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Pheonope, or Urkonka IV, is the fourth planet of the Urkonka system within the Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Pheonope is a volcanic forested world that has been ravaged by prolonged conflict and war, serving as the homeworld of the Becceorian species. Pheonope shares a comparable size to Earth, with a diameter measuring approximately 15,399 kilometers, but its gravitational force is significantly stronger, reaching a gravity of 29.421 m/s². This intense pull creates challenging conditions on the planet's surface.   The Pheonope's atmosphere is composed of a mix of gases, primarily consisting of Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon Dioxide. However, it also contains traces of Methane, Sulfur, and Argon, contributing to the unique chemical makeup of the air. The temperature on Pheonope experiences significant fluctuations, ranging from a chilling -15°C (5°F) to a scorching 52°C (125.6°F). These extreme temperature variations are a result of the planet's volcanic nature and the range of geothermal activities that occur within its diverse topography.


Pheonope's geography is diverse and ever-changing, shaped by ongoing volcanic activity and the effects of war. The planet's surface is marked by towering mountains, deep valleys, and vast craters. Its landscape is a combination of rocky terrain, dense forests, and dozens of active volcanoes. The planet's most prominent feature is the Great Divide, a massive canyon that runs along its equator and separates the northern and southern hemispheres. The Great Divide is over 10 kilometers deep, 9.6 kilometers wide, and can be seen from orbit.   Another significant geological feature on Pheonope is the Ringed Mountain Range. These mountains stretch across the planet's northern hemisphere and are known for their unique shape – each mountain has a large crater at its peak, creating a ring-like structure. These craters were formed by meteor strikes during Pheonope's early years and have since been filled with lush vegetation.   The southern hemisphere of Pheonope is dominated by the Great Plateau, an expansive flatland covered in dense forests. This region has seen extensive damage from wars fought over control of natural resources, leaving behind scars in the form of large craters and barren patches. However, despite the destruction caused by war, Pheonope's forests remain teeming with life. The plant life on this planet has evolved to tolerate extreme temperatures and high levels of ash in the air. Trees here grow incredibly tall to reach sunlight above the haze, their trunks reinforced with thick bark to withstand volcanic eruptions.   Pheonope also has three moons orbiting around it – Gavrona, Riltohoma, and Beldaros. These moons have influenced the planet's tides and plays a significant role in shaping its terrain through volcanic activities.


Pheonope's climate is heavily influenced by its active volcanoes, which constantly release heat and gases into the atmosphere. This creates a thick layer of smog that traps in heat, resulting in warmer temperatures overall. However, the planet's diverse topography also plays a role in creating different climates across its surface.   The northern hemisphere of Pheonope experiences more extreme temperatures due to the presence of the Great Divide. The high cliffs and deep valleys block out sunlight and trap in heat, leading to scorching hot summers and bitterly cold winters. The Ringed Mountain Range also contributes to this temperature difference, with the craters acting as natural wind tunnels that can intensify storms. In contrast, the southern hemisphere has a more temperate climate, thanks to its vast forests and lower elevation. The dense vegetation helps regulate temperatures and create more stable weather patterns. However, this region is also prone to frequent dust storms caused by strong winds picking up ash from nearby volcanoes.   Throughout the planet, there are also regions known as "ash deserts" – areas where volcanic ash has accumulated over time, making it difficult for plants to grow. These deserts have their own microclimate, with higher temperatures due to the dark color of the ash absorbing more sunlight.   The moons of Pheonope also have an impact on its climate through tides and gravitational pull. Gavrona, the largest moon, has a particularly strong influence on Pheonope's oceans and can cause large waves during high tide. Riltohoma and Beldaros have smaller effects but still contribute to Pheonope's changing weather patterns.

Biodiversity and conservation

Pheonope is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, with many species unique to the planet due to its extreme environment. The constant volcanic activity has shaped the evolution of these species, making them resilient and adaptable to survive in harsh conditions.   One of the most iconic creatures on Pheonope is the Pyrovolt. These large, flightless birds have evolved thick feathers that protect them from the intense heat and ash in the air. They are able to thrive in environments that would be uninhabitable for most other animals. Pyrovolts are also skilled hunters, using their powerful beaks and claws to catch prey such as small mammals and insects.   Another notable species on Pheonope is the Lava Lizard. These six-legged reptiles have adapted to withstand extreme temperatures by burrowing underground or climbing trees during eruptions. Their thick scales protect them from the intense heat, and their ability to store water in specialized organs allows them to survive long periods without water.   Aside from these iconic creatures, Pheonope also has a vast array of plant life. The forests are filled with different species of mosses, ferns, and flowering plants that have developed unique adaptations to thrive in acidic soil and high levels of ash. Pheonope's forests are also home to towering trees, growing so tall they reach the height of mountains. These trees have strong, fire-resistant bark that allows them to withstand volcanic eruptions and regenerate quickly afterwards.   Despite this rich diversity, Pheonope's environment is constantly threatened by war and conflict between different becceorian factions. The destruction caused by these conflicts not only takes a toll on becceorian lives but also on the planet's delicate ecosystem.

Known residents

The only known residents of Pheonope are the Becceorian, a species of violent and territorial gorilla-like beings. They are the dominant species on the planet and have played a significant role in shaping its current state.   The Becceorian have a complex society, with different tribes and factions constantly at war with each other. Their history is marked by continuous civil wars and destructive behavior, with each faction vying for control over resources and territory. Despite their similarities in appearance, the Becceorian are divided into distinct classes based on physical characteristics, such as size and strength. The larger and more muscular members of society are considered superior and hold positions of power, while smaller or weaker individuals often face discrimination and oppression.   Becceorian have a deep hatred for nature. This disdain for their environment is evident in their constant destruction of forests for resources and their disregard for wildlife. They see nature as something to be conquered rather than respected, leading to severe consequences for Pheonope's ecosystem. The Becceorian's violent tendencies are also reflected in their technology, which is often very crude with guns featuring blades on them.

