the head of the Caniic Hierarchy Governorate and is the Commander-in-Chief of the Hierarchy Armed Forces.   The power of the governor-general has grown substantially since the office's establishment in 1910. While governormental power has ebbed and flowed over time, the governor-general has played an increasingly strong role in Caniic political life since the beginning of the 19th century, with a notable expansion during the time of Vualdetruda Lebuinsǫgr. In contemporary times, the governor-general is also looked upon as one of the caniic's most powerful political figures. As the leader of the race with the largest economy, the governor-general possesses significant domestic and international hard and soft power. As the leader of the Hierarchy, the governor-general possesses significant interplanetary and interracial powers.   The role of the governor-general is laid out in Chapter 10 of the Hierarchy Constitution. However, the office's qualifications, selection process and tenure are open to interpretation; they have been established by custom.



The process of selecting a new governor-general is an embodiment of the principle of enhancing the quality of leadership. As soon as a governor-general declares that he or she will not seek another term in office, the search for potential replacements begins. It is a tradition that the outgoing governor-general is expected to recommend individuals deemed suitable for the position. The number of recommendations could range from one to ten, which are then subjected to an intense scrutiny process carried out by the Security Council.   During the final year of the current governor-general's term, the candidates recommended are thoroughly evaluated by the Security Council. The Security Council is composed of seasoned leaders with vast experience in governance, security intelligence, and strategic management. They pore over every detail of the candidates' backgrounds, scrutinize their track records, and assess their potential for leading the Hierarchy.   It is not an easy process, and it is not something that can be done in haste. The individuals selected for the position of governor-general must not only be competent but must possess the character, experience, and temperament to govern the Hierarchy and ensure the stability of the Caniic nations. As the Council carries out its evaluation, each candidate is checked and rechecked for suitability. Those who make the cut are the ones with the most potential to lead the Hierarchy and have gained the Security Council's nomination.


Article X, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution sets three qualifications for holding the position of governor-general. To serve, one must:

  • Have served for a minimum of 35 years with the Hierarchy Armed Forces.

  • hold no membership or affiliation to a political party.

  • Have no criminal or insubordinate history.

A person who meets the above qualifications would, however, still be disqualified from holding the office of governor-general under either of the following conditions:

  • Under Article X, Section 2, Clause 5, having been impeached, convicted, and disqualified from holding further public office.

  • Under Section 4 of the Seventeenth Amendment, no person who swore an oath to support the Constitution, and later rebelled against the Hierarchy or any member nation, is eligible to hold any office. However, this disqualification can be lifted by a two-thirds vote of the Representative Assembly.


Nominees for governor-general are usually restricted to independent nominees, party nominees may be invited, such as Guthhere Laevenairsǫgr in 2101, and make their way to participate in public service apprenticeships, where they work with the existing governor-general to gain valuable experience and knowledge. During the process, nominees are tasked with showcasing their unique abilities and views, which are judged by the Security Council. This esteemed body considers all the attributes of the nominees before making their final nominations. The Security Council's role is crucial in ensuring that the best candidates are chosen, and the next governor-general upholds the values and principles of the caniic. Once the nominations are finalized, the Representative Assembly takes over and votes on the next governor-general.

Election and term of office

The election of the governor-general is a highly anticipated event in Caniic political life. After the Security Council's nominations, the Representative Assembly takes over and votes on the next governor-general. It is a lengthy process, with the election process lasting for several days or even weeks. Each member of the Representative Assembly cast their votes, and the nominee with the most votes emerges as the winner. The newly elected governor-general is then sworn into office, marking the beginning of their 10-year term.   During their term, the governor-general exercises significant power over Caniic political affairs. They oversee the executive branch of government, direct the Hierarchy Armed Forces as Commander-in-Chief, and represent Caniic interests both domestically and internationally. The governor-general's term can be extended for an additional 10 years with a two-thirds vote in the Representative Assembly. However, there is no limit to how many terms a governor-general can hold the position. This has led to some controversy in the past, with some accusing certain governor-generals of becoming too entrenched in the position, leading to a lack of fresh ideas and perspectives.

Oath of Office

Upon assuming the position of governor-general, the newly elected official must take the Oath of Office, as laid out in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution:   "I, [name], do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of Governor-General of the Caniic Hierarchy, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Hierarchy, and the Caniic way of life."   The Oath of Office holds great significance in Caniic political life. It serves as a reminder to the governor-general and all who hold public office that they are accountable to the people and bound by their duty to uphold the law and protect meritocratic ideals.

Vacancies and succession

Under Section 1 of the Twentieth Amendment, ratified in 2125, if the governor-general should be removed from office, die, or resign from office without nominating a suitable replacement, the lieutenant governor-general takes over until the Security Council can nominate an appropriate successor(s). If no suitable successor(s) is nominated within one year's time, the lieutenant governor-general is officially sworn in as the new governor-general. Deaths have occurred a few times, resignation has occurred several times, and removal from office has never occurred.

