Nin'aes Species in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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The Nin'aes are an advanced bipedal race of trochilidae amphibians. They are members of the Hivivian Empire having joined sometime after the Gnimgian, and have became vital to the Empire due to their advanced piloting skills and their ability to become invisible and blend-in with their surroundings.


Anatomy & physiology

The Nin'aes are a bipedal species that shares many similarities with both hummingbirds and axolotl amphibians. They are warm-blooded and reproduce by laying eggs. With their four fingers including an opposable thumb, allows for an advantageous hand structure in wielding a wide range of tools. In terms of circulatory system, Nin'aes have five compartments in their heart, allowing for an incredibly efficient oxygen transport system. Their red blood is due to hemoglobin, which contains iron. Nin'aes have two lungs that primarily function in a nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere.   Their skin has chromatophores - cells that change color to match their environment - which provide the Nin'aes with their extraordinary camouflage abilities. This ability has proven invaluable in reconnaissance and stealth operations within the Hivivian military. Their head bears similarities to a hummingbird, with a long, slender beak and small black eyes that glint with a sharp intelligence. Their eyesight is especially keen, allowing them to see into the ultraviolet spectrum, which aids them in navigation and targeting during flight.   The Nin'aes's wings are a marvel of their physiology; they retract when not in use and extend gracefully from their backs. These wings, coated with a fine layer of iridescent scales, beat rapidly and can carry them at impressive speeds – up to 200 mph in short bursts. Each wing has an intricate structure of bone and muscle, allowing for precise movements.


The genetic makeup of the Nin'aes is a tapestry woven with resilience and adaptability. Their DNA is comprised of an unusual sequence that provides resistance to many forms of disease and toxins found on their homeworld. In addition, they have an accelerated rate of cellular regeneration, which allows them to recover from injuries that would otherwise be crippling or fatal to other races. This regenerative capability also extends to their limbs, allowing them to regrow lost or damaged ones over time.   Their DNA is a combination of genes from both amphibians and avians. This hybridization has resulted in the Nin'aes's ability to thrive in both aquatic and ground-based environments. They are able to hold their breath for extended periods of time, as well as fly at great heights using their powerful wings.   The Nin'aes also possess a unique genetic trait known as "genetic memory." This allows them to remember things from their ancestors' lives. It also contributes to their advanced piloting skills, as they can draw upon past experiences from other members of their race. This genetic diversity has made the Nin'aes invaluable members of the Hivivian Empire. They are often sought after for their knowledge and skills in both scientific and military endeavors. Despite this, they remain humble creatures with a strong sense of community and loyalty towards one another.

Reproduction and Life cycle

The Nin'aes are oviparous, with females laying eggs in clusters of no more than 5-10, which are then carefully tended to in specialized nurseries. Once the eggs are laid, the incubation period begins. The length of this period is typically around two months. During this time, the eggs are constantly monitored and maintained by a group of caretakers within the nursery. When the eggs finally hatch, small humanoid babies are born. Their bodies are soft and malleable at this stage. Infants are cared for by their mothers and caretakers.   As they grow, Nin'aes go through several distinct stages of development. The first stage is infancy, which lasts for about two years. During this time, they learn basic survival skills such as swimming and flying. They also develop a strong bond with their family and community members. After infancy comes childhood, which typically lasts until they reach puberty at around 12-15 years old. During this time, they continue to refine their skills and start taking on more responsibilities within their community. Adolescence follows next, where Nin'aes experience physical changes as they transition into adulthood. This stage can last for several years as they mature mentally and emotionally. Nin'aes reach adulthood at around 20-25 years old. At this point, they have reached their full size and physical capabilities.   The life expectancy of a Nin'aes is around 120 to 220 years – longer than humans, caniic, or tigriic, but relatively average compared to other races within the Hivivian Empire. The longevity of Nin'aes can be attributed to their regenerative capabilities. Aging in Nin'aes is a graceful process - they do not show outward signs of age until they're well into their first century. The color of their skin does darken slightly as they age, which is seen as a mark of wisdom and experience within their community. To keep their minds sharp, elderly Nin'aes women partake in mentoring roles, transferring the knowledge and skills they have acquired over the years to younger generations.


