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Photon Nitrogen Grenade

A Photon Nitrogen Grenade is a handheld high explosive device used by the Caniic. The photon nitrogen grenade utilizes highly compressed and presserized photon energy and liquid nitrogen. The detonation of photon grenades produces a gamma-ray burst while releasing liquid nitrogen that will freeze, and disable any weapon system, and kill any personnel caught within the blast radius.   Photon nitrogen grenades can be fused to detonate on impact, on a timer, or via use of a small proximity sensor. This provides some functionality as a mine or booby-trap, though this is not the weapon's intended function.


The development of the Photon Nitrogen Grenade was a collaboration between the top scientists and engineers at Golden Helix Armory. It took almost two years to perfect the design of the weapon, with countless prototypes being tested and refined along the way.   The initial goal of the project was to create a weapon that could neutralize enemy forces without causing significant damage to infrastructure or property in the area. The Caniic armed forces wanted a more precise and efficient weapon that could eliminate threats without causing collateral damage.   After several failed attempts, the engineers at Golden Helix Armory finally produced a working prototype of the Photon Nitrogen Grenade in late 2020. The first successful test of the weapon was conducted in a controlled environment, and the results were outstanding. The grenade produced a powerful gamma-ray burst that disrupted all electronic devices within a 10-meter radius. Simultaneously, the release of liquid nitrogen caused the temperature to plummet, freezing anything in its path.

Service history

The Photon Nitrogen Grenade was quickly adopted by the Caniic military after its successful initial testing. It was rapidly deployed to frontline troops who used it to neutralize enemy forces without inflicting collateral damage on infrastructure or property. Since then, the grenade has been used extensively in various military operations, proving its effectiveness and dependability time and time again.   The technology behind the grenade has also been refined over time. Specialized variants of the weapon have been developed that are capable of targeting specific individuals or groups of targets in order to maximize their disruptive capabilities. This makes them especially useful in urban warfare scenarios where precision and control are paramount.   The Photon Nitrogen Grenade has become a symbol of the Caniic Hierarchy’s commitment to utilizing technology for maximum effectiveness on the battlefield. Its widespread adoption has made it an invaluable tool in winning battles and safeguarding Caniic citizens from hostile forces.


Design Details

The Photon Nitrogen Grenade has a sleek and compact design, with a diameter of 76.9mm and a height of 132mm. Its weight is 327.4g, making it light enough for soldiers to carry several at once without compromising mobility. The exterior is made of a durable polymer material that can withstand the harsh conditions of the battlefield, including extreme temperatures and impacts.   The interior of the grenade is complex and contains several key components that make it so effective. The core of the weapon is a small, powerful reactor that generates the gamma-ray burst when triggered. This is surrounded by a layer of liquid nitrogen that is kept at a constant low temperature by a cooling system. When the grenade is activated, the reactor sends a jolt of energy to the liquid nitrogen, causing it to freeze almost instantly and create a devastating blast of subzero temperatures.



The Photon Nitrogen Grenade is a highly versatile weapon that can be employed in a variety of tactical situations. Its main function is to disrupt electronic devices within a 10-meter radius of the blast while simultaneously freezing anything in its path, rendering it useless. This makes it an ideal tool for disabling enemy equipment such as vehicles, communication systems, and drones without causing permanent damage to the targeted infrastructure or caniic, tigriic, or sauruanian life.   However, its destructive capabilities do not stop there. The Photon Nitrogen Grenade is also capable of freezing and incapacitating enemy personnel within a 5-meter radius of the blast. The release of liquid nitrogen causes the temperature to plummet, freezing anything in its path, including organic matter. This makes it an extremely lethal weapon that can take down entire squads of enemies with a single well-placed explosion.   In addition to its offensive capabilities, the Photon Nitrogen Grenade also has defensive capabilities, making it an invaluable tool in keeping Caniic troops safe. The grenade's subzero temperatures also make it an effective tool for creating barriers and fortifications. By detonating several grenades in a line, soldiers can create a wall of ice that can serve as cover during a firefight or protect against incoming attacks.

Production Information


Golden Helix Armory


Hand grenade


early 2020s

Unit cost



2021 - present

Related Race









Blast Radius

6' in diameter

Service history

In service


Used by



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