Madison Lorne
Major Madison Emily Lorne (service number 45460-67592-ML) is a servicewoman of the United Space Command Air Force. Madison was originally a boy named Dylan, but after a 'Truth or Dare' bet which involved her to break into the local hospital and change herself to female. Unfortunately, to her dismay, the effects were permanent and she was suck living as a girl for the rest of her life. Today, she has mostly accepted her female life, though she wishes she could go back and refuse the dare but the past is the past and there is no changing it. Regardless, she is still quite happy with the life she's built, as she is a proud wife and mother of five daughters and one son.
Madison, like her mother, became a teen mom at the age of 15 nine months after becoming female when she slept with her best friend one week after her transformation. Madison loved being pregnant, so much in fact that she kept doing it and has no plans to stop until she can't get pregnant again.
Biographical Information
BornJune 23, 2700
Personal Details
ParentsAustin Conner (father)
Erica Lorne (mother)
SiblingMatthew Lorne (twin brother)
SpouseMichael Dillon (husband)
ChildrenAbigail Dillon (daughter)
Nicole Dillon (daughter)
Phoebe Dillon (daughter)
Trenton Dillon (son)
Makenzie Dillon (daughter)
Brianna Dillon (daughter)