The Nin'aes are primarily a herbivorous race, with a diet consisting of plants, fruits, and seeds found on their homeworld. Their digestive system is highly adapted to process these foods efficiently, extracting maximum nutrients from each meal.   One of the key factors in the Nin'aes's ability to thrive in different environments is their adaptability when it comes to food. In their lush, tropical forests, they have access to a vast array of fruits and vegetables that provide them with all the necessary vitamins and minerals for a healthy lifestyle. Some of their favorite fruits include sweet melons, juicy berries, and tangy citrus fruits. In times of scarcity or when faced with less hospitable environments, the Nin'aes are able to adjust their diet accordingly. They have specialized enzymes that allow them to break down tougher vegetation such as fibrous grasses and leaves that may be toxic to other species. This adaptation gives them an advantage in survival situations where food may be scarce.   Their metabolism is highly efficient, allowing them to extract maximum nutrients from whatever they consume. This makes them well-suited for long periods without food, as they can sustain themselves on smaller meals for extended periods. Despite being mainly plant-based eaters, the Nin'aes are also known for occasional meat consumption.   The Nin'aes's advanced genetic makeup also allows them to process a wide range of foods that would otherwise be harmful or toxic to other species. This includes plants with high levels of toxins or poisons that would typically be avoided by other creatures.

Psychology & Intelligence

The psychology of the Nin'aes is deeply rooted in their environment and community. Their unique biology, including their advanced intelligence and adaptability, plays a crucial role in shaping their behavior and social interactions. Their intelligence is not just measured by their cognitive abilities but also by their emotional and social intelligence. The Nin'aes possess a deep empathy for the living beings around them and exhibit an unparalleled level of cooperation and altruism within their society.   Their strong sense of community plays a significant role in shaping their psychology as well. From a young age, Nin'aes infants are raised in close-knit communities where they learn the importance of cooperation, sharing, and mutual support. As they grow older, these values are reinforced through daily interactions with other members of their tribe.   The Nin'aes also have a deep connection to nature and see themselves as stewards of their environment. This results in a strong sense of responsibility towards preserving the balance between living beings on their planet. In terms of intelligence, the Nin'aes possess advanced problem-solving skills due to their highly adaptable nature. They are quick learners and can adjust to new situations with ease, making them well-equipped to handle challenges that may arise in different environments. Their ability to communicate effectively with one another also contributes to their high levels of intelligence. Being able to understand each other's needs, thoughts, and emotions allows for efficient problem-solving and decision-making within their society.


Nin'aes culture is a blend of militaristic efficiency, artistic expression, and philosophical contemplation. It is heavily influenced by their biology and environment, as well as their strong sense of community.   Traditionally, the Nin'aes are organized into small tribes led by a matriarchal figure known as the "Tur'hann." These tribes were highly cooperative, with each member playing a crucial role in the survival of the group. One of the most prominent features of Nin'aes culture is its militaristic efficiency. Being constantly faced with harsh environments and threats from other species, the Nin'aes have developed a strong warrior culture to ensure their survival.   Nin'aes warriors are highly skilled in combat, utilizing a combination of advanced technology and hand-to-hand combat techniques. They are also trained in tactics and strategy, making them formidable opponents in battle. Despite this focus on warfare, the Nin'aes also prioritize efficiency in all aspects of their society. This can be seen in their organization and division of labor within their communities. Each member has a specific role based on their strengths and abilities, allowing for maximum productivity and resource management.   In contrast to their militaristic side, the Nin'aes also value creativity and artistic expression. They believe that harmony between body and mind is essential for overall well-being. Philosophy also holds an important place in Nin'aes culture. Their deep connection to nature has led them to ponder the mysteries of life and existence. They believe that everything is interconnected, and understanding this interconnectedness leads to wisdom and enlightenment.