Government and society


Pheonope's economy is heavily dependent on the extraction and trade of its natural resources. The planet has rich deposits of magnetized iron, as well as other valuable minerals such as gold, platinum, and rare earth elements. These resources are highly sought after in the intergalactic market and are a significant source of wealth for the Becceorian.   The Becceorian control most of the mining operations on Pheonope, using their superior strength and ferocity to intimidate or eliminate any potential competitors. They have developed technology to aid in their mining efforts, including powerful drills and explosives to extract minerals from deep within the planet's crust.   The Becceorian have no bartering system for trade among themselves, and instead they take what they want, however, when dealing with other planets or species within the Hivivian collective, they primarily use credits as currency. Becceorian take great pride in their economy and view it as a measure of their strength and dominance. They see the ability to control and exploit their environment for resources as proof of their superiority over other lifeforms.


The government structure on Pheonope is highly complex and fragmented, with no single ruling authority. Instead, control of the planet is divided among different Becceorian factions, known as "master-packs," each with its own territory and resources.   The Aviks are one of the largest and most powerful master-packs on Pheonope. They are known for their brute strength and aggressive nature, making them formidable rulers. The Aviks' territory includes vast stretches of fertile land that they have taken from other master-packs through force.   The Condar is one of largest Aviks that is a fiercely independent, and primitive master-pack, known for their fierce loyalty to their traditional ways. They have maintained control over a large swath of land in the central region of Pheonope, which is rich in resources such as water and minerals.   The Surkir are another influential master-pack, known for their cunning and strategic thinking. They control most of the planet's mining operations and are considered to be the wealthiest faction on Pheonope. This wealth gives them significant power and influence over the other factions. Despite being divided into different factions, all Becceorian master-packs ultimately answer to the Hivivian Empire - a powerful galactic alliance comprising various alien species. The Hivivians hold significant sway over Pheonope's government, using their advanced technology and military might to enforce their rule.   Hierarchy within Becceorian society is based primarily on physical strength and size. Those who are larger and more muscular hold positions of power within the master-packs, while those who are smaller or weaker often face discrimination and oppression.   The government on Pheonope is highly militarized, with each master-pack maintaining its own army to protect its territory and resources. There have been numerous conflicts between these armies as they vie for dominance over certain territories or resources.


Pheonope's culture is heavily influenced by the Becceorian, a species known for their physical strength and aggressive nature. As a result of their constant wars and internal conflicts, the Becceorian have developed a deeply ingrained sense of militarism in their society. Violence and aggression are highly valued qualities among the Becceorian, with many seeking to prove their worth through feats of physical prowess and combat.   The culture on Pheonope centers around the concept of strength and power. Becceorian measure their worth by how physically strong they are, both individually and as a society. This obsession with strength extends to all aspects of life on Pheonope - from personal relationships to politics.   Becceorian also place great value on honor and loyalty. Those who demonstrate bravery and unwavering loyalty to their master-pack are highly respected within the society. However, betrayal is seen as the ultimate dishonor and is punished severely. Despite their barbaric nature, the Becceorian possess a remarkable level of innovation and creativity. They have channeled this into the creation of powerful weapons, advanced machinery, and other technologies. Their weapons range from crude yet deadly hand-to-hand combat tools to large-scale energy weapons capable of mass destruction.   Artistic expression is not highly valued in Becceorian culture. However, they do have a rich tradition of storytelling through epic poems and songs that glorify battles and heroic deeds.


The Becceorian are known for their brutal efficiency and ruthlessness in warfare. They have a long history of conflict and have honed their skills in both hand-to-hand combat and the use of advanced weapons provided to them by the Hivivian Empire. The Becceorian military is highly organized, with each master-pack maintaining its own army. These armies are divided into different units. Becceorian within these units are bred and trained from birth to be loyal warriors, with discipline being drilled into them through harsh training methods.   Combat is seen as the ultimate test of strength and honor among Becceorian, and every soldier strives to prove themselves in battle. As a result, battles on Pheonope are often intense and bloody, with little regard for collateral damage or casualties. Armor also plays a crucial role in Becceorian warfare. Their soldiers wear lightweight but durable armor made from a composite material that provides excellent protection while allowing for mobility during combat. This allows them to be agile and swift on the battlefield while still being well-protected.   Hierarchy within the military is based on rank and achievements in battle. At the top of the hierarchy are war chieftains - experienced leaders who have proven themselves in multiple battles. Below them are chieftains - skilled warriors who have risen through the ranks and been granted leadership positions. In addition to traditional battle tactics, the Becceorian also utilize advanced technology provided by the Hivivian Empire. This includes energy weapons, drones, and other high-tech machinery that give them an advantage on the battlefield. Despite their brutal nature in warfare, there is a sense of camaraderie among becceorian within the same master-pack. They often form close bonds and will go to great lengths to protect each other in battle.


by Dawood

Astrographical Information


Urkonka system



Orbital position

Fourth planet



Physical Information


15,399 kilometers (9,569 mi)


29.421 m/s²

Length of day

15 hours

Length of year



131.72 kPa (1.3 atm) (Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Sulfur, Argon)

Surface temperature

-15 °C to 52 °C (5 °F to 125.6 °F)

Societal Information


Becceorian (Homeworld)




Approx. 300 million


Pack/Alpha oriented/Warlike/Patriarchal

  • Avik (formerly; 1789 - 2647)

    • Condahr

    • Surkir


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