Powers and duties

The role of the governor-general is described as combining the functions and responsibilities of an advocate, diplomat, civil servant, and chief executive officer. The Caniic Hierarchy Constitution designates the governor-general as the "chief administrative officer" of the Caniic Hierarchy and allows them to perform "such other functions as are entrusted" by other Caniic Hierarchy organs. The Constitution also empowers the governor-general to inform the Security Council of "any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international or colonial peace and security". These provisions have been interpreted as providing broad leeway for officeholders to serve a variety of roles as suited to their preferences, skill set, or circumstances.   The governor-general's routine duties include overseeing the activities and duties of the governorate; attending sessions with Caniic Hierarchy bodies; consulting with Tigriic and Sauruanian leaders, national government officials, and other stakeholders; and travelling Hierarchy space to engage with global and colonial constituents and bring attention to certain international or colonial issues. The governor-general publishes an annual report on the work of the Hierarchy, which includes an assessment of its activities and an outline future priorities.


The official residence of the governor-general is a longhouse at 12 Memorial Park, Hagis City, Corga. The longhouse was built in 1918 and donated to the Caniic Hierarchy in 1920. Ithin Sakdarsǫgr was the only governor-general that did not live in the residence.

List of governors-general



Dates in office
Country of origin
Reason of withdrawal

Ithin Sakdarsǫgr

(1858 – 1926)

Apral 19, 1910 – Jonuariic 1, 1920 Andractiic Declined to stand for a second election.

Airre 'Light-Foot' Vazixareinsǫgr

(1877 – 1939)

Jonuariic 1, 1920 – Jun 16, 1939 Andractiic Died

Kyn Frømundsǫgr

(1872 – 1959)

Jun 16, 1939 - Jonuariic 1, 1940 Amadoriic Served as acting governor-general until Iveer the Fang's election.

Iveer ‘The Fang’ Vaniisǫgr

(1892 – 1977)

Jonuariic 1, 1940 – Jonuariic 1, 1970 Corga Retired

Vualdetruda Lebuinsǫgr

(1920 – 2011)

Jonuariic 1, 1970 – Jonuariic 1, 2000 Floniic Declined to stand for a fourth election.

Skurfa Airresǫgr

(1950 – 2057)

Jonuariic 1, 2000 – Jonuariic 1, 2015 Andractiic resigned

Aancum Caprakanjóttar

(1972 – 2060)

Jonuariic 1, 2015 – Jonuariic 1, 2032 Norii'c resigned

Guthhere Xavieaxsǫgr

(1980 – 2067)

Jonuariic 1, 2032 – Jonuariic 1, 2050 Corga retired

Atiyeh Maaloufsǫgr

(2008 – 2097)

Jonuariic 1, 2050 – Jonuariic 1, 2074 Yu'toriic resigned


(2015 – 2099)

Jonuariic 1, 2074 – Meia 18, 2099 New Viranii died

Morgenstern Menningersǫgr

(2049 – 2131)

Jonuariic 1, 2100 – Jonuariic 1, 2126 Surram resigned due to illness

Kiver Kynjóttar

(2055 – 2145)

Jonuariic 1, 2126 – Jun 39, 2145 Andractiic died; Assassinated by Härja-Eirǫrðr insurgents

Shuren Zhengsǫgr

(2089 – 2176)

Jun 39, 2145 – Jonuariic 1, 2160 Cactiica resigned

Arudara Kikerusǫgr

(2095 – 2188)

Jonuariic 1, 2160 - Disimpar 61, 2185 Mytariic retired/resigned

Riccarda Goswinsǫgr

(2143 – 2217)

Jonuariic 1, 2186 - Jonuariic 1, 2206 Amadoriic resigned

Alhfrith Warrersǫgr

(2165 – 2223)

Jonuariic 1, 2206 - Julay 19, 2223 Meeradoriic died

Pekár Matejsǫgr

(2158 – 2241)

Julay 25, 2223 - Jonuariic 1, 2230 Doractic retired

Hjorleif Grimsǫgr

(2169 – 2242)

Jonuariic 1, 2230 - Jonuariic 1, 2240 Andractiic Declined to stand for a second election.

Arn Asesǫgr

(2192 – 2276)

Jonuariic 1, 2240 - Jonuariic 1, 2250 Corga Declined to stand for a second election.

Pinaruti Nashujasǫgr

(2198 – 2288)

Jonuariic 1, 2250 - Jonuariic 1, 2260 Mytariic Declined to stand for a second election.

Taurin Evroultsǫgr

(2212 – 2297)

Jonuariic 1, 2260 - Jonuariic 1, 2270 Floniic Declined to stand for a second election.

Fu Qiangjóttar

(2219 – 2299)

Jonuariic 1, 2270 - Jonuariic 1, 2280 Cactiica Declined to stand for a second election.

Ahau-Chamahez Tzultacajsǫgr

(2228 – 2305)

Jonuariic 1, 2280 - Jonuariic 1, 2300 Norii'c Declined to stand for a third election.

Nino Brunnerjóttar

(2240 – 2328)

Jonuariic 1, 2300 - Jonuariic 1, 2310 Surram retired after one term.

Assa Nahassǫgr

(2240 – 2339)

Jonuariic 1, 2310 - Jonuariic 1, 2320 Yu'toriic Declined to stand for a second election.