Nin'aes communicate through a sophisticated language called "Laeth Siv'an,". This language is as much about melody and rhythm as it is about syntax and lexicon. Each phrase is like a brushstroke on a canvas, painting vivid images within the listener's mind. Their communication is rich with nuance, with a single variation in tone or inflection changing the meaning of a sentence entirely. Laeth Siv'an is not merely spoken; it is performed, with each conversation becoming a dance of words and gestures that convey far more than the sum of their parts.   In their language, each word and sentence is carefully chosen, with layers of meaning and intention woven into every utterance. It is a language that demands great attention and respect from both speaker and listener, for misinterpretation can lead to significant misunderstandings. The complexity of Laeth Siv'an reflects the Nin'aes' intricate thought processes and their appreciation for depth and subtlety in both speech and action. To those outside the Nin'aes community, learning Laeth Siv'an can be a daunting task, akin to deciphering an arcane script full of riddles and enigmas.


The Nin'aes are known for their harmonious integration of technology and nature, and this is reflected in their architecture. Their cities are designed to coexist with the surrounding environment, utilizing sustainable building practices and materials. One of the most striking features of Nin'aes architecture is its use of living roofs. These roofs are covered in a layer of soil and vegetation, which not only provides insulation but also helps to purify the air and regulate temperature. This allows their buildings to blend seamlessly into the natural landscape, minimizing disruption to the environment.   The construction techniques used by the Nin'aes are advanced and efficient. They make use of local materials such as wood, stone, and clay but also utilize advanced composites that are both lightweight and durable. This combination results in sturdy yet visually stunning structures that can withstand even the harshest environments. Another defining feature of Nin'aes architecture is its practicality. Each building serves a specific purpose within their community, and every detail is carefully planned for maximum efficiency. The layout of their cities reflects this practicality as well, with easily navigable streets and pathways connecting different areas. But beyond its functionality and sustainability, Nin'aes architecture also holds deep symbolic meaning. The shapes and patterns found in their designs often represent philosophical concepts such as balance, harmony, and interconnectedness. The beauty and intricacy of their buildings serve as a testament to the Nin'aes' appreciation for both nature and technology.

Tools and technologies

The Nin'aes have always been a highly inventive and technologically advanced race. From an early age, they are taught to think critically and creatively, and this mindset is reflected in the development of their tools and technologies. Their advanced intelligence also allows them to understand complex systems and come up with innovative solutions to problems. As a result, the Nin'aes have created a wide range of tools and technologies that have greatly improved their quality of life.   One of the most significant advancements made by the Nin'aes is their energy source, known as "Aethanite." This powerful crystal can be harnessed to power any tool or technology, from simple household items to advanced weaponry and starships. Aethanite is found in abundance on their homeplanet, making it readily available for use.   In terms of day-to-day tools, the Nin'aes make use of both traditional and high-tech options. For tasks such as farming and construction, they utilize hybrid machines that combine ancient principles with modern technology. These machines are powered by Aethanite and can perform tasks much faster than manual labor. In addition to practical tools, the Nin'aes also place great importance on artistic expression and creativity. They have developed advanced equipment for various forms of art, including musical instruments that produce otherworldly sounds and paints that can shift colors depending on the light.   One area where the Nin'aes excel is in medical technology. Due to their advanced understanding of biology and physiology, they have developed highly sophisticated medical tools that can detect even the smallest abnormalities within a body. They also make use of Aethanite-powered devices for treatments such as tissue regeneration. But perhaps one of the most impressive aspects of Nin'aes technology is their transportation system. Using Aethanite-powered engines, they have created sleek starships capable of traveling at incredible speeds. These ships not only serve as means of transportation between planets but also as advanced research vessels.   The Nin'aes see technology not just as a means to an end, but as an integral part of their identity and culture. This perspective is reflected in their constant pursuit for innovation and improvement, not only to serve practical purposes but also to push boundaries of the mind and spirit.


Nin'aes society is built upon a strong sense of community and cooperation. Their cities are designed to promote interaction and collaboration, with communal spaces for gatherings and activities. The concept of private property does not exist in their society, as they believe that resources should be shared among all members for the benefit of everyone. Education is highly valued in Nin'aes society, and children are encouraged to pursue knowledge and understanding from a young age. They have a deep appreciation for wisdom and see it as the key to enlightenment. As a result, many Nin'aes spend their entire lives dedicated to learning and expanding their knowledge.   The Nin'aes also have a strong sense of empathy towards others. They see themselves as interconnected with all living beings in the universe, and strive to maintain harmonious relationships with them. Conflict resolution is highly valued among their society, and they often use peaceful means such as mediation and compromise to resolve disputes.   Their society is also notable for its egalitarianism. There is no concept of social hierarchy or class divisions among the Nin'aes. Every woman is seen as equal, regardless of their occupation or status. While men are seen as nothing. This creates a sense of unity and cooperation within their communities. Artistic expression is also highly valued in Nin'aes society. They have a deep appreciation for beauty and creativity, which can be seen in all aspects of their culture - from architecture to visual arts. Art serves both decorative and functional purposes in their daily lives.


The Nin'aes society is matriarchal, with women holding all positions of power and authority. This division of roles is deeply ingrained in their culture and has been practiced for millennias. Women are seen as the superior gender, possessing intelligence, strength, and leadership qualities. From birth, they are educated in the arts of governance, science, and warfare. They hold positions as rulers, scientists, engineers, and military commanders. Their physical strength is also highly valued, and they are often trained in martial arts from a young age.   Men are viewed as slaves to serve their society. They are primarily used for manual labor and sexual purposes. In Nin'aes society, male slaves are considered common property rather than individuals with rights. They have no say in matters of governance or decision-making but are expected to obey and fulfill their duties without question. This strict division of gender roles has created a rigid social structure where men and women have clearly defined roles within their society. The idea of questioning or challenging these roles is unheard of among the Nin'aes.   While this system may seem oppressive to non-Nin'aes species, it is seen as a harmony of purpose by the Nin'aes themselves. They believe that each gender has its strengths and weaknesses that complement each other. Women bring intelligence and strategic thinking to governance and warfare while men provide physical strength for labor and reproduction.   The relationships between genders in Nin'aes society are also different from what is typically seen in other cultures. Marriage does not exist among them; instead, women choose male companions for short periods based on mutual attraction or convenience. However, despite these strict gender roles and lack of traditional romantic relationships, there is still respect between genders within Nin'aes society. Both men and women value each other's contributions to their community's survival and function cohesively together.

Government and Politics

The Nin'aes government is a hierarchical theocratic monarchy with the Tur'hann, a reigning queen, at the head of state. She is revered as the embodiment of Nin'aes strength and wisdom: an esteemed symbol of the nation and its people. The Tur'hann holds complete power, with the final say in all matters concerning Nin'aes society. This includes decisions on governance, warfare, diplomacy, and resource allocation.   The Tur'hann is chosen through a combination of birthright and divine selection. The lineage of the Nin'aes royal family can be traced back to ancient times when their gods were believed to have descended from the heavens to guide and protect their people. As such, the ruling queen is seen as a sacred figure, chosen by their gods to lead their society. Below the Tur'hann are female officials who form the Grand Council. They provide guidance and counsel to the queen on important matters concerning Nin'aes society. These officials are selected based on their expertise in various areas such as science, technology, warfare, education, and agriculture. Each official oversees a specific sector and works closely with their respective departments to ensure efficient functioning. The Tur'hann's Handmaiden is considered her most trusted advisor and confidant. She is responsible for managing daily affairs within the palace and acts as a liaison between the queen and other officials.   Aside from these key positions, there are also various bureaucratic offices that handle day-to-day administrative tasks within Nin'aes society. In terms of political ideology, Nin'aes value efficiency above all else. Their political system prioritizes maintaining peace and order while ensuring maximum productivity for their community's survival. As such, individual rights are often disregarded in favor of societal needs.   While relatively stable in terms of internal affairs due to its strict hierarchy and centralized decision-making structure, Nin'aes society faces challenges in terms of external relations. Their fierce independence has led to a reputation of being standoffish and untrustworthy by other species.