Zannax Worefixsǫgr

(2262 – 2344)

Jonuariic 1, 2320 - Jonuariic 1, 2330 Andractiic Declined to stand for a second election.

Khalil Abduljóttar

(2277 – 2362)

Jonuariic 1, 2330 - Jonuariic 1, 2340 New Viranii retired after one term.

Eumer Aednothsǫgr

(2290 – 2376)

Jonuariic 1, 2340 - Jonuariic 1, 2350 Meeradoriic Declined to stand for a second election.

Ingolf Alramsǫgr

(2300 – 2379)

Jonuariic 1, 2350 - Jonuariic 1, 2360 Amadoriic Declined to stand for a second election.

Andrej Hodžajóttar

(2303 – 2396)

Jonuariic 1, 2360 - Jonuariic 1, 2370 Doractic Declined to stand for a second election.

Appius Caristaniussǫgr

(2314 – 2399)

Jonuariic 1, 2370 - Jonuariic 1, 2380 Corga Declined to stand for a second election.

Carius Moniusjóttar

(2333 – 2417)

Jonuariic 1, 2380 - Jonuariic 1, 2400 Corga retired after serving two full terms.

Kitanetos Asijakasǫgr

(2370 – 2467)

Jonuariic 1, 2400 - Jonuariic 1, 2420 Mytariic Declined to stand for a second election.

Tian Zhengsǫgr

(2357 – 2441)

Jonuariic 1, 2420 - Jonuariic 1, 2430 Cactiica Declined to stand for a second election.

Laurentius Jitussǫgr

(2388 – 2468)

Jonuariic 1, 2430 - Jonuariic 1, 2450 Corga Declined to stand for a third election.

Sadara Thigarujóttar

(2403 – 2492)

Jonuariic 1, 2450 - Jonuariic 1, 2480 Yu'toriic retired after three full terms.

Ulfrik Iron Eye

(2401 – 2497)

Jonuariic 1, 2480 - Aogus 41, 2497 Andractiic died of old age during his second term.

Liut Thormarsǫgr

(2443 – 2527)

Aogus 42, 2497 - Jonuariic 1, 2500 Andractiic Resigned, declined to stand for an election.

Enurchus Lebuinsǫgr

(2465 – 2554)

Jonuariic 1, 2500 - Jonuariic 1, 2540 Floniic Declined to stand for a fifth election.

Aancum Kawilsǫgr

(2475 – 2578)

Jonuariic 1, 2540 - Jonuariic 1, 2570 Norii'c Declined to stand for a fourth election.

Ghassaan Ridwaansǫgr

(2500 – 2598)

Jonuariic 1, 2570 - Novimpar 37, 2598 New Viranii Assassinated while serving a third term.

Aron Giselhersǫgr

(2556 – 2637)

Novimpar 40, 2598 - Jonuariic 1, 2600 Amadoriic Served as acting governor-general until Čiernik's election.

Čiernik Bartošsǫgr

(2560 – 2659)

Jonuariic 1, 2600 – Jonuariic 1, 2630 Doractic Declined to stand for a fourth election.

Jan Kolleksǫgr

(2576 – 2688)

Jonuariic 1, 2630 – Jonuariic 1, 2640 Surram Retired after one full term.

Chafer Mearcredsǫgr

(2588 – 2666)

Jonuariic 1, 2640 – Jonuariic 1, 2650 Meeradoriic Retired after one full term.

Censorinus Wentorsǫgr

(2595 – 2689)

Jonuariic 1, 2650 – Jonuariic 1, 2660 Corga Retired after one full term.

Peng Yusǫgr

(2602 – 2698)

Jonuariic 1, 2660 – Jonuariic 1, 2670 Cactiica Retired after one full term.

Kakra Samirjóttar

(b. 2635)

Jonuariic 1, 2670 – Jonuariic 1, 2680 Yu'toriic Retired after one full term.

Ariadnh Didikasejóttar

(b. 2645)

Jonuariic 1, 2680 – Jonuariic 1, 2700 Mytariic Retired after two full terms.

Kaplan Arronsǫgr

(2640 – 2716)

Jonuariic 1, 2700 – Jonuariic 1, 2710 Surram Declined to stand for a second election.

Sacherather Kyrjóttar

(b. 2655)

Jonuariic 1, 2710 – Jonuariic 1, 2720 Andractiic Declined to stand for a second election.

Jaal Vaniisǫgr

(b. 2655)

Jonuariic 1, 2720 – Incumbent Corga

Governor-General of the Hierarchy


since Jonuariic 1, 2720



His Excellency (informal)

Sir (formal)

Governor-General (diplomatic)

Member of


Representative Assembly

Residence Governor-General's Longhouse

Seat Hagis, Corga

Recommended by previous Governor-General

Nominator Security Council

Appointer Representative Assembly

Term limit No limit

Term length 10 years; repeatable with a 2/3 majority vote in the Representative Assembly

Constituting instrument Constitution of the Hierarchy

Formation Apral 19, 1910

First holder Ithin Sakdarsǫgr

Salary ð285,500 per year


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