The military of Nin'aes, referred to as the "Ti'harxen," is a formidable presence and the backbone of their society. Consisting solely of female warriors known as, Ina'es, this elite group has two main responsibilities: defending Nin'aes territory and enforcing the laws established by their leader, the Tur'hann. The Ti'harxen is an exclusive unit, with only those who pass rigorous physical and mental tests being accepted. Through intense training, these women not only become powerful warriors but also develop unwavering loyalty to the Tur'hann and Nin'aes.   One branch of the Ti'harxen is the "Zir'naeth," an elite guard tasked with protecting the Tur'hann. Chosen from the most skilled warriors, they are both feared in battle and fiercely devoted to both defense of the Tur'hann and their people. Their armor, made from the rare and highly prized metal Enderite, serves as a symbol of their strength and status. Some say that Zir'naeth can anticipate danger before it happens due to their extensive training and mystical connection to the Tur'hann. In addition to their impressive combat skills, the Ti'harxen also utilizes advanced technology in their weaponry, including plasma spears, retractable energy shields, and sonic disruptors that can immobilize foes with just a soundwave. Handling such equipment requires precision and strategic thinking, qualities ingrained in members of the Ti'harxen from an early age.   The Ti’harxen also has an air force known as "Kae'orin", consisting of aerial crafts designed for both in-atmosphere and space flight. Kae'orin pilots are specially selected from the Ti'harxen for their exceptional reflexes and spatial awareness, which are critical in the three-dimensional realm of aerial dogfights. Their crafts, known as "Rae'vels," are marvels of engineering, equipped with cloaking devices and armed with energy lances that can pierce through the hulls of enemy ships with surgical precision. The Rae'vels' agility and speed are unmatched, making them deadly adversaries in any skirmish above Nin'aes or in the depths of space.

Fashion and Dress

Nin'aes are known for their elegant sense of fashion, with a focus on simplicity and functionality. Their clothing is designed to be lightweight, allowing for ease of movement in their daily tasks and battles. The most common attire among females is a tunic or dress made from materials such as silk or linen. These garments often feature intricate patterns and designs in vibrant colors, showcasing the Nin'aes' appreciation for beauty and aesthetics. Skirts are also a popular choice among younger females, often paired with sandals. These skirts range in length depending on the wearer's preferences, with some opting for short skirts while others prefer longer ones that flow gracefully as they move. Skirts are not just seen as a fashion statement but also symbolize femininity and grace in Nin'aes society.   In battle, female warriors don armor made from the rare metal Enderite. This material can only be found on Nin'aes' homeworld and is highly sought after for its durability and resistance to energy-based attacks. The armor includes breastplates, helmets, greaves that cover the chest, head, wrists, and shins. In terms of weaponry, Nin’aes wield energy-based weapons, utilizing plasma technology to create powerful yet precise strikes against their enemies. The most common weapon is the plasma sword, known as a "Tal'in", and is a symbol of honor and courage. Plasma spears known as a "Kal'ero", are used by Ti'harxen vanguards valued as a symbol of status and rank. Plasma bows, called "Vir'anar", are used by archers and snipers, firing concentrated plasma beams with lethal accuracy.

Trade and economics

The Nin’aes are not known for their trading skills. This is a reflection of their strong sense of community and individualistic tendencies. As a result, trade and economics among the Nin’aes are minimal and often cause frustration and confusion for outsiders.   Nin’aes do not use any form of currency. Due to this lack of currency, trading with other species can also be challenging for the Nin’aes. They struggle to understand the concept of bartering, as it goes against their beliefs. This often leads to misunderstandings and conflicts with other Hivivian species who rely heavily on trade and commerce.   The Nin’aes also face difficulties when trying to trade within their own society. Without a form of currency or bartering system, it can be challenging to exchange goods or services with each other. This can lead to imbalances within different professions. Despite these challenges, the Nin’aes have found ways to adapt to trading with other species by relying on technology instead of traditional forms of payment. For example, they may offer technological advancements in exchange for goods from other species. However, this approach has its limitations and is not always possible.   In terms of economics, the Nin’aes prioritize sustainability over profit-driven ventures. Their focus on preserving nature extends into their economic practices as well. Resources are carefully managed and distributed among different communities to ensure that there is no overconsumption or waste. This approach may seem inefficient to other more economically aggressive species, but for the Nin’aes, it's the epitome of efficiency—balancing consumption with preservation.


Nin’aes are not strangers to conflict, and have engaged in it quite often throughout their history. Despite their intricate understanding of harmony within their society, discrepancies arise, particularly when it comes to the distribution and usage of resources. Their aversion to structured trade can lead to situations where certain communities feel disenfranchised or neglected.   Yet, the Nin’aes approach conflicts much differently than other species. They have a deeply ingrained tradition of ‘total war’, where conflicts are resolved by applying overwhelming force to completely subdue the opposition. This might seem paradoxical for a species that values harmony, but the Nin’aes see these decisive actions as a way to quickly restore balance and prevent lingering hostilities.   The Nin’aes employ a unique system in their approach to conflict - the Tri’Eka. The Tri’Eka is a council of three individuals chosen for their deep understanding of Nin'aes philosophy and their ability to remain unbiased in the face of discord. When a conflict arises, the Tri’Eka is convened to mediate and facilitate a resolution that honors the fundamental principles of balance and sustainability that the Nin’aes hold dear. These mediators work tirelessly, often engaging in intense dialogues that may last for days or even weeks, to ensure that each party's concerns are acknowledged and addressed. The goal is not simply to end the conflict but to improve the underlying relationships and prevent future issues.

Role within the Hivivian

Despite their reputation as fierce warriors, the Nin'aes are often relegated to roles of engineers and pilots within the Hivivian Empire. This is a source of frustration for many Nin'aes, who feel that their natural skills and abilities are being overlooked and undervalued.   One of the primary reasons for this lies in the rigid hierarchy of the Hivivian Empire. Each species within the empire is assigned a specific role based on their perceived strengths and abilities. The Nin'aes have been classified as technologically proficient, with a particular aptitude for engineering and piloting. As such, they are often assigned to work on maintaining the empire's fleet of starships. This hierarchical structure also extends to military roles, with each species having designated combat units based on their perceived strength in battle. However, despite their prowess as warriors, the Nin'aes have been assigned to support roles rather than being given a chance to prove themselves on the frontlines.   This relegation has caused tension between the Nin'aes and other species within the empire. The Nin'aes feel undervalued and resentful of being limited to roles that do not fully utilize their skills. On the other hand, other species often underestimate or dismiss the Nin'aes due to their peaceful lifestyle and lack of visible military presence. However, despite these challenges, some Nin'aes have managed to break through these stereotypes and rise through the ranks within the empire. These individuals have proven themselves not only as skilled engineers but also as capable strategists and leaders during times of conflict.   In recent years, there has been a growing movement among younger generations of Nin'aes to challenge these restrictions placed upon them by the empire's hierarchy. They argue for more opportunities for combat training and combat roles, believing that it would not only benefit them but also strengthen the empire's military capabilities overall.

Relations with Other Hivivian Species

The Nin'aes have questionable relations among other Hivivian species, particularly because of the Nin'aes’s lack of any proper economic system or widespread diplomacy. This lack of economic prowess often leads to a dependency on the more financially dominant species within the Hivivian Empire, which creates a paradoxical relationship. Many other species within the Hivivian Empire see the Nin'aes as too focused on traditional values, which at times leads to friction within the intricate political web of the Empire.   Since the early 2200s, there has been a fifth column of Nin'aes that have been working closely with the Staazi to under mind the oppressive rule of the Hivivian and dismantle the Empire from within. This secret collaboration was born of a shared vision for a more egalitarian system, where each species’ abilities were recognized and fairly integrated into the workings of a revitalized confederation. The Staazi, who were forced into the Hivivian as political mediators provided the Nin'aes with critical insights into the political machinations of the Empire, enabling them to maneuver skillfully and discreetly through the political landscape with greater dexterity. The Nin'aes, often underestimated, used this to their advantage, positioning themselves in roles where they could gather information and influence decisions subtly.

Biological overview

Scientific Name




Physical information

Average Height

5' 9"

Average Weight

167 lb.


120 - 220 years

Sociocultural information





Member of...

Hivivian Empire

Technological Level

Native Tier-3/Adopted Tier-2


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